Yonkers, NY- General Alarm Fire 03-08-23


Mar 1, 2007
Date: 03-08-23
Time: 0050hrs
Location: 671 Bronx River Road
Description: Heavy fire in a 6-story OMD

0050hrs- Numerous calls for fire, people trapped multiple floors.
E313. 307, Squad 11, 312; L-73, 75, R-1, Safety, B-2

0054hrs- B-2 req. FAST due to calls.

0054hrs- E313 on location with fire showing 2nd floor.

0054hrs- B-2 transmitting 10-30 (All Hands)
All-Hands: E-314, L-70FAST

0100hrs- Dispatch still receiving numerous calls for people trapped.

0101hrs- B-2 transmitting 2nd Alarm, no water on fire ATT. Fire 1st floor of a 7-story OMD.
2nd Alarm: E-306, 304, L-74

0108hrs- B-2 rpts fire apartment is Apt. 1K extending to 2K, Companies working their way inside, (1) line hitting the fire from the exterior.

0109hrs- YPD Medical Bus (METU) to the scene.

0109hrs- B-2 req. 2nd Alarm units to the front of the building with hose and tools.

0117hrs- PD assisting with evacuations, still numerous calls.

0117hrs- B-2 transmitting 3rd Alarm
3rd Alarm: E-310, 303, L-71

0118hrs- B-2 rpts fire K/D in 1K and 2K, co's still attempting searches and evacuation. Dispatch still receiving reports of people trapped.

0120hrs- M/A Engine and Truck to Stations 3 and 12.

0123hrs- B-2 req E-310 to respond north on Bronx River Road and feed Squad 11.

0127hrs- B-2 req L-71 to rear of building on Crescent Place.

0128hrs- Car 2 on location assuming command, B-2 Operations

0131hrs- Relocating L-72 to Station 4.

0132hrs- Numerous people on fire escapes.

0134hrs- 4th Alarm transmitted, units on the 4th Alarm to Crescent Place.
4th Alarm: E-309, L-72

0144hrs- M/A New Rochelle E-22, Eastchester L-17 at Station 12; Greenville Squad 15 and Mount Vernon L-62 at Station 3.

0146hrs- Car 4 rpts 7-story ordinary- Exposure #1 parking lot, 2 floors above street level. #2 parking lot, #3 is street (Crescent Place), #4 driveway. Heavy fire now on 3rd floor extending to the 4th floor. ACW, conducting PAR at this time.

0149hrs- M/A Fairview L-1 to Station 13, Hartsdale E-170 to Station 1.

0150hrs- Car 3 advising for residents to evacuate out the rear of the building.

0201hrs- Car 3 S/C closest mutual aid Engine and Truck to the Crescent Place side of the building, report to the front of the building with manpower.
S/C: E-308, Hartsdale E-170, Fairview L-1

0210hrs- Car 3 S/C Engine and Truck mutual aid to the scene.
S/C: Larchmont E-33, Eastchester TL-17

0213hrs- Car 3 rpts still have heavy fire conditions, (2) lines in operation in front of the building. Fire extending to the roof. (1) victim out a 4th floor window being removed ATT. Still have multiple civilians on the fire escapes.

0215hrs- M/A Engine and Truck to cover Station 13 and Station 1.
M/A: White Plains E-66, L-6

0219hrs- Car 3 rpts conducting 2nd PAR

0221hrs- Yonkers L-77 in service with recall members at Station 12.

0227hrs- M/A New Rochelle for a Mask Service Unit. NRFD MSU 3 enroute.

0228hrs- CMD req, Eastchester L-17 to the front of the building, will be assisting with a trench cut. New Rochelle E-22 at Springer and Crescent.

0232hrs- Car 2 S/C L-77 to the scene.

0234hrs- YPD Car 14 rpts patient count is (4)- (1) black tag, (3) green tag- all transported.

0235hrs- M/A additional Engine and Truck to cover Station 12.

0243hrs- Car 3 rpts fire in the cockloft, heavy fire through the roof. Multiple companies attempting trench cuts. (2) LSO exterior. ACW.

0246hrs- M/A Pelham E-5 and Scarsdale L-28 to Station 12.

0251hrs- Car 3 removing all members from the building and going to exterior operations. L-70 setting up a ladder pipe on Bronx River Road proper, exposure #1 side. TL-71 setting up in rear.

0253hrs- YFD Squad 21 in service with recall members at Station 4, E-300 to Station 14.

0318hrs- YPD req. DPW with salt for icing conditions.

0319hrs- Car 3 rpts all members removed from the building and accounted for. Rehab unit responding.

0334hrs- (3) master streams in operation, heavy fire through the roof.

0358hrs- YFD E-316 in service at Station 8.

0400hrs- Safety Officer req. (4) additional EMS units to stage at Bronx River Road X Ryer Ave.

0405hrs- Car 3 rpts (3) master streams in operation in front, (2) in rear. Setting up L-73 in front with L-70.

0413hrs- E-316 relocated to Station 9.

0423hrs- Car 3 rpts master streams still in operation. Heavy fire still through the roof, burning toward the south wing. Setting up additional master streams. ACW.

0440hrs- Safety req. (1) additional EMS unit.

0445hrs- Car 3 rpts conditions remain unchanged, (1) company making it's way to the 5th floor.

0529hrs- Car 3 rpts (1) master stream in operation in front, all other shut down. (3) companies in the building on 6th floor.

0545hrs- Car 3 rpts (5) master streams in operation on south side of building. (5) companies in side the north wing top floor making progress.

0629hrs- Car 3 rpts all master streams shut down in front, still operating in rear. Secondary searches underway on north side.

0639hrs- Req. PD in front for residents trying to reenter the building.

0651hrs- Car 3 rpts (1) master stream in operation in rear. Companies unable to make entry into south side of building. Visible fire from the roof is extinguished. ACW.

0712hrs- Car 3 rpts all visible fire is extinguished. All exterior lines shut down to allow building to drain. Co's opening up pockets of fire in the north end.

0713hrs- Car 3 rpts beginning to release M/A companies from scene.

0726hrs- Fire is under control.
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Jan 20, 2014
Just posted this a minute before you lol But I don;t know much about Yonkers so I deleted my post

Heavy fire 3rd & 4th floors of a 7 story building

Command requesting closest M/A to the scene 1 Engine & 1 Truck

Requesting another 1&1 for manpower E-170 & L1

Victim hanging out 4th floor window companies working on rescuing

Fire through the roof

Victim removed

*Evac Tones*

Pelham Engine to Station 12
Scarsdale Ladder to Station 12
May 11, 2021
Excellent rundown! I went onto Google maps and that was one big building. I wasn’t sure what exposure 1 was with a 2 story parking structure below. It became evident from the street view. Exposure 2 and 4 sides with limited access. Tough access overall. They had to work on that fire for quite awhile.
Jun 22, 2007
I have always considered Yonkers to be just an extension of the Bronx.

Thank you "truck4" for that excellent rundown and to the others who have contributed to providing us with information of the fire activity from "The City of Seven Hills", aka "The Sixth Borough".


Mar 1, 2007
Job happened almost 20 years to the day of the 85 Bronx River Road fire (3-17-03). That was a 105 unit building with over 300 homeless.
Mar 15, 2017
Thanks TRUCK 4 for the rundown. Very interesting:

1) The entire front line fleet of Yonkers FD Apparatus worked this fire (Engine 303, 304, 306, 307 (using Spare 317), Engine 308, Engine 309, Engine 310, Squad 11, Engine 312, Engine 313, Engine 314, Ladder 70, Tower Ladder 71, Ladder 72 (using Spare Ladder 78), Ladder 73, Ladder 74, Tower Ladder 75, and Rescue 1 - along with Battalion 1 and, 2

2) Yonkers Reserve/Spare Rigs placed in service for this General Alarm were Engine 300, Engine 316, Spare Squad 21, and Ladder 77 (currently showing as Ladder 70, as the re-designation to Ladder 77, has not yet taken place). Yonkers Mask Service Units 1 and 2, YPD/YFD Emergency Medical Transportation Unit. YFD Special Operations Personnel Bus, YFD Special Operations Rehabilitation Unit, YFD Special Operations Truck 1, 2, 3, & 4, YFD Fleet Services Unit. YFD Command Cars 2, 3, & 4 and Battalion 3.

3) Mutual Aid Companies responding to the Fire Scene or covering Yonkers Fire Stations were: Pelham Engine 5, New Rochelle Engine 22 [NRFD unable to provide Mutual Aid Ladder Company due to New Rochelle being down to only 2 working Ladder/Tower Ladder Apparatus], Greenville Squad 15, Mount Vernon Ladder 62, Fairview Ladder 1, Hartsdale Engine 170, Larchmont Engine 33, Eastchester Tower Ladder 17, White Plains Engine 66, White Plains Tower Ladder 6, New Rochelle Mask Service Unit, and Scarsdale Ladder 28,
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Aug 15, 2011
I still don't understand with a fire this size and so close to the border why they don't call FDNY for M/A ?
Nov 29, 2008
I still don't understand with a fire this size and so close to the border why they don't call FDNY for M/A ?
Considering they lost an entire wing of an H, hopefully that’ll be a consideration next time.
May 16, 2008
FDNY responded to 2003 Bronx River Road fire and FDNY units relocated to YFD during 2003 Oak Street fire.

Not sure what the mutual aid agreement is exactly. I know its politically contentious among Westchester cities.

FYI- Webster Avenue in the Bronx becomes Bronx River Road at the McLean Ave border.
If you look at that intersection, the Bella Napoli pizzeria is the SW corner, address 524 E. 240 Street. The NW corner across the street is the old Rivers Edge bar, 1064 McLean. The border is right down the middle of the street, FDNY hydrants on one side, Yonkers on the other.
May 16, 2008
Perhaps its better to say that these are fires with catastrophic potential, that can get away from even the most experienced and manpower-rich Departments.

A nickels worth of fire that finds it way up to the cockloft converts to a 5th alarm very easily.
Nov 1, 2019
True lol, but not when it started on the first floor.
They had a fire back in the early 2000’s in Brooklyn down by the water. It stated in the first or second floor then next thing they knew it was through the roof. It was a very large high end apt building. The wind played a roll for sure
Dec 26, 2007
That must only be a Yonkers rule. So they'd rather use volunteer departments from Northern Westchester than use the FDNY?
Yonkers will only take mutual aid from paid depts. They will not request aid from a volunteer dept. And all mutual aid has to be used in the county first. That is the county mutual aid agreement.
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Aug 11, 2012
All Mutual Aid in Westchester has to be used before they can go out of the county.
That's not true. Yonkers can call whoever they choose to. Most of the career departments in Southern Westchester, including Yonkers, have mutual aid plans in place so there is a specific order of who gets called and what house they get assigned to on the relocate. In Yonkers, usually 2 & 2 are brought in to cover on the 3rd alarm to Stations 3 and 12. Occasionally, they will backfill 13 as well. In this case, the 4th alarm mutual aid units were the first ones sent to the scene based on them covering on the east side at Station 13. Had it been on the west side, it probably would have been the units at Station 3 or 12 going in.

Keep in mind that the FDNY doesn't just "send" mutual aid. I believe at a minimum it has to be approved by the borough commander, if not the citywide tour commander. It's happened several times in the past including them coming into Yonkers and even White Plains for a fire in a Con Ed facility. Most of the Westchester companies have the automatic approval to respond through their mutual aid agreements. They also typically backfill the units the get sent out of town with recalled members on spare rigs.

There have been many discussions over the years about the "What If" scenario in the event of another large-scale fire occurring at the same time amongst the career departments. FDNY has been discussed as being the 2nd wave of mutual aid. The career departments have held joint drills with the FDNY to work out communications and logistical issues such as establishing a water supply with the proper adaptors and fittings.
Apr 8, 2007
FDNY responded to 2003 Bronx River Road fire and FDNY units relocated to YFD during 2003 Oak Street fire.

Not sure what the mutual aid agreement is exactly. I know its politically contentious among Westchester cities.

FYI- Webster Avenue in the Bronx becomes Bronx River Road at the McLean Ave border.
If you look at that intersection, the Bella Napoli pizzeria is the SW corner, address 524 E. 240 Street. The NW corner across the street is the old Rivers Edge bar, 1064 McLean. The border is right down the middle of the street, FDNY hydrants on one side, Yonkers on the other.
Also, no more Joe Higgins.