Chief of Fire Prevention

Apr 4, 2016
Just watch the promotions of Chiefs. Kevin J Brennan was promoted Accistant Chief of Fire Prevention, does he replace AC Joseph Buckheit, and be come Car 13.
Interesting, three Borough Commanders were promoted to Accistant Chief. My records show that the Borough Commanders of Bronx and Queens are Deputy Assistant Chiefs is that correct. Member from UK asking.
This is not a criticism at all, just an observation. FDNY is very structured in the placement of units and manpower. Ladders & Rescues run with 6 on board, Engines with either 5 or 6 depending on available manpower. There are 49 battalion chiefs (not icluding Haz Mat, Rescue & Safety) and there are 9 division chiefs. There is always a citywide tour commander on-duty 24/7. The one thing that doesn't appear to be set are the number of Staff Chiefs (Asst & Dep Asst). It seems like that number flucuates between, say, 18 to 22 and the number of Asst Chiefs & Dep Asst don't appear to be in the same ratio (example: 2 Dep Asst for every Asst). I'm guessing this has something to do with the fact they aren't union and the Commissioner & Fire Chief promote as needed and how they see fit.
Just watch the promotions of Chiefs. Kevin J Brennan was promoted Accistant Chief of Fire Prevention, does he replace AC Joseph Buckheit, and be come Car 13.
Interesting, three Borough Commanders were promoted to Accistant Chief. My records show that the Borough Commanders of Bronx and Queens are Deputy Assistant Chiefs is that correct. Member from UK asking.
Is Assistant Chief Jardin still in Fire Prevention or perhaps he was re-assigned, promoted, ret. (?).