FDNY Response Guidelines

Jun 10, 2017
Sorry to bother again, I was listening earlier and a call was dispatched for a truck that hit scaffolding and that now the scaffolding was unstable. the Bronx dispatcher sent out a minor technical rescue response to that box, my question is what units go on a minor technical rescue response?
Mar 31, 2020
Pittsburgh is three engines, two trucks, a RIT engine they call the "GO team" battalion chief, and second battalion Chief and safety officer and the Mac unit (air truck) on the first alarm
Aug 27, 2013
CPC Units
M. L2,6,9,10,12,13,18,21,23,35,R1
B. L105,107,111,114,119,120,124,157,159,
172 & R2
X. L17,33,51,58,R3
Q L115,142,160, & R4
R L80,87 and R5

Vent support units
M HiRise 1 & 2. L23
X. L17,33,51,58
B. L105,119,124,159,172
Q L115,142,160
R L80 & 87
Jun 27, 2007
CPC units? I've seen it before but what exactly is that?
Chemical Protective Clothing Company, 29 ladders and 4 rescues. 8 hours of training in suit ops to locate and remove victims and conduct self-decontamination. Role is search rescue and removal of victims and administration of antidote kits. Info from page 152 of the Ops Guide.
Mar 31, 2020
Chemical Protective Clothing Company, 29 ladders and 4 rescues. 8 hours of training in suit ops to locate and remove victims and conduct self-decontamination. Role is search rescue and removal of victims and administration of antidote kits. Info from page 152 of the Ops Guide.
Oh ok. That's usually a hazmat duty, but in a city that huge, that makes a ton of sense!
May 10, 2019
Alarm Assignment:

First Alarm (Single Source; Smoke/Fire or 2nd Source)
3 Engines 2 Ladders 1 Battalion
(Rescue, Squad, Marine, Satellite If normally assigned)

10-75 or “Loading The Box” (Total Response)
4 Engines, 2 Ladders, 1 Fast Truck, 2 Battalions, 1 Division, 1 RAC Unit
(1st Due Rescue & Squad if available & not previously assigned; replacements if requested by IC)
(4th Ladder is assigned if the first 2 Ladders each have only 4 firefighters)

7-5 All Hands(Total Response)
4 Engines 2 Ladders, 1 Fast Truck, 2 Battalions, Division
(Rescue & Squad if not previously assigned.)

2nd Alarm(Additional Response)
4 Engines, 2 Ladders, 3 Battalions (FF, RUL, Safety)
Satellite, Field Comm, Field Comm BC, Tac, Safety & Rescue BCs, RAC, RAC Manager, Command Tac Unit(Self-Assigned)

3rd Alarm(Additional Response)
4 Engines, 1 Communications Engine, 2 Ladders, 3 Battalions(FF, Staging Area Manager, Air Recon)
Mask Service Unit, 1 RAC Unit, PIO

4th+ Alarms
4 Engines, 2 Ladders, 1 Battalion

Class E & 3 Alarms
Engine Ladder Battalion

Class J Alarms (0700-1900)
Engine Ladder Battalion

Class J Alarms (1900-0700)
3 Engines 2 Ladders 1 Battalion
(1st Due Engine Ladder & Battalion respond Emergency Mode, other Units on a 10-20)

Gas Leaks
2 Engine 2 Ladders 1 Battalion

Auto Extrications
1 Engine 1 Ladder 1 Battalion Rescue (If normally assigned in area)
Confirmed Pin Rescue (If not already assigned) Squad, 2nd Engine & Ladder

3 Engines, 2 Trucks, 1 Battalion

*Ill add more later if you need more*
Can you add the response guideline for Battery Energy Storage sites (BESS) ?