Firehouses built into high rises.

Aug 16, 2008

thoses houses are all built into high rises, who owns them the city? Or are they leased to FDNY.
I believe E8/T2/B8 was an existing Firehouse and the city sold the air rights around it so the high rise could be built. I believe that house had a bad exhaust problem after the high rise was built because the exhaust from the rigs was getting trapped in the building. I also remember getting relocated to the 8th with our brand new Suburban and had to park in their garage which was just big enough for the old station wagons. The Suburban just fit with less then an inch front and back when we closed the door.
On a different note I believe Boston swapped property rights, When the contractor wanted to build near the house on Oliver Street the city included build a new house on the first 2 floors on the building on Purchase Street house E-10, TL-3 and R-1. After construction the old house was razed.
On a different note I believe Boston swapped property rights, When the contractor wanted to build near the house on Oliver Street the city included build a new house on the first 2 floors on the building on Purchase Street house E-10, TL-3 and R-1. After construction the old house was razed.
New Rochelle is going through something similar in planning for their new Station 1. A developer wanted to buy the existing Station 1 to put up a high rise. The city wanted to stipulate that the developer would either include a firehouse in the new building or acquire a separate location for the firehouse. Not sure what they settled on.
When the city sold the metered parking lot surrounding the Highway House (E276, L156, Bn 33) the developer wanted to knock down the existing house and move it since it was center of his hew building. The plan was to build a new house on the far left corner of the lot than knock down the old house. Giving him a square to build his new development.
The city and him couldn’t get together on the size of the new house and he didn’t like the cost, $2 million more. So he built around it.
Bottom line is if this was Manhattan there would have been no questions about money. He would have built anything he wanted without regards to that Firehouse in the middle of his development. Money is always the answer to the question.
ps. we like our old house. 100yrs and counting.
The city drop the ball on something like this with Hudson Yards. They should have demanded the builder include a firehouse for a development of that size. So now here we are, with the surrounding companies running their asses off do to the size and population of Hudson Yards. supposedly R-1 is getting a new firehouse ( much needed ) and a new engine company is to open in R-1 old quarters …but thats probably a few years away.
The city drop the ball on something like this with Hudson Yards. They should have demanded the builder include a firehouse for a development of that size. So now here we are, with the surrounding companies running their asses off do to the size and population of Hudson Yards. supposedly R-1 is getting a new firehouse ( much needed ) and a new engine company is to open in R-1 old quarters …but thats probably a few years away.
My understanding is that Hudson Yards hasn't produced any sizable increase in runs for fire or EMS. The gator unit that EMS has there, often goes full tours with no runs.
My understanding is that Hudson Yards hasn't produced any sizable increase in runs for fire or EMS. The gator unit that EMS has there, often goes full tours with no runs.
Well looks like they are gonna close the acorn again. People keep jumping off…
My understanding is that Hudson Yards hasn't produced any sizable increase in runs for fire or EMS. The gator unit that EMS has there, often goes full tours with no runs.
I find that very hard to believe …so then why a new engine company going to Rescues’ fire house on 43rd St when they move out ?
My understanding is that Hudson Yards hasn't produced any sizable increase in runs for fire or EMS. The gator unit that EMS has there, often goes full tours w
You don't necessarily need a "sizeable increase in runs" to justify the need for additional resources. Response time, major fire potential, new hazards. etc. are often more important than just more runs. Also, response of a EMS gator unit is only an indicator of EMS gator use.
Engine 8, Ladder 2, Battalion 8, Assistant Chief of Dept skyscraper firehouse:

E 8 new firehouse.jpg

E 8 fh ASST CH.jpg

E 8 ap 9.jpg

E 8 (2).jpg

E 8 Ladder 2 Bn 8 151 E 51st street.jpg

NYPD 17th Precinct was also located next to firehouse.
Engine 40, Ladder 35 had these new quarters built in 1961

Engine 40 Ladder 35 2.jpg

Design of quarters not used

E 40.jpg

Engine 40 old firehouse
E 40 FH 153 W 68 (2).jpg

Ladder 35 old firehouse
L 35 fh 6.jpg
You don't necessarily need a "sizeable increase in runs" to justify the need for additional resources. Response time, major fire potential, new hazards. etc. are often more important than just more runs. Also, response of a EMS gator unit is only an indicator of EMS gator use.
👆👆. Bingo ….winner winner ……!