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Staff member
Apr 24, 2007

May 2023​

To: All Hands,

Since the first day that this website became operational, the volunteer staff has strived to ensure that it welcomes all viewers and members in a friendly manner. To be honest with you, I have seen friendships start on this site that have turned into a so-called family relationship, something that the fire service is noted for - brotherhood. I have heard of former friends and co-workers being reunited because of this website after years of separation. I consider members as part of my family, I hope you do too!

Over the years some of the members have held small gatherings, touring fire department stations, repair facilities, and communication offices, but most of all, afterwards, gathering around a table and talking with each other face to face. Members have traveled across country and even across the pond to meet their new friends, who later on became brothers. Information was exchanged and the relationships grew stronger. What started as a one- or two-day visit extended into three-day and four-day adventures. Then came COVID & the whole world stopped!

We were forced to stay home. Travel in all forms was greatly diminished and our circle of in-person visits was exceedingly slashed. However, the use of the Internet was significantly increased. A tech genius developed an innovative idea that permitted people to meet virtually via the Internet and see each other as they spoke. So, the powers that be at liked the idea and started to test this innovation. Using the Zoom platform, monthly meetings are being held each month, on the first Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. (NY time). Normally, there are one or more guest speakers, but the meetings have gone on afterwards for hours, with members gathering over the virtual firehouse kitchen table to chat. The subjects vary monthly from history, ‘The War Years’, to modern day problems. Presentations have included ‘Today’s Super Pumper’. Are you aware that these pumpers have already been in use for years across the states? New Jersey has had one for a few years now. Whether you were on the job or not, from NYC or elsewhere, all are still welcomed to join in.

The site’s membership is composed of people from numerous backgrounds. Just take a look at the knowledge of our current staff members and see the levels of fire service experience that they possess:

  • Firefighter: Paid, Volunteer, & Military
  • Fire Officer: Lieutenant, & Captain
  • Chief Officer: Battalion, Division, & Staff
  • EMS: Emergency Medical Technician & Paramedic
  • Communications: Dispatcher, Supervisor, & Chief
  • Educators EMS, Haz-Mat, Operations, Standards, Codes,
College Fire Science

Management Experience: Field & Headquarters

Other related jobs:

  • Fire Marshal Municipal, State & Federal
  • Engineer Fire Protection
  • Military Veterans Enlisted & Senior Officer
  • SWAT Medic
  • Emergency Management
  • News Media
  • Buffs
Now think about the 9400 plus members of this site and all the talent that they possess and are willing to share with you! As a member you are entitled to ask questions on the site.

Since this past March, I have reached out to over four thousand members via E-mail. I am sorry to say that I learned of the passing of a few members, other E-mails bounced or were blocked. Possibly others forgot to reply. We are all human.

In case you did not receive an E-mail from me,, you are being requested to contact me with your legal name, site name, and E-mail address. If you forgot your site name, I just might be able to help you out. I would need the E-mail address that you registered with. In case you don’t remember, it’s like baseball, you get more then one strike.

If your problem is more serious, maybe you changed E-mail addresses, I will transfer your information to our tech services staff, who will attempt to correct the situation and re-activate your site name. Yes, we all forget things, so don’t be bashful!

For those who have been visiting our site anonymously over the years, I would like to ‘Thank You,’ but also ask you to join. Why not? It’s FREE!!! Your membership helps keep the site operational. This year we have already had over seven hundred persons on the site at one time. Visitors and members come from around the world, viewing the information that is posted. This is your site and you, the membership, do the posting. But you do have to be a member in order to post or reply.

So, please take the time out to reply directly to me at, listing your legal name, screen name, E-mail address. This information is confidential and only used for site management. I will make it easy for you. Just copy & paste the below format & send it to me. If you are interested in attending the Zoom Meetings, your information will be added to that growing list.

Screen name: _________________________

Legal Name: _________________________

___ I would like to attend the Zoom Meetings.

___ I am interested in the website.

Any Comments:


Atlas\ Ken

Site Moderator
Atlas, I would like to respond to the above.

As you mentioned, so many of us have had get togethers at various times and become great friends over the years.

It was THIS SITE -, that made it all happen for me over the years.
So many GREAT PEOPLE as you say.
From Active and Retired FDNY Members and Firefighters
Firefighters, both city paid and volunteer from throughout the entire country.
From Buffs, to Dispatchers, to EMTs and Paramedics, even from outside the country
With ALL of US having the same interest.

As a member of this site, we have the chance to share our stories, post pictures and videos, give news of interest stories and rundowns of various incidents.


Atlas, you also mentioned about the monthly Zoom Meetings the First Tuesday of the Month.
They are GREAT and I look forward to taking part Every Month.

You (Atlas) have mentioned about this upcoming June 6th Zoom meeting will focus on "THE BRONX IS STILL BURNING" being presented to us by "Captomo", who shares his wealth of knowledge with us using various charts and his fire department experience.
He is a retired Florida Battalion Chief from a very busy county dept there, alsos an Instructor within the Fire Service and former Bronx resident/buff.

Atlas, I'd like to pass this on, "if anyone is interested in joining these Zoom meetings, they should contact you for the I.D. number to join in.
I believe it is limited to 100 individuals as a max.

Site Moderator
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