Recorded Audio

Apr 9, 2007
Is there a reason why we haven't had any recorded FDNY audio posted in a while?
I've listened to the for many years however, I cannot listen to it 24/7. Once in a while some of the fellas used to post the audio recordings of previous fires.
I also enjoyed listening to those recordings. Yes, The is great and allows us to listen no matter how far away. But its also interesting to hear how a job went down. Sometimes even pick up a few new ideas just by listening. FDNY is the Best and Busiest Dept in the World. I know they"ve taught me alot.
I agree.  I do listen to the Bravest when I can, but it is good to hear the audio from a job I missed.  It is a good learning tool.  See if we can get it back.

Have been working on the audio recording issue for the past few days.

The issue comes down to heat, or should I say the Summer heat.  Our computer/radio room gets very hot in the Summer and have to run the AC all the time when the computers are in use. Which = $$$

So we rebuilt some of our server equipment which is in a much cooler room and we don't have to worry about the AC issue.  Scanners are installed and wired to the computers, just have to finish up some form of antenna system and remote control software for the equipment.  Should have it done in a week or so.
Thank you for understanding how alot of us feel about listening to audio of past jobs. We appreciate you explaining the situtation to us and glad to here they will be back. Thanks Brother. Like Christmas in July !!!!
In regards to the audio discussion my son was a USMC CFR FF. He did 2 tours in Iraq. I sent him the link to listen to the War Years clips and he found them very interesting. At that time he was reading Report from Engine 82 and it gave him a different perspective on the book. After leaving the USMC he took a job with WSI in Iraq for a year. They had internet in the house and I sent him the Bravest web site. The guys in Iraq really enjoyed it! He has since returned from Iraq and is hoping to get on the job in Chicago. He stays in contact with his colleagues and they still listen from time to time. So you guys the next time you transmit a 10-75 you might perk up some ears 15,000 miles away. Stay low and stay safe.
I must agree that it would be a great learning tool. Down here in Tennessee the radio traffic is so unprofessional that it is embarrassing, would love for my boys to hear how it is done up in the Northeast. Thank you.
rdm258 said:
I must agree that it would be a great learning tool. Down here in Tennessee the radio traffic is so unprofessional that it is embarrassing, would love for my boys to hear how it is done up in the Northeast. Thank you.

I already said this so ingore it im just trying to help out the guy from Tennessee but if no finds a way to post the calls or if you dont want to wait go to
I have audio CD's of some chaotic moments in FDNY history.... blackouts, the Strike of 1973, 4th of July 1988, etc. Any chance some of that could get on here also?
Just posted a Manhattan job.  Installed a server "Rack" and started moving the equipment into it.  Seems to be working better this way.  Everthing is not in one spot and manged much easier.

Now need to work on getting some used rack mounted servers, which don't take up much room. This way I can get more then one audio channel going.  Currently have one CPU/Scanner going, will be working on a 2nd one.
you can now go to, go to New York City and on the left side of the page you will find scanner archive where you can listen to varios fires in New York if you know the time, which can be found on this site under the various boroughs.
e203BCVFD said:
I have audio CD's of some chaotic moments in FDNY history.... blackouts, the Strike of 1973, 4th of July 1988, etc. Any chance some of that could get on here also?
I would love to hear the strike and blackout audio. Any chance that can be posted?
I have the audio from the Strike of '73 saved on my windows media player from the old website, but I don't know how to upload it.