FDNY member won Survivor Series - 10th Season

Jun 22, 2007
Retired FDNY member Tom Westman, of Ladder Co 108, won the TV Show Survivor Series - 10th Season, sometime in 2004/2005.

At the time he walked away with One Million Dollars and a new car. Here is that memorable moment and a brief look at the celebration over at the firehouse of Engine Co 216, Ladder Co 108, and Battalion 35, as the winner is announced. 



Aug 8, 2009
Tom Westman is the Sole Survivor of Survivor: Palau. He later competed on Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains.
A natural born leader, Tom is best known for his leadership over the Koror tribe in Palau, which led to their unlikely and unprecedented winning streak, as well as tying the record for most individual Immunity Challenge wins in a single season, with five wins. He also convinced his former ally, Ian Rosenberger, to throw the Final Immunity Challenge before Ian bowed out of the competition, telling Tom to take Katie Gallagher to the Final Two with him. He then won the title of Sole Survivor in a 6-1 vote. His leadership, survival, and social skills made him regarded as one of the most likable winners in the game's history.
He later returned for Heroes vs. Villains as one of the Heroes, where he quickly found himself on the outs of his tribe. After finding and successfully using a Hidden Immunity Idol, Tom was eventually voted out, finishing in 16th place.

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