Search results

  1. L 147

    77-75-1501* 502 McDonald Ave off Avenue C.

    Delayed: around 1700hrs  All Hands, no special units, fire in a multiple dwelling. If Available Box 1501 CHURCH AVE & MC DONALD AVE: Engines: 282 240 281 250 228 220 248 247 Trucks: 148 147 122 157 113 114 172 Battalions: 48, 41 Sq 1 R 2
  2. L 147

    TDA (tillers)

    Biding for two Tillers should be coming up the two 2005s should be replaced soon. Any word ?
  3. L 147

    3-23-14 11:19 hrs 10-75 box 2443 Stephens Ct and Flatbush Ave

    27 Stephens Court 2 story Brick P D  25 X 50 Near Newkirk and Flatbush Aves Engines: 255, 281,248,250 Trucks: TL 157, H & L 147, Ladder 113 Fast Bn 41 Bn48 R 2 Sq 1 Div 15 11:24 Sig 7-5 (all hands) Extra Engine and Truck  Engine 249, Ladder 174 Div 15:Main body of fire extingushed PWH  11:34 ...
  4. L 147

    11-9-13 12:31 Hrs All Hands Box 1556 10-77 630 Ocean Ave at Albemarle Rd.

    10-77  Fire 4 th fl of a 10 story 100X100 Engines 248,281 255,240 Trucks H & L 147,TL 157 Ladder 113 Fast Bn 41 Bn 38 R 2 Sq 1 Div 15 13:37 no water on the fire as of yet auto exp to 5 th floor 12:38  10-45 no code from the 5 fl 10-77 Engine 249 CFR-D Ladder 148, Ladder 174 Bn 33 FCU 1 Div 15...
  5. L 147

    10-16-13 AH box 3728 1919hrs 2 Oakland Place

    fire 4 floor of a 4 story A/H on arrival Assignment: Engines 248,255,281,249 Trucks: TL 157, H & L 147  Ladder 113 Fast Bn 41 Bn 48 R 2 Sq 1 15 Div Extra Engine 310 Extra Truck Ladder 174 2 lines S 1 line Op main body of fire extingushed trucks opening up DWH 1939 due to hording like conditions...
  6. L 147

    9-19-13 0928 hrs Brooklyn *75-3301*, * 2-2-3301*

    1901 Emmons Ave off E 19 St. Smoke showing from Lundy Bros
  7. L 147

    1955 FWD Hook and Ladders

    Does any one have any pictures of the 1955 FWD rigs with and without the riot cabs that they can post?
  8. L 147

    1343 hrs 5-21-13 10-75 Box 1514 Prospect Park SW and 10 Ave

    Fire 4 story MD  30 X 60  1 street  2 sim attached 3 unk  4 sim attached FIRE 0N 1ST FL Assignment: Engines: 240, 220,281,282? Trucks: Ladder 122, H & L 147 Bn 48 Bn 41 R2 Sq 1 Div 15 Fast Truck Ladder 132 1346Hrs Using all hands fire first floor 4 story MD 1 line S and O. Trucks opening up...
  9. L 147

    Engine 281

    Engine 281 was established 100 years ago. March 20,1913
  10. L 147

    01-23-13 Brooklyn- All-Hands Box 1416

    1906hrs Box 1416  950 3rd Ave 1 story Comm: Fire in a 1 story 50 X 30  Pri search Neg: Secondary in prog: Main Body of fire has been ext PWH 1923 hrs Assignment: Engine 228,201,279,241 Trucks: TL 114, TL 131 40 Bn Ladder 109 Fast R 2 Sq 1 Div 11 All Searches Neg U/C 1937hrs 10-41-1 31 min
  11. L 147

    1-23-13 Brooklyn- All-Hands Box 2505

    Fire in a 3 story PD. fire in basement. 30X 60 323 Webster Ave cross streets Ocean Pkwy and East 8th St. Assignment should be: Engines:281,250,240,282 Trucks: Ladder 147, Ladder 148 Fast Truck Ladder 122 Bn 48 Bn 41 R 2 Sq 1 15 Div U/C 1922 hrs 25 Min
  12. L 147

    Engine 281 and H and L 147 back in the day ride along

    Engine 281  1983 ALF  H & L 147 1979 Seagrave tiller FDNY L147Back in the Day
  13. L 147

    Tribute to the WTC Responders Governors Island 1970 Tiller and the WTC and 1993 Governors Island Tuck 1 and the WTC
  14. L 147

    Apparatus Air Conditioning

    Just wondering how many of FDNY's apparatus have working AC. I know of two that don't. OSHA say they have to have it but do they have to keep in working order. Back in the day we didn't have AC but we weren't wearing bunker gear. This is the time of year when open rigs were in their glory.
  15. L 147

    Engine 310 and Ladder 174

    On April 24 the city is starting on the rehab of Engine 310 and Ladder 174's firehouse. As of 1800hrs tonight Engine 310 is quartered with Engine 248 and Ladder 174 is in with Engine 283. So responses in Flatbush and East Flatbush will be interesting.
  16. L 147

    12/25/11 1550hrs A/H box 1501 3403 14 Ave

    Top fl of 4 story bldg 60X70 1  street 2  sim 3  unk 4  sim 1L/s 1L/O Assignment: Engines: 282,240,281,250 Trucks: Ladder 148, H & L 147 Ladder 122 Fast Bn 48 Div 11 Bn 40 R 2 Sq 1 Extra engine and truck Engine 247  TL 157 1606 PW 1609 UC
  17. L 147

    3-19-11 AH box 1541 255 East 18 St. Flatbush Section around 2050hrs

    6 story OMD 100X150 fire on the 5th floor 1 10-45-4 1 line S 1 line in op Assignment: Engines: 281,248,240,255 Trucks: H & L 147, TL 157 Ladder 113 Fast Bn 41 Bn 48 R 2 Sq 1 Div 15 Return all Sp units 10-41-1 Ladder 148 SC for salvage(assigned to a box while responding to the AH) Ladder 174...
  18. L 147

    FDNY Tiller Spares

    Anyone know how many tiller spares are on the books. I know SL9417T (former 147) and SL9418T(former 175) are still being used. Are all the 91s gone.
  19. L 147

    3-3-11 1938 hrs AH box 3904 Fire in the basement "The Vandervere Estates"

    3405 Foster Ave, Brooklyn to New York Aves Fire in the parking garage of a 6 story OMD 250X250 1 St 2 Sim 3 St 4 Sim 1 line St and in Op Assignment: Engine:255,248,310,281 Trucks: Ladder 174, Ladder 103 acting TL 157 Fast truck TL 157 from another box R 2 Sq 1 Bn 48 Div 15 1943 PWH SC a truck...