6/3/09 Manhattan Box 831 - All Hands

Nov 27, 2007
Times Square, Manhattan, NY, 6/3/09

Address: 714 7th Ave @ W47 st

Phone Box 831 - Report of fire in the Olive Garden
Engs. 54, 65, 34
L4, TL21
Battalion 9

10-75-831 - 17:39 hours
Battalion 9: 10-75, we have fire in the walls on the 2nd floor kitchen of the Olive Garden
L2 is the FAST Trucks
Battalion 8
Rescue 1
Squad 18
Division 3

17:40 hours
BC9: The building itself is part of the Renaissance Hotel, it's actually setback from the hotel, about 5 stories.

17:40 hours
BC9: The address might be 708 7th Ave, do you have CIDs on that?

17:42 hours
BC9: We'll go with 712 7th Ave, 25 story 250x100.

CIDS for 712 7th Ave:
Hotel 25 story 250x100 class 1.  Standpipes subbasement to 4th floor stairway N, and 4th floor to 26th floor stairway S.  Sprinklers throughout.  A.k.a 2 Time Square and 1572 Broadway.  Fire command station on 7th Ave.

7-5-831 - 17:46 hours
BC9: We had a gas-fed fire in the wall on the 2nd floor of the kitchen.  We shut off the gas, all visible fire is extinguished, trucks are opening up checking for extension, we'll go with Doubtful at this time, we'll go All-Hands, 1 line in operation.  We'll go with the address 714 7th Ave

17:48 hours - Duration 15 minutes
ConEd Gas reports 20 minute ETA

17:53 hours - Duration 21 minutes
Division 3: Box 831, fire has been extinguished.  Trucks have opened up, all visible fire has been knocked down.  We're going Probably Will Hold, we'll release Rescue 1 and Squad 18.

17:54 hours
E7 is 10-8 in E26's response area

17:56 hours
Rescue 1 is 10-8

17:59 hours - Duration 27 minutes
DC3: Box 831 we're going to go Under Control.  We're releasing units, they will go 10-8 as they become available.