Code 3 release Diamond Plate FDNY 100'

Jun 27, 2007
Went to the Code 3 Open House in Brookfield Illinois last week. Of interest was a proposal for a Diamond Plate ALF 100' aerial lettered for FDNY. There were several pixs of rigs that ran with this type of apparatus, one was Ladder 147. This is just a proposal but it looks promising. :)
Jun 27, 2007
2 years ago at a Code 3 open house there was a wooden mock-up of a tower ladder so there was a plan for one. But the earthquake that hit China was centered where a lot of code 3 manufacturing occurred. At this years (last year) open house they had the prototype for an ALF tiller. No more news on the TL :)
Nov 9, 2008
The local code 3 dealer said plans for a 1960 vintage ALF aerial ladder are underway - similar to L103 on Sheffield Avenue in Brooklyn -perhaps will be released by the end of 2009 - Code 3 is still pretty slow so who knows!
Nov 9, 2008
Worst case scenario kitbash the model as 129! They will probably say they have the RM 129 even though it is the smaller scale.
Jun 27, 2007
OK guys here goes. Work is continuing on a ALF Series 900 tiler. It will be lettered for Ladder 103. Several teams from China and USA are working on this. They are using several old photos and a blue-print. This appears to be a work in progress but I think it will be a completed project, maybe near Xmas!NJoy :)
Nov 9, 2008
This is a closed cab - the old L129 (see previous posts) I remember was an open cab (circa early 1950's)  - Heard through the grapevine from a local dealer that they plan to retail it for $89 - anybody here anything else. Done right this model should sell very well. At least Code 3 maybe finally getting it - that FDNY is their most popular line.
Mar 8, 2007
efd274 said:
This is a closed cab - the old L129 (see previous posts) I remember was an open cab (circa early 1950's)  -
  The model Code 3 is releasing is of a 1968-69 ALF 900 Series closed canopy cab 100 ft. tiller. L129 had a 1953 ALF 700 Series 85 ft. open cab rig from '53 to '62 and then received a 1962 ALF 900 Series open cab 100 ft. model which they ran with until the early 70's. BTW, L129's old '53 ALF rig was reassigned to L44 in 1962 replacing a 1940 Ahrens-Fox 85 ft. wood stick and later on it went to L127 after their '62 ALF was destroyed in the 1967 South Jamaica gas explosion.
Nov 9, 2008
Thanks for the history G'man of L129 - that was my favorite ladder company as a kid and my good friend was a Lt. there in the 80's and 90's. Grumpy thanks for the headsup on Wheels of the Bravest.
Jun 27, 2007
I may have made a mistake concerning this product. When I saw the "prototype" 2 years ago it was a large scale mock-up. Yesterday I was at a CFD muster and talking to the local code 3 retailer he was under the impression it was a regular code 3 1/64 release! Also Volume 4 of the History of Chicago Firehouses became available yesterday :(
Nov 27, 2008
efd274 said:
This is a closed cab - the old L129 (see previous posts) I remember was an open cab (circa early 1950's)  - Heard through the grapevine from a local dealer that they plan to retail it for $89 - anybody here anything else. Done right this model should sell very well. At least Code 3 maybe finally getting it - that FDNY is their most popular line.

Found a picture of an FDNY 1953 ALF ladder like L129 had:
Nov 27, 2008
grumpy grizzly said:
I may have made a mistake concerning this product. When I saw the "prototype" 2 years ago it was a large scale mock-up. Yesterday I was at a CFD muster and talking to the local code 3 retailer he was under the impression it was a regular code 3 1/64 release! Also Volume 4 of the History of Chicago Firehouses became available yesterday :(

Yes, just spoke to one of the last four dealers today. It will not be a Diamond Plate, it will be 1/64.