Famous New Years Eve Fires


Aug 8, 2009
1929  Glen Cinema Disaster  Paisley Scotland - 71 children killed - fire in movie theater during children's matinee - theater was inspected earlier that day - building had insufficient exits and inadequate staff 
    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glen_Cinema_Disaster and  http://www.glencinema.co.uk/index.php

1979  Opemiska Social club, Chapais, Quebec, Canada  48 killed  - In the night of December 31, 1979, at 1:30 a.m., a fire destroyed the mining community of Op?miska Community Hall. Fifty others were injured. This fire was the worst to occur in Quebec for more than 40 years. The fire, which may have been triggered in wreaths of dried flowers and Christmas decorations, and the ensuing chaos that followed quickly blocked access to the main entrance.

1986  DuPont Plaza Hotel Fire, San Juan, Puerto Rico - 97 killed -  The fire was set by three disgruntled employees of the hotel who were in the middle of a labor dispute with the owners of the hotel. It is the most catastrophic hotel fire in Puerto Rican history, and the second in the history of the United States.

Dupont Plaza fire/San Juan, PR-12.31.86 (Part 1)

Note - The 1903 Iroquois Theater Fire in Chicago occurred December 30 and killed 605.  It is the deadliest theater fire in US history. At about 3:15 P.M., the beginning of the second act, a dance number was in progress when an arc light shorted out and sparks ignited a muslin curtain. A stagehand attempted to douse the fire but it quickly spread to the fly gallery high above the stage where several thousand square feet of highly flammable painted canvas scenery flats were hung.

Iroquois Theater Fire - Chicago History http://search.yahoo.com/search