FDNY FF JOHN W.T.F. KOCKER E 54 1/16/1918


Aug 8, 2009

FDNY Line of Duty Death

January 16, 1918 - LODD
Fireman John W.T.F. Kocker
Engine 54
FDNY. Manhattan, New York

While operating at a three-alarm fire in a six-story brick storage warehouse, Fireman Kocker was caught in the collapse of the first floor into the cellar. He managed to find his way to a window, only to have his escape blocked by iron bars. He was found 48 hours later in the cellar, still clinging to bars that had blocked his way. He was wrapped in a block of ice and apparently froze to death. The rest of his company barely escaped with their lives in the collapse, however there were several other firefighters who were trapped and were extricated by the members of Rescue 1.

RIP. Never forget.

E 54 prior quarters

E 54 304 w 47th street.jpg

RIP. Never forget.