Peekskill Fire Department
The Fire Department serves and protects the lives, property and interests of the citizens and proprietors of the City of Peekskill.
Department Make-Up
The department has approximately two hundred volunteers and twenty-four career firefighters. We operate four engines, one aerial platform,one heavy rescue, two paramedic fly cars and one utility vehicle. The Department has three Chiefs, 5 Deputy Chiefs, two Captains, 7 First Lieutenants, six Second Lieutenants, twelve trustees and one Municipal Training Officer. The Department also has several committee chairpersons who are responsible for special assignments. There are six Fire Companies in The City of Peekskill, Columbian Engine Co. # 1, Cortlandt Hook & Ladder Co. #1, Washington Engine Co. #2, Columbian Hose Co. #1, Centennial Hose Co. #4, and the Peekskill Fire Patrol.
The Peekskill Fire Department protects the City of Peekskill, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Organized in 1826 the department currently has over 100 members.
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Fire Chief
James E. Seymour IV
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PEEKSKILL FD Mission Statement:
The Peekskill Volunteer Fire Department is dedicated to protecting and serving our entire community with a commitment to professionalism and performance excellence.
PEEKSKILL FD Vision Statement:
To be recognized by the community and our peers as a model of excellence in providing fire protection, EMS and related services a department dedicated to continuous improvement to every detail of the services we provide a department that promotes an environment of tolerance, trust and involvement a department responsive to the community’s needs and concerns.
PEEKSKILL FD Values Statement:
We will earn trust and respect through:
• We protect and serve our entire community with a commitment to performance
• We hold the preservation of life as our sacred duty.
• We will overcome adversity through fortitude, training, and compassion for
• We aspire to do the right thing, even when it's difficult.
• We will be faithful to the needs and goals of the organization and our entire
• We consider the needs of others before our own community.
• We honor our profession and we will inspire each other to maintain trust and
Fire Station
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Peekskill (NY) Fire Department Replaces Five Stations with Single Central Firehouse
All the stations were deficient in a number of ways, and some had operational and firefighter health and safety issues. The city decided the solution to its firehouse problems was centralization of all six fire companies into a single station.
Winner of a 2019 Gold Award from Firehouse Magazine and a 2019 Bronze Award from F.I.E.R.O. Fire Station Design Symposium The new Fire Headquarters for Peekskill, New York, is designed to meet the needs of an historic community and a department with a 200-year history. The Peekskill Volunteer...