May 6, 2010
Saturday February 25th 2017 at 1100hrs, a Memorial Mass will be held honoring the memory of Lt Thomas Williams, R-4. The Mass will commemorate the 25th anniversary of his Supreme Sacrifice and will take place in quarters, 64-18 Queens Blvd Queens, NYC. All off-duty Members and their Families are invited to attend. Members are requested to attend in dress uniform.
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May 6, 2010
Tom was appt in 1962 & was in LAD*104 for a few years then transferred to LAD*108 & worked both on Siegel St & Union Ave prior to his Promotion to LT around 1975...he Covered for years waiting for a spot in R*4 .....he was an adept FF as well as a great Chauffer & a stickler for detail as well as an excellent mechanic but above all as a LT besides being a teacher he was a Champion for the FFs & never hesitated to speak up in their favor ....his motto was "BROTHERS FIRST" .......Continued REST IN IPEACE FRIEND.
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Jun 22, 2007
I wanted to attend this service, because as a buff, I remember when this happened. I learned that Lt Williams also had a brother that was on the FDNY during the time this happened. I think he is retired a Battalion Chief now.

Although I didn't know Lt Williams, I listened to those who had the honor of working with him. As is said here earlier, his motto was "Brothers First". That was very well backed up by those who spoke of him. He left this world as a Role Model to so many others, particularly to the members of the FDNY. 

Many years have passed since that very sad, tragic day of loosing Lt Tom Williams. There have been more plaques with the names who have paid the supreme sacrifice added to that wall in the quarters of Engine 292 and Rescue 4. As the FDNY Chaplin pointed out, let's all hope that there are NO MORE NAMES added to that wall.

Finally, let me say "Thank You" to the members of Engine Co 292 and Rescue Co 4 for doing such an Excellent Job in hosting this 25 Anniversary in celebrating the life of FDNY Lt Tom Williams.
Aug 29, 2008
I remember it well. Unfortunately, I had that job on the EMS side. It doesn't seem like 25 years already. Continue to Rest In Peace Loo and God Bless hold you in his hand and Bless your family.