New Boston firehouse

Jun 27, 2007
On Friday, September 28th @ 10AM the new quarters of Engine 17 and Ladder 7 will be dedicated @ 44 Winter Street. I believe this address is across from their current firehouse.
I don't know a lot about Boston FD, but I'm pretty sure 17/7 are on the busier side of things up there. A quick Google search and street view, looks like the firehouse is in a nice neighborhood. Do they just have a large response area or is the Google street view deceiving?
I'll help...17 and 7, Car 7 protect a very diversified (nice, idiots and criminals) section of the City.
We always said 90% of the work came from 10% of the addresses.
Lots of 3 story wood frames, large 2.5 PD's and light to medium-commercial.
My father grew up on Draper St. off Bowdoin St. and my grandfather (WW1 Vet.) moved to 330 Bowdoin St. until his passing.
I always wanted to go visit my grandfather because Eng.17 with 2nd piece Squirt, Lad. 7 with the tiller and Car 7 would pass by 330 Bowdoin St. coming from Qtrs. off the "Hill".
Fast forward, 1993 I'm assigned a sector car Bowdoin/Hamilton/Quincy etc.. midnights until 2006, I had an assignment opportunity and moved on.
The "Brothers" at 17 and 7 were top-shelf. If I stayed for the day and was nearby, lunch was the kitchen table.
In my hometown now, I bump into a Chief's-Aid, hello turns into 30 minutes later.
I wish them well with the new Qtrs.

I'll help...17 and 7, Car 7 protect a very diversified (nice, idiots and criminals) section of the City.
We always said 90% of the work came from 10% of the addresses.
Lots of 3 story wood frames, large 2.5 PD's and light to medium-commercial.
My father grew up on Draper St. off Bowdoin St. and my grandfather (WW1 Vet.) moved to 330 Bowdoin St. until his passing.
I always wanted to go visit my grandfather because Eng.17 with 2nd piece Squirt, Lad. 7 with the tiller and Car 7 would pass by 330 Bowdoin St. coming from Qtrs. off the "Hill".
Fast forward, 1993 I'm assigned a sector car Bowdoin/Hamilton/Quincy etc.. midnights until 2006, I had an assignment opportunity and moved on.
The "Brothers" at 17 and 7 were top-shelf. If I stayed for the day and was nearby, lunch was the kitchen table.
In my hometown now, I bump into a Chief's-Aid, hello turns into 30 minutes later.
I wish them well with the new Qtrs.

And D-7 had a great chief, Vinnie Bolger, especially during our "War Years". Great rapport with the Boston Sparks Association as well.
And D-7 had a great chief, Vinnie Bolger, especially during our "War Years". Great rapport with the Boston Sparks Association as well.
I don't know the other 3 but Erik Pettaway is a chief there now and he is one of the best! Worked with Artie and a handful of great old school Jakes
This link is for 44 WINTER ST. However when I bring it up, it shows

99 Parish St​

Boston, Massachusetts​

The picture of a firehouse shows a newer looking house.
44 Winter St looks like a pedestrian walkway. Not a actual street.
Figured out the problem, there's two Winter streets. One Downtown Boston and one right next to the old firehouse.
The front of the building is on Parish St but it uses 44 Winter as its address.