10/31/09 Manhattan Box 721 - All Hands

Nov 27, 2007
Murray Hill, Manhattan, NY, 10/31/09

Address: 165 E35 st between Lexington and 3rd Aves

Phone Box 721 - Report of fire in a supermarket
Engs. 16, 21, 65
TL7, L24
Battalion 6

10-75-721 - 00:23 hours
L2 is the FAST Truck
Battalion 8
Rescue 1
Squad 18
Division 3

00:25 hours
Battalion 6: We've got fire on the 1st floor of the D'agastino's.  We have 1 line stretched in operation, 2nd precautionary being stretched.  I'll get back to you with particulars.

7-5-721 - 00:27 hours
BC6: Box 720, we're going to use All Hands, fire on the 1st floor.  We have 1lso, the 2nd line precautionary line.

Exposures are:
1 - street
2 - street
3 - unknown
4 - 4 story MD

00:29 hours - Duration 11 minutes
BC6: Box 721, we're using All-Hands for fire on the 1st floor in the D'agastino's, 14 story 100x100 for the address 165 E35 st.  We have 1lso, main body of fire has been knocked down, the second line precautionary has been stretched.  Primary search on the fire floor is negative, fire is Doubtful.

00:32 hours - Duration 14 minutes
BC6: We're going with a Probably Will Hold on box 721, secondary searches in progress.

00:33 hours - Duration 15 minutes
BC6: All secondary searches are negative on the fire floor and floor above.

00:36 hours - Duration 18 minutes
BC6: Box 721 we're going to go Under Control, Squad 18 and Rescue 1 will be 10-8.