2/11/09 Manhattan Box 613 - 10-75

Nov 27, 2007
Gramercy, Manhattan, NY, 2/11/09

Address: 139 E23 st between Lexington and 3rd Aves

21:07 hours
Phone Box 613 - Report of fire on the roof of Shakespeare Bookstore.
Engs. 16, 14, 5
TL7, L3
Battalion 6

21:09 hours
TL7 requests a 10-7.

21:11 hours
Caller is coming down to speak with members, reports she still sees fire on the roof of the bookstore next to the hotel.

21:11 hours
Battalion 6: Right now using 1 and 2 for an investigation.

21:13 hours
BC6: Corrected address is 139 23rd st.

10-75-613 - 21:15 hours
BC6: 10-75 box 613, fire on the roof, trucks are opening up.
L24 is the FAST truck
Battalion 7
Rescue 1
Squad 18
Division 1

21:17 hours
BC6: We have 1 line stretched, 3 story 25x75, corrected address is 139 23 st.

Exposures are:
1 - street
2 - 16 story hotel
3 - unknown
4 - 9 story MD

21:18 hours - Duration 13 minutes
BC6: We have a small fire on the roof, right now using 2 and 2.

21:20 hours - Duration 15 minutes
BC6: All fire has been extinguished, fire is still Doubtful at this time, we're stretching a 2nd precautionary line to the top floor.

21:20 hours - Duration 16 minutes
BC6: Primary search is negative on the roof.

21:20 hours
BC6: Have PD respond for traffic control, we need them to close down 23rd and Lex.

21:23 hours
Receiving a Class J Alarm for the George Washington Hotel (exposure 2)

21:27 hours - Duration 22 minutes
DC1: Box 613, primary and secondary are negative in the fire building, we're going to go Probably Will Hold, and Rescue 1 will be taking up.
Rescue 1 is 10-8

21:32 hours - Duration 28 minutes
DC1: Box 631, the J alarm at the hotel has been checked out and the alarm has reset.  Squad 18 is taking up, we're going to go Under Control, and L24 is taking up.