7/26/2023 Manhattan 5th Alarm Box 0782

Oct 17, 2013
Address: 550 10th Avenue - between West 40 and West 41 Street

Crane on fire on top of a 47 story 200x200 building under construction.

0729 - Bn. 9 - Transmit the 10-75. We have active flames from a tower crane. I'll get you an estimation of how many stories the building is.


0733 - Bn. 9 - "Urgent" - We have a collapse of the crane onto 10th Avenue. Have PD shut down 10th Avenue and 42nd Street.

0734 - Unknown - We have an injured member that was struck by a piece of debris. We need EMS forthwith.

0734 - Bn. 9 - Transmit the 2nd Alarm. We're trying to account for all construction workers.

0734 - Div. 3 - Have the major matrix assigned.

0738 - Bn. 9 - Staging area is set up between 9th and 10th on 42nd Street. Command post on SW corner of 42nd and 10th.

0743 - Div. 3 - Transmit a 10-86. Be advised that there is a 40 gallon diesel tank that is fueling this fire. Have E-44 respond with their blitz fire.

0750 - Div. 3 - We are evacuating neighboring buildings. We are hitting the fire with a stream from an adjacent building.

0754 - Div. 3 - The command post will be at E 40 Street and 10th Avenue.

0804 - FC - We will need an Air Recon Chief.

0809 - FC - We need OEM forthwith and a representative from the crane company.

0812 - FC - Transmit the 3rd Alarm. We'll need 2 additional Trucks and a Master Rigger from OEM.

0817 - FC - Special call an additional FAST Truck (L-136 act. L-4). We want to have 2 FAST Trucks.

0823 - FC - We have fire in a crane on the roof. Primaries are negative on floors 34 through 42. We are in the process of evacuating neighboring buildings. Requesting 2 additional Battalion Chiefs. DWH

0825 - FC - Per Car 4, Transmit the full 4th Alarm.

0830 - FC - Primaries are negative on floors 20 through 30. There is an I Beam that has been impacted. We need a structural engineer to the scene.

0832 - Manhattan - Fallback Step 3.

0837 - FC - Ladder 24 has been given a different assignment. Assign an additional FAST Truck (L-30 act. L-4).

0840 - FC - All buildings on 41 and 42 Streets between 9 & 10 Avenues will be evacuated.

0842 - FC - Transmit the full 5th Alarm.

0904 - FC - Special call 3 additional Ladder Trucks (H&L-20 act. 4, 8, 102).

0906 - FC - Special call 2 additional Battalion Chiefs (B-16, B-12).

0921 - FC - The communications plan for this incident. The following channels will be used: Channel 1 - Primary Tactical; Channel 2 - Command; Channel 3 - Search and Evactuation; Channel 5 - Field Comm and Staging; Channel 13 - Air Operations.

1012 - FC - Special call a High Pressure Pumper (E-10).

1016 - FC - DoB is investigating the stability of the crane. PWH - Duration 2 hours 51 minutes.

E-34, 26, 54, 1, 65
L-21, 4, 24F
B-9, 7

2nd Alarm:
E-23, 21, 3
L-12, 7
B-6 FF, 2 RUL, 8 Safety, 42 Air Recon
RB, SB, FC, Tac 1, K9-01
L-25 SOC Support
L-16 w/ Rescue Collapse 1
E-9 w/ Sat. 1
HM-1, HMB, E-44 Haz Tech
SOC Compressor, SOC Logistics

10-86 Companies:
Foam Carriers - E-260, E-96, E-247
Purple K - E-33, E-84
Foam Coordinators - B-10, B-4
E-324 w/ Sat 4

3rd Alarm:
E-8, 16, 14, 24, 7 Communications
L-15 act. 21, 2, 43, 115, 136 act. 4F s/c
B-48 act. B-7, 49 act. 8 Staging, 37 act. 2 s/c, 45 s/c

4th Alarm:
E-307 act. 26, 259 act. 4, 35, 40
L-35, 3, 30 act. 4F
B-11, 50 act. 9

5th Alarm:
E-5, 39, 74, 55, 10 s/c
L-5, 9, 20 act. 4 s/c, 8 s/c, 102 s/c
B-31, 12, 16
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Jan 20, 2014
Car-8(Staten Island Borough Command)
Car-4(Chief of Opps)
Car-3A(Executive Officer to COD)
Car-15A(Chief of Fire Academy Randalls Island)
Car-16C(Director of Fire Alarm Opps)
Car-11F(Foam Operations)
Car-24(Director of Technical Services)
Car-11X(Captain of Command Tac)
Car-22H(Supervisor or Mechanics)
Car-32(Medical Officer Bronx & Manhattan)
Car-9(Queens Borough Commander)
Car-12A(Executive Officer to Chief of Safety Command)
Car-2(1st Deputy Fire Commissioner)
Car-11A(Chief of Rescue Opps)
Car-6(Manhattan Borough Commander)
Car-4A(AC of Opps)
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Jan 14, 2022
0812- FC: 3rd Alarm on the orders of Car 4, plus two additional trucks
0812- FC: Requesting a master rigger from OEM
0817- FC: s/c an additional FAST truck, want to have two FAST trucks on scene
0823- FC: Car 4 reports primary searches on floors 34-42 are negative, units are entering adjoining buildings for evacuations, s/c two additional BN
0825- FC: 4th alarm on the orders of Car 4
0828- FC: Car 4 reports primary searches floor 20-30 are complete and negative, and I-beam supporting the crane has been impacted, req. structural engineer (DOB advises structural engineer en route)
0832- MD: Fallback Step 3 has been implemented in Manhattan
0837- FC: s/c an additional FAST truck
0840- FC: Car 4 reports all buildings on 41 St between 9 and 10av have been evacuated as well 42 St between 9 and 10 av being evacuated currently
0842- FC: 5th alarm on the orders of Car 4
0854- MC to FC: Car 9 going in service as acting command chief
0904- FC: Car 3 assuming command, s/c three extra trucks
0908- FC: Per car 3, s/c two additional BC

Staging: W42 between 9th and 10th Av, revised to W40 and 9th, revised to W42 and 10
Command Post: W40 and 10th Av

Some units on the 3rd alarm:
E16, E14, E24, E8, E7 Communications
L43, L115, L2, L15 act. 21
L136 act. 4, second FAST truck
BN49 act. 8 Staging Manager
BN37 s/c, BN45 s/c

Some units on the 4th alarm:
E307 act. 26, E259 act. 54, E35, E40
TL35, L3, L30 act. 4 additional FAST

Some units on the 5th alarm:
E5, E39, E74, E55
L5, TL9
L20 s/c
L102 s/c
L8 s/c
BN12 s/c
BN16 s/c

Some relocations:
E319 act. 3
E307 act. 26, into the job
E259 act. 54, into the job
E325 act. ?
E312 act. 54
E249 act. 55
L15 act. 21, into the job
L136 act. 4, into the job
L117 act. 7
L124 act. 12
L30 act. 4, into the job
L24 act. 4, into the job
L48 act. 24
L131 act. 9
SQ41 act. SQ18
BN49 act 8, into the job
BN1 act. 9
BN37 act. 42, into the job
BN50 act. 9
BN22 act. 9
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Apr 1, 2007
Oct 18, 2022
What a crazy situation, that video and photo of the members atop the neighboring building is nuts! Fingers crossed that boom didn't do too much damage to the crane support brace when it crashed into it, thats an extremely tall piece of equipment to be in danger of collapse.

What a challenging fire. Hopefully the injured member is alright.
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Apr 4, 2016
I see the First Deputy Commissioner was the spoke person at the press interview for the FDNY . COD Hodgens didn't get a look in, sign of the times.
Sep 22, 2019
Curious as to why they didn't transmit a 10-60 when that large portion of the crane came down also striking the building across the street? The past few crane incidents I can remember in Manhattan had transmitted 10-60’s?
Apr 1, 2007
From the FDNY Facebook page:

"Around 7:45 FDNY units responded to 550 Tenth Avenue. The crane operator working noticed a fire break out on the crane and tried to put it out but was unsuccessful. Cables holding 16 tons of concrete was weakened by fire and gave way, causing the boom and load to fall, hitting an adjacent building.
There are four injuries to civilians and two to
Firefighters, all non-life-threatening."

FDNY photos.


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Jun 27, 2017
All of this over 40 gallons of diesel fuel. Are we going to hear about the crane inspectors again? Noted that chief's car bailing out of the collapse zone in the video. Hope it wasn't the Safety Battalion.