75- 898 on 10/15

Jul 14, 2007
Box 898 transmitted for a fire at 325 Moffatt Street, near Irving Avenue, Bushwick Section of Brooklyn.

Squad 252, Engines 277, 233  Ladders 112, 176  Batt. 28

@1650: 10-75 by Squad 252 for fire in a one story factory.  CIDS: three inter-connected buildings, all one story factories, HAZMAT chemical storage, target hazard; 319-323-325 Moffatt Street.

Rescue 2, Squad 288, HAZMAT 1, Div. 11, Engine 271, HazMat Batt.

@1653: 75-898: Batt. 28 reports using all hands for a fire in a one brick commercial 100 x 100, one line stretched operating, primary searches negative, doubtful.  RAC2 assigned.

@1657: Batt. 28 reports one line in operation, probably will hold.  Exposures: 1- street, 2-similar attached, 3- yard, 4- parking lot.

@1658: By order of Div. 11: HazMat 1, Haz Mat Batt., and Squad 288 can go 10-8.

@1703: Rescue 2 is 10-8.

@1706: Div. 11 reports fire was in a commercial dryer, into the ductwork, did not involve a HazMat area or any chemicals, one line in operation, secondary searches still in progress, still going with probably will hold.

@1706: Engine 234 acting Engine 277 is 10-8.

@1708: Div. 11 reports all secondary searches are negative in the fire building and the exposure, fire is under control.
