BFD Drug Testing

As a retired Firefighter i am in FAVOR of this policy. It was negotigated among the union members of the Boston Fire Dept and city management. As a result the firefighters agree to this testing and were given a pay raise. I think the members of the Boston Fire Dept certainly did a Great job.
  The Safty of citizens and Brother Firefighters are at risk for any member on the clock, under the influence. I think this is a Great step in the right direction.
  When I was on the job in Connecticut, we also set up drug testing with certain limits. But it was NOT Random Drug testing. It seemed to work pretty good. But as I always told my Brothers, "they could test me at ANYTIME, even Random".
  We need ALL firefighters to be Drug and alcohol free. Its just too dangerous otherwise.
Was drinking OTJ a regular occurrence back in the hey-day?
May have been prohibited Deano, but I was on the job in Louisiana in the early 80's and it wa common! Never did get used to that, eeven when I was younger.
Well I know NYPD did have in their contracts that they were allowed 1 BEER on their 63(meal hour), my dad stated that this was True and he believes it went away sometime in the late 80's. My uncle who also worked for the Sanitation Dept was also allowed 1 BEER in the afternoon after the route's were completed and again we are talking about YEARS ago.
::) Back in the 70's I was at a job in Charlestown, I think it was a 4th alarm. Somebody left a can of beer on the front pumper of E-50, a  member of R-1 used his halligan and knocked it off the rig. ;D