Citywide- Hurricane Sandy Citywide Operations

Aug 6, 2010
I'm sure this was discuess for Irene but I guess ill be that guy who asks again.  Whats going to be the staffing for it any one have any leads like what companys are getting what extra rigs. Also I know on some Engines now a days they ride 3 in the back with a seat open due to the storm will that seat be filled? the Special Operations Command will place into service effective 1900 tomorrow 1 additional rescue com;any located in south brooklyn, 1 squad company dedicated to staten island, numerous swift water teams deployed throughout the city along and chain saw task forces
OK here is an update.
Sunday.  Multiple Evacuation teams in service.
RRV1 = Command channel chiefs citywide
RRV2 = FDOC - > Bronx Queens EVAC teams
RRV3 = FDOC - > Brooklyn SI Manhattan Teams
RRV6 = Tac Ops as needed

Monday 0900
All Engines 5 to 5 Firefighters
All Battalions to 2 aides

I personally hate to listen to the news and weather people on the networks because they have to "make" news out of everything and have weather sound worse than it really is. Here is a take from an independant meterologist (who was dead-on during Hurricane Irene) on the storm:

From Dr. Jeff Master's at Weather Wunderground:

Sandy's storm surge a huge threat
"Last night's 9:30 pm EDT H*Wind analysis from NOAA's Hurricane Research Division put the destructive potential of Sandy's winds at a modest 2.6 on a scale of 0 to 6. However, the destructive potential of the storm surge was exceptionally high: 5.7 on a scale of 0 to 6. This is a higher destructive potential than any hurricane observed between 1969 - 2005, including Category 5 storms like Katrina, Rita, Wilma, Camille, and Andrew. The previous highest destructive potential for storm surge was 5.6 on a scale of 0 to 6, set during Hurricane Isabel of 2003. Sandy is now forecast to bring a near-record storm surge of 6 - 11 feet to Northern New Jersey and Long Island Sound, including the New York City Harbor. While Sandy's storm surge will be nowhere near as destructive as Katrina's, the storm surge does have the potential to cause many billions of dollars in damage if it hits near high tide at 9 pm EDT on Monday. The full moon is on Monday, which means astronomical high tide will be about 5% higher than the average high tide for the month. This will add another 2 - 3" to water levels. Fortunately, Sandy is now predicted to make a fairly rapid approach to the coast, meaning that the peak storm surge will not affect the coast for multiple high tide cycles. Sandy's storm surge will be capable of overtopping the flood walls in Manhattan, which are only five feet above mean sea level. On August 28, 2011, Tropical Storm Irene brought a storm surge of 4.13' to Battery Park on the south side of Manhattan. The waters poured over the flood walls into Lower Manhattan, but came 8 - 12" shy of being able to flood the New York City subway system. According to the latest storm surge forecast for NYC from NHC, Sandy's storm surge is expected to be several feet higher than Irene's. If the peak surge arrives near Monday evening's high tide at 9 pm EDT, a portion of New York City's subway system could flood, resulting in billions of dollars in damage. I give a 50% chance that Sandy's storm surge will end up flooding a portion of the New York City subway system."
The National Weather Service in Upton, New York predicts maximum water level of 11.7 feet at The Battery in New York City, which is expected to occur at 8:13pm ET on Monday, would break the record of 10.5 feet which was set on September 15, 1960 in Hurricane Donna.
Dewatering Unit @ Roosevelt Island
3000gpm pumping units @ Roosevelt Island
SOC Taskforce Operations Post @ Roosevelt Island

Rescue 6 @ E250
Squad 800 @ E168
Rescue Bn2 @ E253

7 Swift Water teams
2 Carolina Skiff Teams
2 3000gpm units at Roosevelt Island
Dewatering units staffed

RRV 1 on DARS will be command
Verrazano, GWB, Throgs Neck, Whitestone bridges closing at 1900hrs.
The entire city is getting hit very hard. Multiple people trapped and there is a lack of units to keep up. The Swift water teams are in high demand.
At this rate they need to do something in Queens. It's going south fast.
They should be dusting off any reserve rig left and getting it ready.
Now what will happen is that around daybreak people will wake up & start calling in the previously handled incidents like trees... cable wires....chimneys ...etc ...etc.

There has been so much going on in NYC with the storm. The evucation of the entire NYU Hospital, the crane collapse 75 stories high, people trapped, record high tide, closing of the entire bus and subway system, closing of all bridges and tunnels, and the twelve buildings burning in Queens etc.

  To give some idea of what its been like, one veteren radio reporter stated: "In just about every block of NYC you could get stories that otherwise on any other day would be high ranking news items in itself.

  Hats off to the Emergency workers of NYC and to those required to work and assist others. You are dedicated and respected by us all. GREAT JOB !!!

nfd2004 said:
There has been so much going on in NYC with the storm. The evucation of the entire NYU Hospital, the crane collapse 75 stories high, people trapped, record high tide, closing of the entire bus and subway system, closing of all bridges and tunnels, and the twelve buildings burning in Queens etc.

  Quote: "and the twelve buildings burning in Queens".......most of us know now it was more like 100 building burning at Breezy Point in Queens. Somebody told me that the first unit in was Ladder 124 and they that they have several city blocks on fire.
Looters target Coney Island after Sandy sweeps through
In broad daylight, thieves stole flat screens from Rent-A-Center. Others swiped top shelf booze from Joann?s Discount Wine and Liquor
By Matthew Lysiak AND Nancy Dillon / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS
Wednesday, October 31, 2012, 1:21 PM
Hurricane Sandy:  Coney Island wreckage: Looting.  A level one mobilization was called in Coney Island in regards to looting.
Joe Marino for New York Daily News

Cops responded to reports of looting on Coney Island Wednesday.

A wave a looters followed the Sandy storm surge in Coney Island, creating a double-whammy for business owners trying to pick up the obliterated pieces.
The thieves started down Mermaid Avenue Tuesday morning as the chest-high water receded, turning the seaside community known for its hotdogs and tourist attractions into a lawless free-for-all.

"People were running in and out of Rent-A-Center carrying these big flat screens. They were holding on tight," said witness Aisha John, 20. "I couldn't understand how someone could steal a big TV in broad
daylight, but no one cared.?

She said people were running out of a nearby Rite Aid with bags of diapers and wipes.

"Look, they've been looting our wallets for too long," said a young male who claimed he helped himself to a TV at the Rent-A-Center.

?It's about time we start taking this sh?back," the youth, who identified himself as Jesse James, told the Daily News.

"It was complete lawlessness,? said Ron Troyano, owner of Joann?s Discount Wine and Liquors on Mermaid Ave.

He said looters used tools to bust through his steel security gates around 11:30 a.m. Tuesday.

The thieves then shattered his storefront and helped themselves to thousands of dollars worth of top shelf liquor, he said.

"They pried open the gate, broke the glass and went straight for the Hennessy and Grey Goose,? he said.

Police got a measure of control around 4 p.m. Tuesday, but two cops positioned outside Joann?s into the night failed to stop more looters from sneaking in through the roof, Troyano told The News.

"They broke right in through the roof while the cops were standing outside. It's unbelievable. They were passing bottles down to each other from the roof," he said.

Troyano said between the flooding and the plundering, his losses were too high to easily calculate. He said he?s not sure when he?ll reopen.

"We are supposed to come together as a community during times of crisis, not pick at each other like vultures," he said. "Next time I'm getting a gun."

Looters also hit The Fresh Market five blocks down.

"They destroyed everything. They stole anything they could get their hands on. Someone even ran off with the cash register," said employee Fernando Mendoza as he picked up pieces of broken glass Wednesday.

"It was a mob of people. Fifty to a hundred. They were just running down the street grabbing anything that wasn't nailed down," he said.

"They were literally walking out with shopping carts full of merchandise. They didn't even look worried,? a Rite Aid employee who declined to give her name told The News.

They looked like they were casually shopping," she said. "They looked almost happy. I saw an elderly lady walking away with batteries and a bag of Kit Kats.?

Read more:
Shameless Looters Display Stolen Goods On Twitter

?Sandy Loot Crew? plans more heists & violence tonight

Paul Joseph Watson
October 31, 2012

Looters who are taking advantage of the devastation caused by Hurricane Sandy are posting photographs of their stolen goods on Twitter and bragging about how they plan to carry out more thefts and violence.

Shocking images posted to the social networking website depict individuals who appear to be working together boasting about how they have stolen electrical items from both stores and private homes that fell victim to the hurricane.

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Shameless Looters Display Stolen Goods On Twitter 311012twitter2

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Shameless Looters Display Stolen Goods On Twitter 311012twitter4

The gangs appear to be organizing their looting expeditions under the hashtag #SandyLootCrew.

Other Twitter users attempted to report the looters and some of their accounts were suspended. Members of the hacking group ?Anonymous? apparently also got embroiled in an effort to stop the looters.

As we first highlighted on Monday, the looting was planned on Twitter well in advance of the hurricane making landfall. News reports from numerous different areas are now flooding inconfirming that widespread looting is taking place.

Twitter user Kyle Newman took screenshots of some of the tweets where he caught gang members organizing which houses they would loot ahead of the storm.

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Not only are members of the gang bragging about their stolen loot, they are also openly planning violence.


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Jackson also talked about getting a bigger boat and having already looted 20 Playstation 3′s.

Shameless Looters Display Stolen Goods On Twitter 311012twitter6

We will update this page with more screenshots as they come in.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for and Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.
Cops with shotguns=justice, vs cops = instant justice. By the way listen to the way and styles of speaking, draw your own conclusions. Most normal people are scared to death what is coming their way, Tevon Jackson well if you had hit my house, your useless, shiftless body would have been impacted by a lot of bullets. In other words your single parent mother, and your lazy, shiftless non-payment of child support father would need a lot of support to bury your useless ass. What you reap you will sow!!