Feb 9, 2018
Feb 4, 2010
Ive been so surprised at the lack of seriousness this virus has been taken in the US up to know it seems. Its the same in the UK. They said only Thursday that "if you have symptoms stay at home for 7days (7 days less then what Europe is telling people) and people over 70 shouldn't go on cruises"

He said "a ban on mass gathering wasn't necessary yet"

They are quickly rethinking those statements

Europe is closing one county at a time. Its unheard of. Ireland has being very slow to react and it looks like we are gonna pay for that by the end pf the week when we see the numbers of new transmissions. Like Italy when they started to shut down they didnt take it seriously. They went skiing, out to dinner, they mixed with others...they treated it as a holiday.

Many here did the same last night on day 1 of school and college shutdown. The bars in the city were packed. FRIGHTENING. Pubs, Clubs and restaurants are today starting to close on their own for 2wks to keep people from mixing

Take this seriously especially if you are over 60, of ill health or caring for someone in those areas. Id say by next week Ireland will follow most other European countries and be on lockdown to try stop the spread. Worrying times

Be safe all
May 6, 2010
Feb 27, 2015
If anyone hasn't guessed, FDNY is taking this very serious. This has been the biggest thing since I've been on the job.
Dec 7, 2007
IRISH said:
Ive been so surprised at the lack of seriousness this virus has been taken in the US up to know it seems. Its the same in the UK. They said only Thursday that "if you have symptoms stay at home for 7days (7 days less then what Europe is telling people) and people over 70 shouldn't go on cruises"

He said "a ban on mass gathering wasn't necessary yet"

They are quickly rethinking those statements

Europe is closing one county at a time. Its unheard of. Ireland has being very slow to react and it looks like we are gonna pay for that by the end pf the week when we see the numbers of new transmissions. Like Italy when they started to shut down they didnt take it seriously. They went skiing, out to dinner, they mixed with others...they treated it as a holiday.

Many here did the same last night on day 1 of school and college shutdown. The bars in the city were packed. FRIGHTENING. Pubs, Clubs and restaurants are today starting to close on their own for 2wks to keep people from mixing

Take this seriously especially if you are over 60, of ill health or caring for someone in those areas. Id say by next week Ireland will follow most other European countries and be on lockdown to try stop the spread. Worrying times

Be safe all

I couldn't agree more, Dec.  Too many people won't take it seriously until it's way too late.
Feb 9, 2018
Jun 15, 2012
Lebby said:
If anyone hasn't guessed, FDNY is taking this very serious. This has been the biggest thing since I've been on the job.

New: BD Announcing - 'Exercise Universal Precautions for Caller Reporting Coughing/Fever'
May 6, 2010


May 14, 2007
25-group chart changed to an A-B-C-D group chart with each group working a 24-hour tour. No trades or temporary details to other units, however, trades across the floor permitted. Relocated companies not to enter firehouse to which temporarily assigned.
Jun 22, 2007
QUEENS1985 said:
Is it going to be 1 24 and then 48 off?

The above schedule 24 on/48 off is a 56 hour work week.

HCO said:
Work one 24-hour tour, off for three 24-hour tours, then repeat.

The above 24 on/ 72 off is a 42 hour work week.

Here in the northeast, most cities work a 42 hour work week and that schedule (24/72) is very popular.

Many cities, only a few years ago "had been" working a 42 hour work week schedule. Maybe with 3 day tours, followed by 3 days off. Then 3 night tours, followed by 3 days off. Then repeated.

Now with the 24/72 shift, the shift may begin at 8 am and finish at 8 am the next morning.

What also changed with that was time off. Now instead of maybe 14 vacation tours off, it is half that - 7 full vacation tours off. However, some places DO allow for taking a separate day OR night off, rather than the entire 24 hour shift.

From what I understand, most guys are pretty happy with that schedule.

Jun 22, 2007
baileyjeff said:
So COVID is going to really hurt the FDNY revenue. How can the FDNY save money?

?Baileyjeff?, if you are referring to the new shift schedule, I don?t think that will affect much in the FDNYs budget.

As far as cost increase to fire departments, this COVID19 is sure to raise the cost for ALL Fire Depts.
Feb 4, 2010
Looking at the stats Italy's numbers on this is a complete disaster. 627 deaths in he last 24hrs. They've had 5,986 new cases just ahead of the US on 5,406

An issue that has been raised in Europe and here in Ireland is Fire Service cover especially in towns outside of big cities. If Retained (FFs on call) Fire Crews which run on limited crews as it is start to become effected by this it could reduce fire cover in towns to dangerous levels and could end up pulling mutual aid from other stations further away

As it stands there has only been 1 Firefighter / Paramedic in Dublin to test positive for the virus. 3 other Firefighter / Paramedics were exposed to a patient who later tested positive and sadly passed away Wednesday evening

Im not aware of any Full Time Brigades having to change rotas yet