May 6, 2010
Jun 2, 2009
Lebby said:
Len90 said:
Lebby, makes sense to keep workers of the same group working together. Seems like all of healthcare (field responders, hospitals, etc) are all going to team based and trying to not intermingle. Are EMS being restricted to number of people in one place? At the hospital we now are not allowed to be in groups of more than 15 any time.

Sounds like you read the recent New York Times article, if not it is a good which I highly recommend. No, we have no group limit, but that said even at my station of the biggest in the city we rarely have more than six people in the same room. Recently we had a HazTac drill on Covid, where HT1 invited any member during shift change to sit in for a little OT andwe maybe had 10 members in the kitchen which along with Sunday Meal is probably our max. That said we have been trying the whole six feet thing, which has been hard considering the station's and notably the Lieutenant's Office's size.

I've been reading a lot more than just that article... Sadly I was on the front line managing numerous vented patients over the weekend in ARDS. I also pronounced one of SIs first losses as a result. A few more have been lost since that. Data from china and Italy are not consistent with what I am seeing. Have severe disease seen in too many 30s 40s and 50s. It's scary.

Also freaky that 6 days ago I posted shelter in place was coming as well as tent hospitals... Hate the fact knowing I was right and these moves are still lagging behind. It's going to keep getting worse. Vent shortage is real. Unit beds are not the issue just yet, limiting factor is ventilators. Cuomo's idea to increase hospital capacity by 50% is complete stupidity. Him and those who came before him are responsible for the decrease of 10-20k hospital beds over the past 20 years in the state of NY.

I consider myself in a fortunate position... I have my 1 N95 mask that was intended for a single patient use being preserved to last me for over a week in a paper bag. I have my hospital issued goggles that will hopefully not glaze over after all the soap/water and disinfectants I have been placing over it.
May 6, 2010
3-23-2020 NEWS REPORT W/THE F.C. .......
May 6, 2010