Division 7 Training Newsletter November & December 2016 Editions

Apr 13, 2012
Agreed, very interesting reads. I noticed in the Nov. letter Ladder 6 is a RM aerial and not a tiller. Rig looks like its an order from the mid 90s. Anyone know when Ladder 6 received a tiller?
May 6, 2010
Not sure of all the years but of course like all other LADs at one time 6 was a Tiller & had kept it until the then CPT at the time in the '80s  wanted a RM in order to be able to relocate to other areas of the City so the FFs could experience varied occupancies but when CPT Jonas took over the Company he realized the better advantage of having a Tiller in the Chinatown Streets & they were assigned a Tiller coincidentally when LAD*133 was being organized in late '98 the Job was in need of a RM for the new Company so they took 6's former RM & gave it to 133.


May 14, 2007
Clarification re Ladder 6?s first rearmount:

The eight 1983 Seagrave rearmounts went, in order, to:  Ladders 26, 4, 126 (later 132), 78, 112, 28, 38 (later 3), and 37.

Ladder 6's first actual rearmount was one of 13 Seagraves of 1984 (SL8407). This replaced a 1980 Seagrave tiller (SL8030). SL8407 was assigned to Ladder 6 on 10/10/84 and remained there until 8/2/94 when replaced with a 1994 Seagrave rearmount (SL9407). That one remained assigned to Ladder 6 until March 9, 1995, when it was decided to reassign a tiller to Ladder 6 and reassign SL9407 to the Fire Academy On that date Ladder 6 was given the second hand 1989 Seagrave tiller (SL8912T) formerly assigned to Ladder 175. Ladder 6 now has a 2013 Seagrave 100' tiller (SL13003T) which was assigned to them on 8/27/2013.