
Aug 8, 2009

FDNY Fire Service Line of Duty Deaths

April 4, 1956 – Bronx , NY. 6 Firefighters die.

B 1.gif

While operating at a four-alarm fire in the one-story brick Arrow Furniture Store, at 4065 Third Avenue, the metal coping on the front of the wall collapsed, bringing the parapet wall and marquee down on firefighters who were operating just under it.

Those killed were:

Lieutenant John Molloy of Engine 48,
Firefighter Edward Carroll of Engine 48,
Firefighter Arthur Hanson of Ladder 44,
Firefighter Frederick Hellauer of Engine 48,
Firefighter William Hoolan of Ladder 44,

Firefighter Charles Infosino Assistant Chief’s Aide - Engine 18.

RIP. Never forget.
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2504 Webster Ave.


E 48 FH 5.jpg


L 44 ap 3.jpg
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My friend the late B.C., Richie Saccamano the former Chief in charge of the FDNY Probationary School barely escaped this collapse of the front parapet of this building, when he was a fireman. It appeared that the steel girder spanning the front of the building was pushed out of position, when the girders that ran front to rear Expanded from the heat of the fire causing the collapse. A cantilevered sign above the main entrance was also a factor in the collapse. Note at that time No FAST teams existed in the FDNY, the Rescue companies were tasked with removal of, then Firemen from what we would now call Maydays! Richie told me that the only reason he survived was he was near the exposure 2 (="B") side of the front of the building and was able to run far enough to the left of the collapse to reach safety. Lesson here is consider, where you can run to safety, before the collapse. Also, Deputy Chief Vincent Dunn once told me if you are running away from a collapse look forward not back. You can run faster, without tripping over something if you are looking forward. Captain Bob Rainey FDNY Engine 26 retired
This picture was on a 1960s WNYF cover ....Richie Saccamano then a FF in ENG*88 with the Nozzle at a BX wall collapse in the 1960s....LT Dan Maher ENG*88 is in the middle of the photo running to warn the FFs on the Multiversal (I can't read the text but I think this Fire / Collapse may have actually been on Bronx St ?Collapse.png
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This photo is NOT of the Third Avenue collapse on 04/04/1956.
This picture was on a 1960s WNYF cover ....Richie Saccamano then a FF in ENG*88 with the Nozzle at a BX wall collapse in the 1960s....LT Dan Maher ENG*88 is in the middle of the photo running to warn the FFs on the Multiversal (I can't read the text but I think this Fire / Collapse may have actually been on Bronx St ?View attachment 43275
This photo is NOT of the Third Avenue collapse on 4/4/1956. Different fire a decade later.
^^^Yes it is not of the 3rd Ave collapse...the post above that mentioned Richie Sacamanno ....this was another later Collapse ... the one he was involved in not 3rd Ave.