FDNY "Cash for Crash" Program

Feb 26, 2010
May 6, 2010
Another asshole idea from the compliment of assholes.......what i would expect from it......more leaving the scene to avoid paying (possibly causing another accident &/or more injuries).....more phony ID s......more hostility from motorists .........legitimately hurt people refusing timely treatment ........an across the board insurance increase for all.......& ......the quote in the article says this will generate only 1 mil a year they piss away this amount regularly............WTF.

Mar 8, 2007
68jk09 said:
Another asshole idea from the compliment of assholes.......what i would expect from it......more leaving the scene to avoid paying (possibly causing another accident &/or more injuries).....more phony ID s......more hostility from motorists .........legitimately hurt people refusing timely treatment ........an across the board insurance increase for all.......& ......the quote in the article says this will generate only 1 mil a year they piss away this amount regularly............WTF.
May 22, 2009
68jk09 said:
Another asshole idea from the compliment of assholes.......what i would expect from it......more leaving the scene to avoid paying (possibly causing another accident &/or more injuries).....more phony ID s......more hostility from motorists .........legitimately hurt people refusing timely treatment ........an across the board insurance increase for all.......& ......the quote in the article says this will generate only 1 mil a year they piss away this amount regularly............WTF.

Rather then this why don't they fine for false alarms on the class 3 and private home alarm systems.  This should force better maintenance of these systems by the owners.
Aug 16, 2007
I don't understand how they can legally charge anyone. That's what my taxes go to. Isn't that like double billing?
Nov 9, 2008
Another ill conceived idea generated by the "Bean Counters"  I do note that in New York City when you get ambulance service you do get a significant bill - on the order of $700 or so. Nassau County the same thing - if you call 911 you get a Nassau Police Ambulance and a bill. My understanding is many of the Volunteer Fire Districts don't bill you. If you need service it is better to call the Fire Dept directly and you may not get a bill.
Jul 19, 2007
So you are in a fender bender and some do-gooder calls.  You get some FD units and a bill?  People will say "I didn't call you....go bill the guy who called".  This is plain stupid.

Next they'll charge for structural fires.  Nahhh... they cannot be THAT dumb!    ???
Feb 26, 2010
From what I understand of it, if u are found to be "at fault" in an accident then u'll have to pay. I agree with 68 it will cause more hit & run incidents. in theroy its a good idea but it won't work.
Feb 26, 2010
sorry for the short hand but my phone has character limits. there will be problems that will come from this & it will cause more headaches than its worth. Try charging ppl 4 being on the phone driving
Oct 6, 2010
Some volunteer ambulance corps will bill you, because many have per-diem EMT's and Paramedics to pay. Insurance usually covers the bill, and if it doesn't the ambulance corp many times will not "go after" the patient for payment.

But sorry, this idea is just going to generate more hostility toward the dept, at a time when you don't need it. Shut down the recruiting OT, and all the Metro OT. From what I've read that could be a significant savings.


Aug 8, 2009
68jk09 pointed out only $1M a year - it will cost many times that to administer the program.

Who decides who and what to charge?  What if both are at fault?  Who pays for the legal challenges and appeals?  Maybe the city can hire more lawyers and accountants to make the $1M.

If someone is involved in a car accident, they will get a medical bill for the EMT/Medic treatment and a bill for the engine/truck/rescue response.  Can they also be charged for a Hazmat incident if they leak coolant or windshield washer fluid?

Maybe the city could put meters on the apparatus and charge by the mile like taxis.  SI units will make enough money to cover the brush fires.

If this would save any jobs, I would charge for everything, but I doubt it will help any member.  People will become less supportive of emergency services and members.

People already do get a bill for emergency services.  They call it tax.
Apr 9, 2007
Precisely mack !! This goes back to a debated thread mentioned elswhere in this site that mentions the same topic in another Dept. It is totally ridiculous and it's grossly apparent that the political system in NYC has run amock. If and when it's implemented, the politicians will utilize the money on black hole projects.