Spending my whole career in EMS, it seems that is easier to BLAME EMS,then other agencies, let's say, Sanitation Dept,DOT,etc.. No different then what occurs everyday in the field, "if you ever been on a call in a nursing home and have disputed with the, so called Nurse" you will agree, then when I say, when a Complaint comes from a Nurse,Police Officer or a "do you know, who I know" person, who gets BLAMED 100% of the time, EMS, we are an easy target.
Paramedics been only around since the early 1970's, the public has no clue what goes on, on the EMS side. We have no lobbyist in DC nor does EMS tend to back one particular politician over another, #1 Reason in my opinion, is that for most people in EMS, it's not a Career, dont stay 20-30 years, I been in EMS since 1996 and can tell you that I am amazed on how little seniority there is in EMS,because a lot of people leave to go to school or the Fire Side, anyway, EMS is a EASY target, Public only thinks about us in an EMERGENCY, we dont do open house's,parades,public education, we are our worst enemies,
Dont get me even started on the physical looks of a lot of EMS personel..... Not the most picture of GREAT HEALTH, LOL!!