Field Comm Battalion vs Car 16G?

Jul 6, 2024
What's the difference between Field Comm Battalion and Car 16G (SFAD for Field Comm)?
Is one no longer in service, and one or other replacing the other?
I can't find any pictures of Car 16G, but found what Field Comm Battalion drives online. 41562148974_ce6ab50bdd_b.jpg
Someone on here will certainly know more, but I think the FC Battalion has been disbanded as a staffed unit. Used to be assigned on the second alarm but I haven't seen that happen in a long time. Of note, the SFAD for Field Comm and the FC Batt would be different things - SFAD is someone with the rank of Supervising Fire Alarm Dispatcher, while the FC Batt would have been staffed by an operational battalion chief, I believe. Different training, different roles. I also believe that 16G, when assigned, responds to a dispatch centre and not to the scene of an incident. Again, just my understanding, others will know more.
Car 16G is responsible for the dispatchers that are assigned to the Field Communications Unit. These dispatchers also assist with the Mobile Command Centers.
The Communications Chief assignment is now performed by a regular battalion chief. These are two different jobs.
Battalion Chiefs no longer work in Field Comm. If there is a S.A. Deputy Chief, then the Deputy Chief will work in Field Comm