Joplin Mo Fire Dept

Jun 27, 2007
The city of Joplin is served by a daily shift of 24 members who crew 2 Engines and 3 Trucks (Quints). I understand the Chief lost his house, my concerns and prayers to all those who have suffered. :( :( :(
Listened to the audio/video conent from the Everyone seems so calm and composed in this situation. I was a Forward Air Controller in SEA, I could never cause that much destruction. I do not care WHERE YOU LIVE, have a plan for this kind of shit. Minneapolis got hit also, that is not exactly Tornado Alley. Guess we should have not walked on the moon, huh??(Conspiracy people say this is the product of distrubing a heavenly body)
My sincere Condolunces to those who have lost friends and family members. Terrible diseaster. Where do you begin in a disester like this. From the news reports there is Nothing left. The loss of lives, property, family possions must take a huge toll.
  Certainly credit goes to those members involved in the rescue efferts.
I realize that there are many out of state assests in Joplin. The other day while units were involved in Search and Rescue activities there was a very real danger of another tornado strike. I hope that precautions were in place for all first-responders.
Rosenbauer has leased a custon demonstrator pumper to Joplin for $1.00 for as long as necessary. I beleive they also donated a piece of apparatus to FDNY after 9-11. :) 8) 8) :)