Maxi Water Unit

Mar 8, 2022
Why was the Maxi Water Unit - what appeared to be just like the other five satellites - called something different? I'm guessing that there was some special purpose, since Brooklynne is the only borough with two satellites. Why was the name dropped (became Satellite 6 sometime between 1993 and 2005)?

I thought it was nice to pay homage on the 2005 Satellite 6 with "Maxi Water" on the cab, but it doesn't seem to have made it onto the 2019 one.
^^^^^ I would think the "Maxi Water" logo was dropped as it originally was part of a system no longer in place & they are just individual Satellites now.... also the money spent on the hot potato pumper that is laying around would have been better spent if the money went toward providing adequate manning on existing busy ENGs.
^^^^^ I would think the "Maxi Water" logo was dropped as it originally was part of a system no longer in place & they are just individual Satellites now.... also the money spent on the hot potato pumper that is laying around would have been better spent if the money went toward providing adequate manning on existing busy ENGs.
I think the Maxi Water Unit was the boss of the operations on the fireground SS 8204.
^^^^^ I would think the "Maxi Water" logo was dropped as it originally was part of a system no longer in place & they are just individual Satellites now.... also the money spent on the hot potato pumper that is laying around would have been better spent if the money went toward providing adequate manning on existing busy ENGs.
While that sounds like a good idea into reality it wouldn't be but a drop in the bucket to provide additional manning. It might cover the annual cost of 8 firefighters for one year at the most, after that they would either have to be dropped or other funding found! Equipment is a whole lot cheaper in the long run than firefighters are!
While that sounds like a good idea into reality it wouldn't be but a drop in the bucket to provide additional manning. It might cover the annual cost of 8 firefighters for one year at the most, after that they would either have to be dropped or other funding found! Equipment is a whole lot cheaper in the long run than firefighters are!

I would just add this.

Fire Trucks DON’T Put Out Fires - Firefighters Do

Eight firefighters with 2 Pumpers can do a lot more than Eight pumpers with 2 firefighters
So ... I seemed to have brushed up against a very touchy subject. 😁
I think the Maxi Water Unit was the boss of the operations on the fireground SS 8204.
Interesting. They were housed at E207, where the Super Pumper was last housed (I believe), so it would make sense.
Why was the Maxi Water Unit - what appeared to be just like the other five satellites - called something different? I'm guessing that there was some special purpose, since Brooklynne is the only borough with two satellites. Why was the name dropped (became Satellite 6 sometime between 1993 and 2005)?

I thought it was nice to pay homage on the 2005 Satellite 6 with "Maxi Water" on the cab, but it doesn't seem to have made it onto the 2019 one.
You can find articles and photos of the Superpumper and Maxi Water Systems on the following pages:
Thanks for the links. A lot of good info about the Super Pumper and some pics of the MWU, but still no details about what the MWU specifically was. If it was simply another satellite that was housed with the SP and was staffed by the "boss of the operations on the fireground," as grumpy grizzly said, then that makes sense, but I haven't seen anything written anywhere about it.
Thanks for the links. A lot of good info about the Super Pumper and some pics of the MWU, but still no details about what the MWU specifically was. If it was simply another satellite that was housed with the SP and was staffed by the "boss of the operations on the fireground," as grumpy grizzly said, then that makes sense, but I haven't seen anything written anywhere about it.
I believe the MWU was the replacement to the SPS. The MWU was a 2000 GPM ALF. the second alarm would bring a 2000GPM engine and its satellite for 4000GPM of pumping power.
Thanks for the links. A lot of good info about the Super Pumper and some pics of the MWU, but still no details about what the MWU specifically was. If it was simply another satellite that was housed with the SP and was staffed by the "boss of the operations on the fireground," as grumpy grizzly said, then that makes sense, but I haven't seen anything written anywhere about it.
Compiled from earlier posts since 2009.

Super Pumper, Tender, 3 Satellites organized 10-01-1965
Super Pumper, Tender lose staff, cross staffed by Engine 207 07-01-1975
2000 gpm pumpers assigned to 5 Satellite engines and Engine 207 1979
Super Pumper last response 4-24-1982
Super Pumper redesignated as Maxi Water 10-25-1982
Maxi Water officially organized 1-1-1984 as Super Pumper successor
Maxi Water redesignated as Satellite 6 12-29-1998
Last edited:
Compiled from earlier posts since 2009.

Super Pumper, Tender, 3 Satellites organized 10-01-1965
Super Pumper, Tender lose staff, cross staffed by Engine 207 07-01-1975
2000 gpm pumpers assigned to 5 Satellite engines and Engine 207 1979
Super Pumper last response 4-24-1982
Super Pumper redesignated as Maxi Water 10-25-1982
Maxi Water officially organized 1-1-1984 as Super Pumper successor
Maxi Water redesignated as Satellite 6 12-29-1998
Interesting how the prefix "Maxi" seemingly creeped its way into FD vernacular via Mack trucks. MaxiBrake, MaxiTorque, etc.