Newark Mayor wants special port unit

Didn’t Newark have a special unit at the port and didn’t the city disband it?

And what Newark should do is restablish all the companies they closed 10-15 years ago.
Didn’t Newark have a special unit at the port and didn’t the city disband it?

And what Newark should do is restablish all the companies they closed 10-15 years ago.
Newark had a foam unit (Engine 35/Foam 1) until 1983 at the port.
I agree they bring back those companies disbanded over the last forty years. That department is severely understaffed
From what I gathered, the FD is still down ffs even after hiring 9. I think there down 38 spots.
One of the things I can see happened is a lot of municipalities look at fds as a necessary evil. Most dont generate revenue but cost the city. Some look down on the schedules as unfair. ( at least here they do. I know my city admin hated we had Kelly days, trying to use the justification no other city employees had them when they took them away. Other then PD and the water dept, no other dept also worked every holiday, hurricane.... but hey what do I know. )
So unfortunately here we are. Most admins don't look at what could happen, they look at what did happen. So when a dept, in this case the fd says hey we need....... the excuse becomes we never needed it before why do we need it now. Then this happens. And all of a sudden changes are proposed. And unfortunately it's not just the city administration, it's the fd administration. Just me but there's a lot of officers hiding behind badges and and college diplomas, that don't know they don't know. And it's scary.
The do more with less philosophy should not be applied to the fire service because this type of tragedy is the result