Norfolk,Va Tech Rescue



200 Ligoln St @ Metro Machine Shipyard

0931- Report of a person down a 25ft shaft on board the USS Mahan
B3, E8, L8, R1, M11

0932- Clear B3 assign to B1, and replace M11 with M8

0935- Eng 8 on scene, confirmed person in bottom of shaft.

0938- Lad 8 and Med 8 on scene, Med8 Bravo sent down to assess Pt.

0941- Bat 1 orders full Tech Rescue Assign.

0943- Lad 14, Res 2, Utility 14, Car 8 en route

0945- Res 1 on scene

0947- Eng 8 reports a haul system has been set up on board and requests Res 1 to assess the compatibility for use.

0949- Res 1 Alpha reports that the system set up on board can be used.  Bn 1 on scene and assumes command.  Clears Lad 14, Res 2 and Utility 14

between 0950-1000 various equipment is requested to complete the haul system.

*at 1005 I loose power so forgive the rest being adlibed, however by 1030 the Pt was removed and being transported to Sentra Norfolk General*