NYSE Threatening to sue photographer over picture of building

Nov 27, 2007
I figured this might be something of interest to the photographers around.  A well-respected photographer on an art/photography website I frequent just released this call for help in his blog:
The photographs in question were taken by myself on January 06, 2010 - I had a physical witness there with me to prove that I did take the photographs and that they were taken legally and lawfully. According to the New York Stock Exchange, these photographs I took are in violation of their rights.

The New York Stock Exchange is threatening me with legal action and threatening my rights as an artist, photograph, and photo-journalist. The New York Stock Exchange claims I do not have rights to my photographs and works of art (of buildings and a street-scene in New York City) and that I do not have the right to make a profit off of or sell my works. The New York Stock Exchange also claims I do not have the right to exhibit, publish, or display my photographs and works of art. They are threatening legal action against me.


I'm not particularly up-to-date on photography law; is it in the NYSE's right to sue over photos of their building?  It seems to be a bit of a stretch as far as claiming rights goes.  If so, what implications does this have for public photography in general?

I could definitely seeing such things as bad precedents for firehouse and fire building photography.


Apr 16, 2008
I don't understand what grounds the NYSE is going to sue over.  The outside of their building is public domain, everyone in the area can see it and photograph it just like any other building or scenic place.  If their is basis for this then probably the National Parks Service will start suing any one who uses pictures taken of any national park for display or profit.  Ansel Adams would probably be glad he's dead because they would certainly want to sue him for multiple millions of dollars.

I can understand their position if the photos were taken inside of the building and the photographer had special permission to be there.  Obviously this is not the case with these photos.  It sounds like they're just taking their Bull and trying to bully people around!

Any laws I have read regarding this subject allow photos taken of public facilities as well as persons in public places without any means of reprisal.  I would certainly like to see a copy of the law the NYSE is trying to use as a bases for this case.
Feb 4, 2010
vbcapt said:
The NYSE is probably mad because they need more bailout money

Thery should come to Ireland ALL we do is bail out banks with tax-payers money.

We just pumped more money into 3 banks on Thursday.....?34.4 billion but could go to 39.4 billion in a worst case scenario.

My Childrens children will be paying for this in years to come.....R.I.P Ireland
Jun 2, 2009
Oh just another thing that is going to ruin a clean hobby. I can understand private property, but if it is viewable from public areas and the photo was taken on public ground then I thought it was safe to take pictures. I am unaware of any law that prohibits the taking of a picture under these circumstances.