Remembering one of our own, Jerry Hauer.


Staff member
Apr 24, 2007
The following was written today by one of our site members about his former boss and close friend, another site member, Jerome Hauer, former Commissioner of NYC Emergency Management.

Today we commemorate the one year anniversary of the passing of Jerome Hauer Ph.D., MHS, the first Director of New York City Emergency Management Department. At his memorial, Commissioner Bill Bratton eulogized Jerry stating that he was the “Man for all Emergencies”. It’s true. As close as I was with Jerry, it always surprised me when he would demonstrate knowledge about every risk, hazard, and incident we would confront. Jerry is the Godfather of Metro Area Emergency Management. He led the development of a program that was exported nationally to states, cities, and organizations seeking to emulate New York City’s successes. Jerry was my friend, mentor, and teacher. I continue to use and export the NYC-OEM program today.
Rest easy, Boss!

Steven Kuhr