Remembering the "343'

To be Honest, sometime's I don't want to, other times I am remembering TO MUCH. that is one day wish never went to work and one call WE all could of done without. I HATE that day, at times because I survived and my coworker's and Partner and Family member's didn't. If would of stood there or was over here, just then maybe Mark or Peter or Anyone's loved one would of lived, I have met with all type of counselors and other's with their fancy College Degree's on the wall, other then writing scripts that make you feel like a zombie,there USELESS, Stick with talking to my OWN guys at the House, even laughing about stuff that would make a Shrink swear we were insane. I know you say Remember, but at times just wonder remember WHAT--Horrible Day,families changed FOREVER and we are still here dealing with the day-in and day out emotions, the sounds,smells,the scenery --- Want to FORGET........

I could never begin to understand or feel the depth of your pain.  I only hope that some day you can begin to find peace.

Thank you for sharing.

Rob, it was the Worst Day this Country ever saw. You were there and lost co-workers, friends and family. Most of us just watch the horror on TV that day as it happened. I guess now we all have to try and focus on the hundreds of good people out there that day. They are still walking the streets. How about the person that shared their water bottle with a stranger. Or the janitor that took the rubber out of his window washing squeegie to chop a hole through sheet rock for others to escape. Or Todd Beamer. He was the guy on the plane that crashed in Penn. He got other passengers together to over power those terriost. He lost his life, but probadly, he and his partners saved hundreds of lives as it is believed that the plane might have been headed to the White House in Washington.
 We can't bring back those we lost. People from all walks of life. Firefighters, Police Officers, EMS Workers, Secretaries, Office Workers, or Janitors. I attended Burn Center Seminars taught by Chief Ray Downey, and Lt Andy Fredricks. Both were lost on that Day. I can't bring them back. But I will always remember them for what they taught me. I was just a lucky guy to be able to meet such Great People.
  Neither I, nor any counselors, can really understand the full pain of that Terrible Day. There are just no words that can explain it. We can't change history, but we can look to the future. We lost many good people that day. But there were also good people that helped save the lives of many. They walk among us Today.
  I've talk to Rob before. I know of his story. I consider us all friends on here. Rob or anybody, if you just want to talk to a friend, I'll be there. Just ask for Willy. (860) 822-9213 or (860) 705-6812. Not a counselor, just your friend.