Runs & Workers 2011

Jul 14, 2007
Thank you for these great stats.  Perhaps one error in B 35 operating time.  Slip of the finger?
Aug 16, 2007
Done. Anymore?

(Thanks. After looking at long strings of numbers your eyes start playing tricks on you.)
May 5, 2010
It's quite interesting and amazing to see that since 1977, E75 hae only been out the top 3 3 times and even then, 2 of the years they were 4th and and the 3rd year they were 6th!!
May 6, 2010
The total runs done by the FDNY in recent years is more than the total done per year back in the day......the totals back then would have been somewhat higher than recorded if everybody put ALL the runs down....some discarded run entries over 19 on a night tour to avoid interchanging at midnight (if you had over 20 between 1800 & 2400 you went to a slow Co for the rest of the tour).....others were just lost during the tour or got wet in the Officers pocket & never got entered....there was no teleprinter or mdt ...if you got a run on the air the officer wrote it on a slip of paper that was the only record .....many times you would do 5 or 6 runs back to back so it was easy to lose them or forget them.... .. w/EMS ...Emergencies....etc.......the runs are spread more evenly in most places ......almost everybody is doing something regularly......back then some Cos were doing phenomenal amounts 6,7,8,9, thousand per year w/SQs*3 & 4 hitting 10,000 around the same time though many Cos did less than a thousand per there may not be as many actual Fires as then but almost everybody is going out the door for something regularly spreading the activity around the Job more so then it was back then..

Nov 24, 2008
Some of the histoeically busy trucks have slowed right down over the years, amazing how demographics can have a huge affect on a firehouse and how it operates, trucks such as TL 111, 124 truck, the tin house truck, truck 33 , the harlem trucks, ( with the exception of 26 truck who seem to do an inordinate number of elevator runs!!!), 42 truck and 44truck, all busy companies that were still busy when i started following the fdny back in the late 90s, ( ididnt find this forum until the early 2000s), but in the past decade have really slowed up.

Some firehouses have stayed up thee, with both the engine and truck maintaining the busy trend such as E290 L103 and E231 TL 120.

I notice some engines are busy, but nearly 50% of thier runs are ems runs, which for the guys and gals who want to be out there doing something may not be so bad, but for others might not be such a good thing!! Keeps the skill levels up however!! Been doing some research on the Baltimore City FD, and just over 80% of their overall calls are ems related!!

If i may i have a question for those in the know about the animal house, E75 does around the 5000 mark as far as runs go year in year out, In 2011 doing 5,192 runs, however unlike a lot of engines, only a small number of there 5, 192 runs were ems, with 1,695 ems runs, which is a fair amount in itself, but in comparison to the companies overall runs is relatively low as far as workload goes, my question is, what makes up the rest of the companies work??

As the truck in the house, TL 33 is far slower than the engine, less runs, workers and around 30 less all -hands than the engine, yet the Batt 19 is amongst the busiest in the dept, how can one firehouse have such varying stats for its comapnies??



Dec 26, 2007
JT, the city is not burning like it used to. In the case of E75/L33, take the EMS runs away from E75 and E75 and L33 are just about equal in runs and osw. So in my opinion its the ems runs that the engine companies make that is the difference.
Nov 16, 2010
fdce54 said:
JT, the city is not burning like it used to. In the case of E75/L33, take the EMS runs away from E75 and E75 and L33 are just about equal in runs and osw. So in my opinion its the ems runs that the engine companies make that is the difference.
While that is true also factor in the amt. of ERS no contact the engines do.I also would point out that the Bronx has only has five (5) single engines including two Sq's 41 & 61, three single Engines  42,97 & 72, consequently you get Engines and two Trucks on the Box so the Engines will always outrun the Trucks, because they are assigned on many more Boxes.  JMO here
Jul 14, 2007
Just a note: B 41 has been #1 in structural fires for ten years straight.

E 248 has been in the top ten in OSW in 7 of the last 8 years.
Jun 27, 2007
I appreciate all the work involved in this undertaking. I understand there will be typos on a project of this magnitude. Try finding same info on Chicago runs, both fire and EMS they treat it as Top Secret. Again kudos for a job well done.!! Grumpy :DGrizzly
Jul 11, 2009
One thing I found interesting was only 3 Battalion's were less than 2000 runs for the year and all 3 were within 8 runs of each other.
Apr 15, 2012
[/b]You are so right ,Grumpy, in Chicago if one is lucky enough to get the annual statistics, they only give the total runs without even differentiating between fire and ems runs , let alone runs versus workers and occupied structure workers. New York City does  a much more thorough job of reporting their run statistics. This year Chicago didn't even send in their busiest company statistics for Firehouse Magazine's annual run survey.[/b]
Jun 22, 2007
firepost said:
[/b]You are so right ,Grumpy, in Chicago if one is lucky enough to get the annual statistics, they only give the total runs without even differentiating between fire and ems runs , let alone runs versus workers and occupied structure workers. New York City does  a much more thorough job of reporting their run statistics. This year Chicago didn't even send in their busiest company statistics for Firehouse Magazine's annual run survey.[/b]

  I actually think that's pretty sad about Chicago. The Chicago Fire Dept is probadly one of the busiest depts in the U.S. I'm sure there's many companies doing just as much work as many of the FDNY companies. If you are a part of a busy outfit, then you should be proud of it and let the world see it. And those numbers should be posted for all to see.

  I have never been to Chicago. But as a buff, I wouldn't know if the busy place is Engine 4 or Engine 40. But someday I'll get there and find out.