Scranton, Pa.

Aug 29, 2008
Scranton has a multi-alarm job going on Wyoming Ave. at the Sandone Tire Warehouse. Portions of the building collapsed and it's estimated that it will be a day or two for final extinguishment and overhaul.
Oct 17, 2013
Initial dispatch was for smoke in the elevator shaft of a multiple story tire warehouse.

The building was heavily insulated and boarded up.  Several firefighters became trapped in the maze of corridors of the large building.

Once interior operations were halted, the fire picked up steam.

There was a collapse of the building overnight.

This morning, master streams continue to pour water on the burning tires.

For Scranton, this is a major 2 alarm fire.  Scranton does not go above 2 alarms because they have no resources to do so.  They currently operate with 5 Engines, 1 Tower Ladder, and 1 Rescue (Squad type).  Off duty personnel were called in and volunteer mutual aide companies were also called in.

Photos were personally taken and taken from a fellow administrator at Lackawanna County Firewire on Facebook.
Oct 17, 2013
Not often that large scale incidents happen here in Scranton...that's why I'm always listening to FDNY.