Vietnam Memorial

Jun 27, 2007
On March 26 1982 the ground-breaking for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial occurred. The memorial was a simple but poignant consisting of two pieces of black granite on which the names were inscribed. Did you know that the two edges of the pieces of granite point to the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial. I have seen the Travelling Wall where I have found the names of comrades I served with, I do not think I can cope with the original. To all who served, Welcome Home.


Aug 8, 2009
On March 26 1982 the ground-breaking for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial occurred. The memorial was a simple but poignant consisting of two pieces of black granite on which the names were inscribed. Did you know that the two edges of the pieces of granite point to the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial. I have seen the Travelling Wall where I have found the names of comrades I served with, I do not think I can cope with the original. To all who served, Welcome Home.

Grump - Thank you, and the other Vietnam Veterans on our site, for your wartime military service.