Yonkers FD

Dec 26, 2007
I have noticed on several occasions recently that Ladder 75 is in the firehouse up on Central Ave and not Ladder 70. Did some changes take place?
Mar 5, 2007
Yonkers has closed the safety battalion and L-70, E-308 was closed but has since reopened. L-75 moved to L-70 firehouse, also demotions and layoffs not sure of those numbers.
Feb 28, 2007
They did have lay off's. How mnay Ladder Co's are up in the City,now?
Jul 16, 2008
OK, Here's the latest update as of August 10th:

July 1st, the City closed Ladder-70 (Sta-14 Central Ave) moved TL-75 up to 14 (To keep the 2nd TL) closed Safety, layed off 36-FF's, demoted 32-Lt's to FF, and demoted 6-Capt's to Lt.......
2-Weeks later the City closed Engine-308 (Warburton Ave).................

Within 2-weeks after closing 308, they reopened E-308, rehired 6-FF's and "remoted" 6-Officers..........

As of 8/10 @ 0800hrs, Ladder-70 was restored to service, and TL-75 went back to Sta-12. They rehired 8-FF's, and "remoted" 6-Lt's.........

The rest of the FF's remain layed off, as does 20-sumthin Officers still demoted and Safety still closed. How does all this make sense you ask ?? It doesn't !! The above restorations occurred due to raise in income tax surcharge- and it's all the FD's fault (according to the City)................... Stay tuned to the "City of Yonkers Saga".............
Jun 22, 2007
R1SmokeEater said:
OK, Here's the latest update as of August 10th:
and it's all the FD's fault (according to the City)................... Stay tuned to the "City of Yonkers Saga".............

  Thanks Jamie for that update. And it's always the Fire Depts Fault. Its never some self promoting politician that threw taxpayer dollars away on some pipe dream projects. I don't know of any one of those politicians that ever gave up their life for the citizens of Yonkers, or any other city for that matter. But Firefighters from Yonkers sure have.
  The people of Yonkers are being led like sheep to the Slaughter House. Unfortunately, it's not much different for any other city fire dept these days.
  We had Billion$ to bail out Wall St, the Banks, and G.M. And for two years in a row, Wall St got their Big Christmas Bonuses. Yet somehow we can't find the money to provide citizens with their fair share of fire protection. Our priorities seem to be a little messed up these days.
Mar 5, 2007
R1 glad to hear that you are almost back to full stength, hope the laid off brothers and demoted brothers get rehired/remoted soon.
stay low and good luck in future dealings with Yonkers Mayor.
Feb 28, 2007
Nashville same story, talking about cutting several stations,lay offs,etc..
The Tennessean ran a story in the paper last week. 4 years ago there was only 1 City Employee making over 100K a year. One would think that with the economy and fire/police/ems cuts, this would not be the case:
  As of last week, there were over 15 high ranking city Employees making over a 100K, do to raises. Not one of this people are in public safety. One is the CEO of the NES(Nashville Electric Services)--who keeps raising rate's. Apparently they hired some people to help with the budget and those people they hired get over 100K. WTF!!!!!! But as we speak Engine 35 is on the chopping block while these fat cats,keep taking and taking. I am at the point, I SAY screw Big Government and let the people try to come up with some solutions. Can't be any worse then what our Greatly,elected, officials are doing.
 Oh yea all Fire Personnel had to return their take home cars while most of the City Hall folks GOT new take home SUV's that were supposed to go to OEM and Police, at least the Head Librarian has a city vehicle. A BIG JOKE!!!! Just not Funny.
Aug 9, 2008
mac8146 said:
R1 glad to hear that you are almost back to full stength, hope the laid off brothers and demoted brothers get rehired/remoted soon.
stay low and good luck in future dealings with Yonkers Mayor.

I echo this. Good to see L-70 back on the Avenue.