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      Elmerj reacted to ta176's post in the thread VINTAGE FDNY WAR YEAR LIDS with Like Like.
      A tale of 2 helmets, the left 1 is the war years and the right the glory years. Left was used for 6 years and was knocked at Co. annual...
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      Elmerj reacted to nfd2004's post in the thread News of Members with Like Like.
      Congratulations to this site member Phil D., aka "Lebby", on his promotion to PARAMEDIC within the FDNY/EMS. After completing 10 1/2...
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      Elmerj replied to the thread What happened to this truck?.
      At work Box 4545 don’t remember the date.
      • 1720555228874.jpeg
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      Elmerj added the media item 1720555228874.jpeg to Media.
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      Elmerj replied to the thread How do EMS Callsigns work?.
      Comes from the days before the merger when we were somewhat modeled after the NYPD and still using NYPD type language. I’m surprised the...
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      Elmerj reacted to Lebby's post in the thread How do EMS Callsigns work? with Like Like.
      XX is the battalion where the unit is assigned. Usually the station number but not always. For example Conditions 11 comes out of...
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      Elmerj replied to the thread FD Response for a MCI.
      Look at Manhattan Box 0247 on 7/4/24 it’s a perfect example of how Fire Operations responds to an MCI. Ended up with using All Hands for...
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      Elmerj replied to the thread FD Response for a MCI.
      I have seen many variations on what actually defines an MCI. It's not always all about the number of patients / victims. As I recall it...
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      Elmerj replied to the thread TACTICAL CONTROL UNITS.
      You being active and me being retired would certainly make you a better judge of the current state of affairs. Either way I like that...
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      Elmerj replied to the thread TACTICAL CONTROL UNITS.
      I guess someone in a leadership role lacks vision. I happen to think they were/are a valuable asset. Not handcuffed to any particular...
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      Elmerj replied to the thread Unit Location.
      Don’t worry it will come back to you in a nightmare where your sitting through the update for a 3rd time!
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      Elmerj replied to the thread Unit Location.
      I seem to remember MERV 4 being destroyed by fire and not replaced.
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      Elmerj reacted to memorymaster's post in the thread E68 L49 with Like Like.
      Thanks, Elmer, for the info. I remember hearing of the Ogden outpost back in the green and white days. Having never worked in the Bronx...
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      Elmerj replied to the thread E68 L49.
      The small garage area in question located behind the current quarters of Engine 68 & Ladder 49 operated separately from the fire...
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      I hope the BLS was increased in the areas that no longer have transport capable ALS units. Many a patient went to the hospital on the...
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