News of Members

Jun 22, 2007
Congradulations goes out to site member "kfd274" (Kevin D) on the recent marriage of his daughter Aileen who was married in Philadelphia on September 28, 2013. Aileen is currently a General Counsel with The Philadelphia Eagles. I understand that they will be living in New Jersey.

And for those who didn't know, Kevin, a retired school principal, and his wife, recently moved from Long Island to the Boston area. I had the pleasure of showing Kevin around the Providence, RI area this past summer. He bought me chow and it wasn't McDonalds. We went to the area known as "Federal Hill". It's not Arthur Ave (Bronx), but rather Atwells Ave - Providence. If you're ever in the Providence area, there's some great Italian restraunts there.

  Congradulations Kevin D. (kfd274). And hopefully, my friend "fdny1075k" will be able to post a few pictures for us.
Aug 25, 2009
nfd2004 said:
Congradulations goes out to site member "kfd274" (Kevin D) on the recent marriage of his daughter Aileen who was married in Philadelphia on September 28, 2013. Aileen is currently a General Counsel with The Philadelphia Eagles. I understand that they will be living in New Jersey.

And for those who didn't know, Kevin, a retired school principal, and his wife, recently moved from Long Island to the Boston area. I had the pleasure of showing Kevin around the Providence, RI area this past summer. He bought me chow and it wasn't McDonalds. We went to the area known as "Federal Hill". It's not Arthur Ave (Bronx), but rather Atwells Ave - Providence. If you're ever in the Providence area, there's some great Italian restraunts there.

  Congradulations Kevin D. (kfd274). And hopefully, my friend "fdny1075k" will be able to post a few pictures for us.

Congradulations to All

Bill... did you take him under the Pineapple ?
Jun 22, 2007
mikeindabronx said:
nfd2004 said:
Congradulations goes out to site member "kfd274" (Kevin D) on the recent marriage of his daughter Aileen who was married in Philadelphia on September 28, 2013. Aileen is currently a General Counsel with The Philadelphia Eagles. I understand that they will be living in New Jersey.

And for those who didn't know, Kevin, a retired school principal, and his wife, recently moved from Long Island to the Boston area. I had the pleasure of showing Kevin around the Providence, RI area this past summer. He bought me chow and it wasn't McDonalds. We went to the area known as "Federal Hill". It's not Arthur Ave (Bronx), but rather Atwells Ave - Providence. If you're ever in the Providence area, there's some great Italian restraunts there.

  Congradulations Kevin D. (kfd274). And hopefully, my friend "fdny1075k" will be able to post a few pictures for us.

Congradulations to All

Bill... did you take him under the Pineapple ?

  Mike, you know EXACTLY where I am talking about. That big pineapple is still there (Atwells Ave near I-95)
Dec 1, 2011
Bill, here's the pictures you asked me to post of Kevin D.(kfd274) and his beautiful daughter on her wedding day.

Jun 22, 2007
fdny1075k said:
Bill, here's the pictures you asked me to post of Kevin D.(kfd274) and his beautiful daughter on her wedding day.



  Aileen looks like she's a pretty happy girl.


Aug 8, 2009
Congtatulations to Kevin and his family.

Great Italian restaurants on Federal Hill, Providence.
Jun 22, 2007
  Heard what I considered to be an interesting story from site member "svd385" (Steve D.) during our most recent Get Together.

Steve was working at the World Trade Center in Basement Level 6 during the first WTC bombing. I believe that was in February, 1993 (?).

  While I was in the firehouse in Connecticut watching bits of this on the CNN News, Steve was trapped down in that lower level parking area for about four hours before he was able to get out. He was also one of about 1,000 individuals to recieve some injuries from this bombing.

  Steve D. was also once an Auxiliary firefighter with Engine 96 in the Bronx. When he moved to New Jersey, he joined one of the volunteer depts where he had been a member for several years. As a member there, Steve fell through a stairway causing injury to his legs and back. He landed on his feet while wearing full turnout gear including his air pack.

  I hope Steve will add to this story if I forget anything or make any corrections if need be. Many of us that know Steve, aka "svd385", consider him to be a good friend and a great guy.
May 22, 2009
We were initally told by the PA that it was a transformer in the path tubes.  We found out what had happened when my wife called me and wondered why we were still there and told me of the bombing.  Our node was located in the B6 level of tower 2.  The explosion was at the B4 / B3 ramp in the parking garage.  I seldom talk about this, it just kind of slipped out ... all I did was check on the other employees in offices  we had on the 32 and 56 floors of tower one and then got excorted out by a PA cop whom I got the impression from that he didn't like a  few things I explained to him ... 

Jun 22, 2007
On a tragic day in April, 2013, two bombs went off in the streets of Boston as the Marathon was taking place. For one woman named Rose Ann Sdoia she would pay a very steep price for being an innocent bystander. She would loose her leg and have to go through months of therapy learning to walk again.

On that day, as the first bomb went off, some Boston Firefighters were in the area. Of course they immediately headed in the direction of those injured. Then a Second Bomb went off much closer. One firefighter named Mike Materia ran to the aid of this woman who was still conscious but bleeding from her injury. Her leg had been severed. A belt was used as a tourniquet to stop the bleeding. That firefighter attempted to wave down passing ambulances responding to the first bombing with no success. He stayed with her not knowing if a third or fourth bomb would go off. He was finally able to get a police van where she was put into and transported to the hospital. Firefighter Materia rode in that van with her as she struggled to remain conscious from her life threatening injury. Firefighter Materia was able to keep her alive as he talked to her and held her hand.

  Today, Rose Ann Sdoia, the woman who lost her leg, is demonstrating to the world how she is moving forward with an upbeat positive attitude despite what she has had to endure. She now travels telling her story. She is a role model for each and every one of us.

  And Firefighter Mike Materia, the firefighter that rode with her in that police van holding her hand and keeping her alive, is the son of our site member "mack". A frequent contributor to this site.

  "macks" son Mike, also served three tours in Iraq with the Special Forces before going on the Boston Fire Dept. He now travels often with the woman who is so grateful to him for saving her life. They have become a couple together.

  Today there is some talk of making a movie. But the story of Rose Ann Sodia and Boston Firefighter Mike Materia is not a movie but a TRUE story of a role model and a hero.

  For those of us that know "mack", we know what a really a great guy he is. He has given me a personnel tour of some firehouses, a military base, and places of interest in the Va/DC area. He himself a West Point graduate with two masters degrees. A retired high ranking Army Officer. He has a very high respect for firefighters, and I'm pretty sure, all of us that know him, have a pretty high amount of respect for him also.

  Thanks for all your contributions to this site and THANK YOU for all you've done for me and all the others. For me, I consider it an honor to be your friend. And I hope some day I will be able to meet your son Mike and Rose Ann.


Jun 15, 2012
Thank You, 'NFD', for this Great Story !
And of course, Our Own Hero Mack:

Thank You, Sir, for your years of Dedicated, Committed Service, to Our Nation, and, 'Our
Community' here on this site.
And, Congratulations & Many Thanks, to your Wonderful Son Mike ! What an
Outstanding Example of Courage, Sacrifice and Dedication to Service ! Bravo !  'Staj.'
Jun 27, 2007
Guess they are right, the acorn does not fall from the tree. thank you for your service, and to your son for his. And between u and me, thanx also for your help. Son is now an Illinois State Trooper. Where do we find those who will go in harm's way for us!
Jun 22, 2007
Where have they been ?

  Our good friends, and my Connecticut neighbors, "johnd248" and "bxboro", where have they been ?

  Well, Johnny D has been sucking up some warm sunshine over in France or someplace like that. All while we freeze our butts off here. But from what I hear, "he's doing fine" and should be home soon. Just kind of forgot about his friends here while he enjoys himself.

  "Bxboro", well for my Brother Connecticut Firefighter it is not quite the same story. No warm sun for him. While he is not at the firehouse, he is out in the cold delivering oil so others can be warm. Enjoyed a chicken pam dinner with him and the other brothers at the firehouse the other night. He calls it; "The Squad 41 Special". (his brother a member of Sqd 41).

  And for those who are not aware, for "fdce54" the count has begun for his days to retirement next November. For now, he has been working a lot of hours out there in the cold too. But no more cold nights for him after that. "Hang in there Frankie D, it's your LAST winter". Then you'll be able to do NOTHING for society, every day, like so many of us here.
Jul 14, 2007
Yes, Johnd248 went to France for two weeks, yes I am back, and yes already responded to two MVAs and a working chimney fire.  Didn't get to visit any fire stations although I wanted to; saw some fire engines on the road, not responding.  All quiet in wine and cheese land.
Jun 22, 2007
manhattan said:
Welcome home; glad you had a safe and enjoyable trip.

  I agree. I've known John for a long time. I like to joke around with him because he is really such a great guy. We were probably in our 20s when we rode the same fire trucks together. Now, well, lets just say that was a pretty long time ago.

  And for those who don't know, John also has a son who is a Lt on the Fairfield, (Ct) Fire Dept.
Jun 22, 2007
I think "G-man" might appreciate this.

Any idea of what member of this site had his picture on an eight cent postage stamp back in 1973.

Well, the FDNY War Years were rolling along. The fire activity was non stop. There were second sections and parts of New York City were looking like a War Zone.

While working as a letter carrier in Westport, Ct there was word that a new series of ten stamps were coming out to celebrate the change from what had previously been referred to as the US Post Office, to now, the US Postal Service. A photographer and artist from a Westport shop was picked to do this job. He would follow the various jobs done by the post office for about two weeks. Then design a series of ten stamps from the hundreds of photos he took.

  From Letter Carrier to Clerks. From Rural Carriers to Supervisors. And those working the loading platforms and conveyer belts. One of those that he followed around for the day was a young walking letter carrier. The letter carrier he followed around liked the job, but all the guy talked about was being a fireman. And he told this photographer how he spends his days off chasing fire trucks in New York City.

  This is a picture of that eight cent stamp of a young letter carrier that wanted to be a fireman. I believe the stamps came out in April, 1973.

  Sure looks like NFD2004, aka Willy D, about 75 lbs lighter and 40 years younger.
May 6, 2010
There was a Stamp made from a photo in Vietnam of a Soldier jumping from a helicopter that was a few feet off the ground ....that Soldier later became a FF in ENG*324 ..... his Son is now a FF in 324......  an enlargement of the stamp is in a frame on the kitchen wall. 