1/10/25 Bronx 5th Alarm Box 3462

Aug 5, 2015
Address: 2910 Wallace Ave. off Arnow Ave.

Fire on the top floor & cockloft of a 6 story 200x100 class 3 MD

Phone Alarm - Reporting an electrical fire in apt. 7F - 01:42

BXD to B-15: We're also getting smoke in the area, caller is at 788 Arnow Ave. - 01:46

E-62 & L-32 became avail. - 4&3 response

B-15: Transmit the 10-75 - We're trying to get you an exact address - 01:50


B-15: Fire on the 6th floor at 2910 Wallace Ave. - Transmit the 2nd Alarm - 01:52

B-20 FF, 19 RUL, B-18 Safety, E-72 w/ Sat. 2

B-15: Special call a TL (TL-58) - 01:53

D-7: 3 L/S/O - Fire in the cockloft - 02:07

D-7: Transmit the 3rd Alarm - Fire through the roof - 02:11

B-17 Staging, B-58 Air Recon, E-46 Comm.

Staging: Bronxwood Ave. at Arnow Ave.

D-7: Special call 2 additional trucks (L-49 act. 39 & L-38) - 02:20

D-7: Transmit the 4th Alarm - 02:23

FC: Fire on the top floor & into the cockloft & through the roof - 6 L/S/O, 2 into cockloft nozzles - 2 TL's being setup - 02:36

FC: Fire passed over the throat - This is a wind impacted fire - All members being removed from the top floor, setting up a 3rd TL - 02:39

FC: Per-C-13, Transmit a full 5th Alarm - Make the 2 trucks 95ft TL's - 02:49

FC: Special call 2 additional BC's (B-9 act. 18 & B-49 act. 17) - 03:03

FC: Per C-13, 6 L/S, 4 L/O, 3 TL's in operation - We still have heavy fire in the cockloft - 03:04

FC: Special call an additional Satellite unit (E-324/Sat. 4) - 03:18

FC: Per C-13, 4 TL's setup, 3 in operation, 1 stang operating - Heavy fire in all 4 wings - 03:27

FC: We have (2) 10-45 code 3's - 03:35

FC: Special call a truck to relieve the FAST truck (L-29 act. 32) - 03:40

FC: You can return E-324 & the Satellite - 03:48

FC: Per C-3, Special call 4 additional trucks (TL-23 act. 51, TL-146 act. 41, L-47 act. 39 & TL-22 act. 37) - 04:02

FC: Special call 2 additional engines (E-47 act. 62, E-222 act. 38) - 04:10

FC: Per C-3, Special call the nearest 95ft TL (TL-163 act. 44) - 04:21

FC: Special call an additional Squad (SQ-41) - 04:30

FC: Per C-3, Special call the nearest 95ft TL (TL-21 act. 51) - 04:38

FC: Special call 2 additional trucks (TL-54 act. 51, TL-119 act. 41) - 04:55

FC: Special call 4 additional engines (E-14 act. 62, 237 act. 97, 35 act. 90, 37 act. 63) - 05:00

FC: Special call 2 additional trucks (L-19 act. 39, TL-107 act. 44) - 05:13

FC: Special call 2 additional BC's (B-35 act. 15 & B-48 act. 17) - 05:20

FC: Special call 2 additional RAC units to relieve the RAC units on scene - 05:26

BXD to FC: The only remaining RAC unit is RAC-5, they're assigned - 05:26

FC: Special call a truck to relieve the FAST truck (L-56) - 05:43

FC: Special call 2 additional trucks (TL-164 act. 41 & L-150 act. 47) - 05:54

FC: Special call MCC-1 - 06:14

FC: Special call a the nearest 95ft TL to relieve TL-31 (TL-35 act. 44) - 006:19

FC: Special call a the additional Satellite unit to relieve E-72/Sat. 2 (E-324/Sat. 4) - 006:21

FC: Special call 2 additional BC's (B-13 & B-14) - 06:24

FC: Special call 4 engines & 4 trucks (E-84 act. 62, 73 act. 38, 312 act. 90, 315 act. 45, TL-115 act. 51, L-129 act. 47, TL-33 & TL-46) - 06:37

FC: Special call 2 engines & 2 BC's for relief (E-68 act. 63, 81, B-16 & B-10) - 08:08

FC: FC: Special call 6 engines, 4 95ft TL's, 1 aerial, 1 FAST truck & 3 BC's - 09:00

MCC: Per D-7, 4 TL's in operation hitting small pockets of fire - PWH - 13:16

MCC: Per D-7, Operating with 4 engines & 4 TL's to hit hot spots - We're continuing with the relief of 4 engines, 4 trucks (2 of them 95ft TL's) & 2 BC's every 4 hours - Under Control - 13:56

Duration: 12 Hours & 15 Min.

E-38, 97, 90, 62
L-51, 41, 32, 39F
B-15, 27

*E-62 & L-32 initially unavailable

2nd Alarm:
E-63, 79, 66, 88, 48
L-37, 61, 58 s/c
B-20, 19R, 18S
E-72 w/ Sat. 2

3rd Alarm:
E-42 (act. 62), 45, 64, 75
L-31 (act. 51), 49 (act. 39) s/c, 38 s/c
B-3, 17 Staging, 58 Air Recon
E-46 Communications

4th Alarm:
E-60 (act.), 91 (act. 90), 297 (act. 66), 69 (act. 48)
B-52 (act. 20)
Car-32, 11, 23d, 24, 22e

5th Alarm:
E-320 (act. 62), 50 (act. 97), 22 (act. 48), 96 (act. 45), 47 (act. 62) s/c, 222 (act. 38) s/c
L-44, 14, 29F (act. 32) s/c, 23 (act. 51) s/c, 146 (act. 41) s/c, 47 (act. 39) s/c, 22 (act. 37) s/c, 163 (act. 44) s/c, 21 (act. 51) s/c
B-11 (act. 27), 9 (act. 18) s/c, 49 (act. 17) s/c
SQ-41 s/c
TA-76, 330
Car-13r, 3, 4, 15, 1, 2c, 11f, 10

Special called around 05:00:
E-14 (act. 62), 237 (act. 97), 35 (act. 90), 37 (act. 63)
L-54 (act. 51), 119 (act. 41), 19 (act. 39), 107 (act. 44), 56F, 164 (act. 58), 150 (act. 47)
B-35 (act. 15), 48 (act. 17)

Special called around 06:00:
L-35 (act. 44)
B-13, 14
E-324 w/ Sat. 4 s/c

Special called 06:37:
E-84 (act. 62), 73 (act. 38), 312 (act. 90), 315 (act. 45)
L-115 (act. 51), 129 (act. 47), 33, 46

Relief at 08:08:
E-68 (act. 63), 81
B-16, 10

Relief at 09:00:
E-82, 83 (act. 50), 95, 304 (act.73), 93
L-9 (act. 51), 85, 161 (act. 33), 152, 27, 42F
B-7, 28, 40

Relief at 13:00:
E-66, 94, 92, 206
L-50, 14, 18, 117
B-3, 57

E-320 to E-62
E-47 to E-62
E-14 to E-62
E-84 to E-62

E-307 to E-64
E-91 to E-90
E-35 to E-90
E-312 to E-90

E-205 to E-90
E-69 to E-48
E-22 to E-48

E-235 to E-48
E-37 to E-63
E-68 to E-63

E-40 to E-75
E-96 to E-45
E-315 to E-45

E-8 to E-46
E-297 to E-66
E-50 to E-97
E-237 to E-97
E-222 to E-38
E-73 to E-38

E-76 to E-38
E-304 to E-73
E-10 to E-73
E-326 to E-96
E-259 to E-68
E-83 to E-50
E-3 to E-50
E-58 to E-83
L-150 to L-47
L-129 to L-47

L-123 to L-47
L-29 to L-32
L-31 to L-51
L-23 to L-51
L-21 to L-51
L-54 to L-51
L-115 to L-51
L-9 to L-51

L-105 to L-31
L-49 to L-39
L-47 to L-39

L-19 to L-39
L-22 to L-37
L-102 to L-61
L-146 to L-41
L-119 to L-41
L-164 to L-58

L-131 to L-58
L-163 to L-44
L-107 to L-44
L-35 to L-44

L-114 to L-35
L-167 to L-19
L-161 to L-33
B-52 to B-20

B-31 to B-20
B-54 to B-18
B-11 to B-27
B-35 to B-15
B-49 to B-17
B-48 to B-17
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Car-13(Chief of Fire Prevention)
Car-32(Medical Officer Bronx Manhattan)
Car-11(Chief of SOC)
Car-23D(Press Duty)
Car-24(Director of Technical Services)
Car-22E(Deputy Director Fleet Services)
Car-13R(Reserved Chief of Fire Prevention)
Car-1(Fire Commissioner)
Car-3(Chief of Department)
Car-4(Chief of Operations)
Car-15(Chief of Training)
Car-2C(Deputy Commissioner Public Info)
Car-10(Bronx Borough Commander)
Car-16E(Deputy Director of Fire Alarm Dispatch)
Car-11F(Chief of Foam Operations)
Car-11X(Captain of Command Tac
Car-16G(SFAD of Field Comm Unit)
Car-24B(Director of Technical Service MEU)
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Car-10,16E,11F,11X 16G,24B as well

FC s/c a truck to relieve the Fast Truck @05:44

FC per Car-3 assign 2 additional Ladder Companies they don’t have to be TLs @05:56
L-164 Act.58,150 act 47

FC Special Call the nearest 95 Foot Tower Ladder to relieve L-31 @06:20
L-35 Act. 44s/c

FC Special Call an additional Satellite to relieve E-72 and Sat. 2 @06:20
E-324 w/ Sat. 4 re-assigned

FC Special Call 2 more Battalions for relief @06:25

FC special instructions for E-324 & Sat. 4 have them go Allerton to Holland and meet up to E-72 & Sat. 2 @06:30

FC special instructions for L-35. Have them come from Matthews or Barnes to Arnow and meet up with L-31 @06:33

FC per Car-4 Special Call 4 Engines & 4 Ladder Companies @06:39

Relief @06:39
E-84 Act. 62,73 Act. 38,312 Act. 90,315 Act. 45
L-115 Act. 51,129 Act. 47,33,46

FC Special Call 2 Engines & 2 Battalion Chiefs for relief @08:09

Relief @08:09
E-68 Act. 63,81

Relief @09:00
E-82,83 Act. 50,95,304 Act.73,93
L-9 Act. 51,85,161 Act. 33,152,27,42(Fast)

Relief @12:00

E-10 to E-73
E-58 to E-83
E-76 to E-38
E-205 to E-90
E-259 to E-68
E-84 to E-62
L-35 to L-44
L-129 to L-47
L-123 to L-47
L-114 to L-35
L-115 to L51
L-9 to L-51
L-161 to L-33
L-167 to L-19
L-131 to L-58
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Address: 2910 Wallace Ave. off Arnow Ave.

Fire on the top floor & cockloft of a 6 story 200x100 class 3 MD

Phone Alarm - Reporting an electrical fire in apt. 7F - 01:42

BXD to B-15: We're also getting smoke in the area, caller is at 788 Arnow Ave. - 01:46

E-62 & L-32 became avail. - 4&3 response

B-15: Transmit the 10-75 - We're trying to get you an exact address - 01:50


B-15: Fire on the 6th floor at 2910 Wallace Ave. - Transmit the 2nd Alarm - 01:52

B-20 FF, 19 RUL, B-18 Safety, E-72 w/ Sat. 2

B-15: Special call a TL (TL-58) - 01:53

D-7: 3 L/S/O - Fire in the cockloft - 02:07

D-7: Transmit the 3rd Alarm - Fire through the roof - 02:11

B-17 Staging, B-58 Air Recon, E-46 Comm.

Staging: Bronxwood Ave. at Arnow Ave.

D-7: Special call 2 additional trucks (L-49 act. 39 & L-38) - 02:20

D-7: Transmit the 4th Alarm - 02:23

FC: Fire on the top floor & into the cockloft & through the roof - 6 L/S/O, 2 into cockloft nozzles - 2 TL's being setup - 02:36

FC: Fire past over the throat - This is a wind impacted fire - All members being removed from the top floor, setting up a 3rd TL - 02:39

FC: Per-C-13, Transmit a full 5th Alarm - Make the 2 trucks 95ft TL's - 02:49

FC: Special call additional BC's (B-9 act. 18 & B-49 act. 17) - 03:03

FC: Per C-13, 6 L/S, 4 L/O, 3 TL's in operation - We still have heavy fire in the cockloft - 03:04

FC: Special call an additional Satellite unit (Sat. 4) - 03:18

FC: Per C-13, 4 TL's setup, 3 in operation, 1 stang operating - Heavy fire in all 4 wings - 03:27

FC: We have (2) 10-45 code 3's - 03:35

FC: Special call a truck to relieve the FAST truck (L-29 act. 32) - 03:40

FC: You can return E-324 & the Satelite - 03:48

FC: Per C-3, Special call 4 additional trucks (TL-23 act. 51, TL-146 act. 41, L-47 act. 39 & TL-22 act. 37) - 04:02

FC: Special call 2 additional engines (E-47 act. 62, E-222 act. 38) - 04:10

FC: Per C-3, Special call the nearest 95ft TL (TL-163 act. 44) - 04:21

FC: Special call an additional Squad (SQ-41) - 04:30

FC: Per C-3, Special call the nearest 95ft TL (TL-21 act. 51) - 04:38

FC: Special call 2 additional trucks (TL-54 act. 51, TL-119 act. 41) - 04:55

FC: Special call 4 additional engines (E-14 act. 62, 237 act. 97, 35 act. 90, 37 act. 63) - 05:00

E-38, 97, 63, 62
L-51, 41, 32, 39F
B-15, 27

*E-62 & L-32 initially unavailable

2nd Alarm Maybe:
E-63, 79, 66, 88, 48
L-37, 61, 58 s/c
B-20, 19R, 18S
E-72 w/ Sat. 2

3rd Alarm Maybe:
E-42 (act. 62), 45, 64, 75
L-31 (act. 51), 49 (act. 39) s/c, 38 s/c
B-3, 17 Staging, 58 Air Recon
E-46 Communications

4th Alarm:
E-60 (act.), 91 (act. 90), 297 (act. 66), 69 (act. 48)
B-52 (act. 20)
Car-32, 11, 23d, 24, 22e

5th Alarm:
E-320 (act. 62), 50 (act. 97), 22 (act. 48), 96 (act. 45), 47 (act. 62) s/c, 222 (act. 38) s/c
L-44, 14, 29F (act. 32) s/c, 23 (act. 51) s/c, 146 (act. 41) s/c, 47 (act. 39) s/c, 22 (act. 37) s/c, 163 (act. 44) s/c, 21 (act. 51) s/c
B-11 (act. 27), 9 (act. 18) s/c, 49 (act. 17) s/c
SQ-41 s/c
E-324 w/ Sat. 4 s/c
TA-76, 330
Car-13r, 3, 4, 15, 1, 2c

Special called around 05:00:
E-14 (act. 62), 237 (act. 97), 35 (act. 90), 37 (act. 63)
L-54 (act. 51), 119 (act. 41), 19 (act. 39), 107 (act. 44)
B-35 (act. 15), 48 (act. 17)

E-320 to E-62
E-47 to E-62
E-14 to E-62

E-307 to E-64
E-91 to E-90
E-35 to E-90
E-69 to E-48
E-22 to E-48

E-235 to E-48
E-37 to E-63
E-68 to E-63
E-40 to E-75
E-96 to E-45
E-315 to E-45
E-8 to E-46
E-297 to E-66
E-84 to E-66
E-50 to E-97
E-237 to E-97
E-222 to E-38

E-73 to E-38
E-304 to E-73
E-326 to E-96
E-58 to E-60
L-150 to L-47
L-29 to L-32
L-31 to L-51
L-23 to L-51
L-21 to L-51
L-54 to L-51

L-105 to L-31
L-49 to L-39
L-47 to L-39

L-19 to L-39
L-22 to L-37
L-102 to L-61
L-146 to L-41
L-119 to L-41

L-164 to L-58
L-163 to L-44
L-107 to L-44
B-52 to B-20
B-31 to B-20
B-54 to B-18
B-11 to B-27
B-35 to B-15
B-49 to B-17
B-48 to B-17
gr8 rundown.
A few updates over the last hour:
0555 FC: S/C two additional trucks, don't need to be TLs. L164 act. 58, L150 act. 47
0615 FC: S/C MCC1, don't need E233
0620 FC: S/C one 95' TL for relief. TL35 act 44
0622 FC: S/C one additional satellite to relieve SAT2. E234 w/ SAT4
0624 FC: S/C two additional BCs for relief. BN14, BN13
0633: Car 16G responding
0639 FC: by Car 4, s/c 4 and 4. E84, E73, E312, E315, L115, L129, L33, L46.
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A few updates over the last hour:
0555 FC: S/C two additional trucks, don't need to be TLs. L164 act. 58, L150 act. 47
0615 FC: S/C MCC1, don't need E233
0620 FC: S/C one 95' TL for relief. TL35 act 44
0622 FC: S/C one additional satellite to relieve SAT2. E234 w/ SAT4
0624 FC: S/C two additional BCs for relief. BN14, BN13
0633: Car 16G responding
Correct it’s been updated on my post until Unit returns