Edenwald, the Bronx, NY, 2/8/12
Address: 1175 E229 St between Laconia and Scheffelin Aves
07:38 hours
Phone Box 3695 - Report of fire in apartment 12D
Engs 63, 62, 97
T39, L32
Battalion 27
10-12 for Battalion 27
10-75-3695 - 07:42 hours
TL41 (FAST Truck)
Battalion 20
Division 7
CIDS for 1175 E229 st:
MD 14 story 170x55 class 1. 1 standpipe riser. Scissor stairs. Standpipe siamese on exposure 1 side. Post indicator valve on exposure 1 side.
07:48 hours
Rescue 3, Squad 61 available assigned
7-5-3695 - 07:51 hours
Battalion 27: Box 3695, confirm the fire is in apartment 12D, initial fire has been knocked down with the can, line is being stretched, primary search in the apartment is negative, primary search on the fire floor in the hallway is negative at this point, we're going to use All-Hands
07:52 hours
BC27: Fire knocked down in the fire apartment 12D, the attack stair is the "A" stair.
07:53 hours - Duration 16 minutes
BC27: All the searches are negative, primary searches on the floors above.
07:55 hours
BC27: Have PD respond for a car on the hydrant.
07:58 hours - Duration 21 minutes
BC27: All fire has been knocked down, all searches are negative, fire is Probably Will Hold.
08:00 hours - Duration 23 minutes
BC27: Searches are complete and negative, Under Control.
Relocations: E43/63, L27/39
Address: 1175 E229 St between Laconia and Scheffelin Aves
07:38 hours
Phone Box 3695 - Report of fire in apartment 12D
Engs 63, 62, 97
T39, L32
Battalion 27
10-12 for Battalion 27
10-75-3695 - 07:42 hours
TL41 (FAST Truck)
Battalion 20
Division 7
CIDS for 1175 E229 st:
MD 14 story 170x55 class 1. 1 standpipe riser. Scissor stairs. Standpipe siamese on exposure 1 side. Post indicator valve on exposure 1 side.
07:48 hours
Rescue 3, Squad 61 available assigned
7-5-3695 - 07:51 hours
Battalion 27: Box 3695, confirm the fire is in apartment 12D, initial fire has been knocked down with the can, line is being stretched, primary search in the apartment is negative, primary search on the fire floor in the hallway is negative at this point, we're going to use All-Hands
07:52 hours
BC27: Fire knocked down in the fire apartment 12D, the attack stair is the "A" stair.
07:53 hours - Duration 16 minutes
BC27: All the searches are negative, primary searches on the floors above.
07:55 hours
BC27: Have PD respond for a car on the hydrant.
07:58 hours - Duration 21 minutes
BC27: All fire has been knocked down, all searches are negative, fire is Probably Will Hold.
08:00 hours - Duration 23 minutes
BC27: Searches are complete and negative, Under Control.
Relocations: E43/63, L27/39