5/2/10 Bronx Box 3720 - All Hands

Nov 27, 2007
Kingsbridge, the Bronx, NY, 5/2/10

Address: 3415 Ft. Independence Ave @ Bailey Ave

Phone Box 3720 - Report of fire on the 1st floor
Engs 81, 52, 79
TL46, L52
Battalion 27

10-75-3720 - 18:02 hours
Battalion 27: 10-75, 1st floor of a MD.  Have L52 come in off Bailey and set up their aerial.
L37 (FAST Truck)
Battalion 19
Rescue 3
Squad 61
Division 7

CIDS for 3415 Fort Independence St:
5 story MD 125x100 class 3 triangular building.  1 interior stairwell.  1 fire escape to roof on exposure 2 side.  Entrance to 2 basement apartments on Bailey Pl.  A apartments on 1st floor, B apartments on 2nd floor, C apartments on 3rd floor, etc.

18:04 hours
Battalion 27: 3720, we're going to use All-Hands on arrival, fire in the bedroom.  1 line is stretched in operation.  We have 1 10-45, request EMS.  No code on the 10-45, Doubtful.

18:06 hours - Duration 9 minutes
BC27: 3720, fire apartment is 3A, primary search complete and negative, trucks are opening up, k.

18:08 hours
BC27: The 10-45 is a code 4 (Green Tag, Minor), k.

18:09 hours
Battalion 19: Fort Independence St, put a rush on EMS.  Barely conscious, barely breathing, no burns but severe difficulty breathing, possible cardiac conditions, k.

18:10 hours
BC19: EMS is on scene now.

18:10 hours - Duration 13 minutes
BC27: 3720, secondary searches complete and negative, k.

18:15 hours - Duration 17 minutes
Division 7: All primary, secondary searches are negative, we're going to go Under Control

Exposures are:
1 - street
2 - 4 story similar
3 - street
4 - does not exist (triangular building)
Apr 8, 2007
Even though I was just up the block when they dumped the 10-75, all I got was white smoke.



