9/16/23 Brooklyn 2nd Alarm/10-86 Box 3375

Mar 9, 2023
Incident Location: 2400 East 3rd Street

Phone Alarm Reporting Smoke On The 2nd Floor.

B33: Using 2&2, Primary Wires Down In Front Of The Location. Fire In The Electrical Room, Readings Of 300 In The Electrical Room & Readings Of 100 On The Floor Above. We Also Have Some Secondary Wires Down On Avenue X & East 3rd Street.

B33: Doing A Partial Evacuation Of The Apartments Above The Utility Room Due To The CO Levels. Height & Size-Up As Per CIDS.

B33: We Need ConEd On A Forthwith.

B33: We Need PD To Respond To Avenue X & East 3rd Street. We Had To Shut Down The Street, Multiple Wires Down.

B33: We Need EMS, Elderly People That Need To Be Evaluated By EMS.

B33: Transmit The 10-75, 2 Dry Line Stretched. Conditions Got Worse & We Need Help Evacuating The Building.

CIDS: 7-Story 400x75 Class 3 Multiple Dwelling, Garage In Basement.

BK/B33: TL172 Is Designated Your FAST Truck & Medical Branch Resources Are Responding.

B33: We Have The 2nd & 7th Floor Evacuated, ConEd Is On Scene. Still A Smoke Condition & High Levels Of CO. (Duration 42 Min)

D15: Transmit The 2nd Alarm, Possible Transformer Explosion. Also Transmit The 10-86 For A Purple-K Unit.

BK/D15: B44RUL, B57SO, E284 w/ Satellite 3.

D15: 2 L/S, 1 L/O. All Visible Fire Has Been Knocked Down, ConEd Working On Cutting The Power To The Building. (Duration 1hr)

D15: s/c (2) Additional Trucks For Searches (TL111 act. TL153/TL105 act. TL172).

D15: Co Levels Are Dropping, Searches Are Still In Progress. (1) 10-45 Code 4. DWH. (Duration 1hr, 16 Min)

D15: Conditions Remain The Same, DWH. s/c (3) Additional Trucks (TL107 act. TL153/L166/TL18 act. TL172). (Duration 1hr, 32 Min)

FC: (2) Additional 10-45's Code 4 & (1) 10-45 Code 3. (Duration 1hr, 39 Min)

FC: s/c (1) Additional Truck To Relief The FAST Truck (TL155 act. TL161).

FC: s/c (3) Additional Trucks (TL1 act. TL161/L104 act. L147/L??? act. L???).

FC: 1 L/S, Primary Searches Are Complete & Negative Throughout, Secondary Searches Are In Progress. PWH. (Duration 2hr, 21 Min)

1: Street
2: Street
3: Alley
4: 2-Story Private Dwelling

D15: Secondary Searches Throughout Are Complete & Negative, Under Control. s/c (1) Engine, (1) Truck & (1) Battalion For A Watchline. (E280/L113/B48). (Duration 2hr, 50 Min)

E254, E246, E253, E276
TL153, L169, TL172F
B33, B43

*L156 ??*

E245, E330, E318, E321
E284 w/ ST3
TL161, L147, TL111 act. TL153 s/c, TL105 act. TL172 s/c, TL107 act. TL15 s/c, L166 s/c, TL18 act. TL172 s/c, TL155 act. TL161 s/c, TL1 act. TL161 s/c, L104 act. L147 s/c, L??? act. L??? s/c
B58, B44RUL, B57SO

E152 w/ F152, E294 w/ F294, E238 w/ F260
E163 w/ PK163, E33 w/ PK33
E207 w/ ST6
E260 w/ SP1
B31, B46
Hydro Sup Pumps 1, Hydro Sup Pump 2
SOC Compressor 1
Rescue Logistics 1

E280, L113, B48

TL111 act. TL153
E279 act. E254
B31 act. B42
TL105 act. TL172
TL18 act. TL172

E233 act. E250
TL155 act. TL161
TL107 act. TL153

E323 act. E330
E205 act. E253
B6 act. B31
B1 act. B58
E216 act. E28?
L104 act. L147
E236 act. E245
E331 act. E218
TL1 act. TL161
TL120 act. TL172
TL127 act. TL153
L81 act. L166
L101 act. L147
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10 -86

  • 10-86Alcohol Resistant Foam Operation. Transmitted for a fire or emergency requiring alcohol resistant foam concentrate in addition to that carried by units on the scene. The following units are to respond:
    • 2 Foam Carriers and associated engine companies
    • 2 Foam Coordinators
    • 1 Satellite Unit and associated engine company
    • 1 Foam Tender and associated engine company
    • 2 Purple K Units and associated engine companies
    • 1 Hazardous Materials Co. 1
    • 1 Hazardous Materials Battalion
    • 1 Hazardous Materials Technician Unit
E284T ST03
TS02 RB01 SB01
Q288H HM01 HB01
E163P E033P
E294F E238F
E260T SP01 HS01 HS02 SC01 RL01


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Why would you need alcohol resistant foam for an electrical fire. Even if it is a transformer if you need to go to a foam op AFFF or a protein type foam should do the trick.
That whole area of south Brooklyn has been getting all types of electrical crap the last two weeks. Probably the 4th all hands incident for this
Squad1 Operated here, and at All Hands Box 2606 ? -
I thought both Jobs were at pretty much the same time...?
Squad1 Operated here, and at All Hands Box 2606 ? -
I thought both Jobs were at pretty much the same time...?
Box 2606 was PWH before the 10-75 was transmitted at this box.

Once the 10-75 was transmitted, ‘SQ1 To Brooklyn We Are 10-8 & Available For That Box’ - BK: 10-4, Respond In To 10-75 Box 3375….
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Incident Location: 2400 East 3rd Street

Phone Alarm Reporting Smoke On The 2nd Floor.

B33: Using 2&2, Primary Wires Down In Front Of The Location. Fire In The Electrical Room, Readings Of 300 In The Electrical Room & Readings Of 100 On The Floor Above. We Also Have Some Secondary Wires Down On Avenue X & East 3rd Street.

B33: Doing A Partial Evacuation Of The Apartments Above The Utility Room Due To The CO Levels. Height & Size-Up As Per CIDS.

B33: We Need ConEd On A Forthwith.

B33: We Need PD To Respond To Avenue X & East 3rd Street. We Had To Shut Down The Street, Multiple Wires Down.

B33: We Need EMS, Elderly People That Need To Be Evaluated By EMS.

B33: Transmit The 10-75, 2 Dry Line Stretched. Conditions Got Worse & We Need Help Evacuating The Building.

CIDS: 7-Story 400x75 Class 3 Multiple Dwelling, Garage In Basement.

BK/B33: TL172 Is Designated Your FAST Truck & Medical Branch Resources Are Responding.

B33: We Have The 2nd & 7th Floor Evacuated, ConEd Is On Scene. Still A Smoke Condition & High Levels Of CO. (Duration 42 Min)

D15: Transmit The 2nd Alarm, Possible Transformer Explosion. Also Transmit The 10-86 For A Purple-K Unit.

BK/D15: B44RUL, B57SO, E284 w/ Satellite 3.

D15: 2 L/S, 1 L/O. All Visible Fire Has Been Knocked Down, ConEd Working On Cutting The Power To The Building. (Duration 1hr)

D15: s/c (2) Additional Trucks For Searches (TL111 act. TL153/TL105 act. TL172).

D15: Co Levels Are Dropping, Searches Are Still In Progress. (1) 10-45 Code 4. DWH. (Duration 1hr, 16 Min)

D15: Conditions Remain The Same, DWH. s/c (3) Additional Trucks (TL107 act. TL153/L166/TL18 act. TL172). (Duration 1hr, 32 Min)

FC: (2) Additional 10-45's Code 4 & (1) 10-45 Code 3. (Duration 1hr, 39 Min)

FC: s/c (1) Additional Truck To Relief The FAST Truck (TL155 act. TL161).

FC: s/c (3) Additional Trucks (TL1 act. TL161/L104 act. L147/L??? act. L???).

FC: 1 L/S, Primary Searches Are Complete & Negative Throughout, Secondary Searches Are In Progress. PWH. (Duration 2hr, 21 Min)

1: Street
2: Street
3: Alley
4: 2-Story Private Dwelling

D15: Secondary Searches Throughout Are Complete & Negative, Under Control. s/c (1) Engine, (1) Truck & (1) Battalion For A Watchline. (E280/L113/B48). (Duration 2hr, 50 Min)

E254, E246, E253, E276
TL153, L169, TL172F
B33, B43

*L156 ??*

E245, E330, E318, E321
E284 w/ ST3
TL161, L147, TL111 act. TL153 s/c, TL105 act. TL172 s/c, TL107 act. TL15 s/c, L166 s/c, TL18 act. TL172 s/c, TL155 act. TL161 s/c, TL1 act. TL161 s/c, L104 act. L147 s/c, L??? act. L??? s/c
B58, B44RUL, B57SO

E152 w/ F152, E294 w/ F294, E238 w/ F260
E163 w/ PK163, E33 w/ PK33
E207 w/ ST6
E260 w/ SP1
B31, B46
Hydro Sup Pumps 1, Hydro Sup Pump 2
SOC Compressor 1
Rescue Logistics 1

E280, L113, B48

TL111 act. TL153
E279 act. E254
B31 act. B42
TL105 act. TL172
TL18 act. TL172

E233 act. E250
TL155 act. TL161
TL107 act. TL153

E323 act. E330
E205 act. E253
B6 act. B31
B1 act. B58
E216 act. E28?
L104 act. L147
E236 act. E245
E331 act. E218
TL1 act. TL161
TL120 act. TL172
TL127 act. TL153
L81 act. L166
L101 act. L147
Nice rundown, but would be better if the times were included.
Why would you need alcohol resistant foam for an electrical fire. Even if it is a transformer if you need to go to a foam op AFFF or a protein type foam should do the trick.
Fdny now uses universal gold AR-AFFF
10 -86

  • 10-86Alcohol Resistant Foam Operation. Transmitted for a fire or emergency requiring alcohol resistant foam concentrate in addition to that carried by units on the scene. The following units are to respond:
    • 2 Foam Carriers and associated engine companies
    • 2 Foam Coordinators
    • 1 Satellite Unit and associated engine company
    • 1 Foam Tender and associated engine company
    • 2 Purple K Units and associated engine companies
    • 1 Hazardous Materials Co. 1
    • 1 Hazardous Materials Battalion
    • 1 Hazardous Materials Technician Unit
the 10-86 now gets 3 foam units and the Super Pumper.
The foam tender is no longer in service.