EMS Units and online game

Aug 6, 2012

I'm a EMT from germany and I am very interested in the daily work of the FDNY, especially the EMS part. So to be able to relive the work of the hundreds of men and woman in the ambulances, I tried to reproduce the FDNY*EMS in a german online game. This game, www.lstsim.de (LstSim is a acronym for "Leitstellen Simulator", which could be translated as "dispatch simulator"). In this game you are able to dispatch Ambulances to various emergencies and play the role of the call-taker and dispatcher all in one. The creator(s) of this game made only up to 10 different german dispatch centers, which you can select on the main site. But they gave everybody the opportunity to create own dispatch centers, so I started to recreate the FDNY*EMS. I gathered the needed information from a Unit Location Chart out of July 2011.

If anybody wants to play this game in the FDNY*EMS version, you have to follow http://lstsim.de/leitstellen/7095 , type your name at "Spielername", choose a time and start. But be warned, the whole game is german, including calls and feedback from the units. I only had the option to change the alarm announcement. You only play Ambulances, ALS Units are declared as an "NAW", BLS Units as an "RTW". To receive first responding (FR) treatment you are able to send EMS Conditions, EMS Battalions, EMS Divisions and a few other cars from the EMS headquarters. You can call the FDNY fire part to get Engines, Ladders, Rescues and Squads as CFR, too. Hopefully I did not make too many faults in creating this.

Back to the main problem, the database this modifiction bases on is from Summer 2011, instead of a few changes I made after reading (mainly in this forum) some articles, for example of installing the spare conditions >60. The latest news I heard are about opening EMS station 13 in Washington Hills, but I wasn't not able to figure out which ambulance tours are relocated and if some are disbanded ore even new organized. Also I think there could be more movement in the ambulance tours, especially the hospital based as i could figure out. Additional I never get enough information about the volunteer units like Bed-Stuy and Chevra Hatzolah, just to mention two in example.

In conclusion, my request to you is to help me gather some more or new information about the EMS Ambulance Tours in New York City. Isn't there an updated Unit Location Chart or another source to update this modification?

Thank you for all eventually answers, if helpful or not.

Greetings from germany!
Jun 22, 2007
Anybody know who this member is ? We all need to be careful before we join in.

I'm sorry if I seem to come on so strong. I don't run the site, but those that do may want to check this out first.
Aug 29, 2008
nfd2004 said:
Anybody know who this member is ? We all need to be careful before we join in.

I'm sorry if I seem to come on so strong. I don't run the site, but those that do may want to check this out first.

I concur with the above post. I, like all others here, enjoy sharing job info but even to me this seems a bit intrusive if you know what I mean.
May 6, 2010
Hopefully he is not a bean counter looking for suggestions how to do more w/less.....I'm out.
Jan 16, 2009
As an old timer like the chief,  I  must agree who knows what this new member is actually looking  to do with any info that he gets from the members.........I have to also pass ....
Aug 6, 2012
I'm a little bit sad about all the mistrust I get here. But it's okay, if you do not want to share information, you will have your reasons.
But please do me a favour und explain these reasons. My english isn't that good, so for example I really did not get that "bean counter" thing.
Overall, I didn't know that the information I asked for is confidential, because in germany you get this often direct from the appropriate authority. And the existence of the previous Unit location charts made me believe that this is similar in New York, too.

If you wanna know special things, you may just ask me, I'll answer.

Let me short explain, what minor information I need:

Unit Number - station assigned - shift hours.

for example:

44B - 39 - 7-15, 15-23, 23-7

What's the chance to misuse this information?
Aug 29, 2008
Ok Red, I'll start you off.......23A......Station 23, Staten Island.......0500, 1300 & 2100
                                          23H      Station 23, Staten Island.......0530, 1330 & 2130
                                          23C      Station 23, Staten Island.......0600, 1400
                                          23E      Station 23, Staten Island.......0630, 1430
                                          23R      Station 23, Staten Island.......0600, 1400 & 2200
                                          23V      Station 23, Staten Island.......0700, 1500 & 2300
                                          C23      Station 23, Staten Island.......0500, 1300 & 2100

I'm sure you'll find this info on the unit location chart as well.
Aug 6, 2012
Not at all, 23E appeared at the 2008 chart last, on the 2011 there wasn't any unit with this name. Is this unit been reactivated or could it be, that you got the information from the 2008'er?

But anyway, thank you for sharing this part of information!
Aug 29, 2008
To tell you the truth, that was the rundown when I retired in 2009. It's possible that they dumped that unit.
Aug 6, 2012
So you see, there are changes again and again, so it would be nice if somebody did have some actual informations.

In fact, it's confusing to me that the number of ambulances isn't rising sharply higher. For example, in my region it increased from 5 ambulances 2007 to actual 8.

Sorry for answering late, but yesterday I got a 24hrs-shift with a plenty of runs (and repair stops).
Aug 22, 2010
This is actually pretty fun. Can you translate it into english? I would love to try it in english.