February 12, 2012 Our Most Popular Thread Began

Jun 22, 2007
On February 12, 2012, site member / moderator Joe M., aka "mack", began what would be a journey through the history of FDNY and NYC Firehouses and Fire Companies. While working a full time job, "mack" would search the history of each FDNY Firehouse, their company members and the units assigned. He would present photos, LODDs, Member and unit citations, stories and even some videos of each company. In order to do this, it has taken a massive amount of research to present us with these facts and details.

But then for whatever reason, it all ended after 111 pages of facts on December 5, 2017. The FDNY and NYC Firehouses and Fire Companies" had come to a sudden end. "mack" could post no more information. Although at that time,"mack" felt there was much more work to do.

So "mack" decided the best thing to do, was to begin an entirely new/separate Firehouse thread that would bear the same name; "FDNY and NYC Firehouses and Fire Companies" - BUT - add the words "2nd Section" to it. Of course when the FDNY had companies referred to as "2nd Sections", during the busy FDNY War Years, these were fire companies that were so busy it would require two entirely fully manned engine or ladder companies (twice the companies) covering the same response area as the original unit. (example Engine 46-1, Engine 46-2 or Ladder 103-1, Ladder 103-2).

Since it's beginning it appears that "FDNY and NYC Firehouses and Fire Companies - 2nd Section" will continue with the same interest as the number of views is already OVER 330,000. One look at it and seeing the amount of coverage and details within that thread would explain why so many of us continue to be drawn back to it.
All while the original "FDNY and NYC Firehouses and Fire Companies" has reached OVER ONE MILLION VIEWS. Ranking as Our Most Popular Thread on this site.

I know that "mack" not only puts a huge effort into this topic but he has also subscribed to many NY newspapers, where he can archive many of the articles that have long since past time. But that allows us to Never Forget the many LODDs within the FDNY overr the years. To remember and recognize those who have gone beyond bravery to get a well deserved Department Medal or as a company a Unit Citation. He also researches photos and videos to post within this topic.

I don't think there's too many other places where such information can be found.

Joe "mack" has mentioned to me that if any member might have a specific request or a company that you might like to have listed, PLEASE send him (mack) a private message on here. I know that he has been able to help other members with their request.

Mack has also advised me that he hopes to eventually have a directory where each company and firehouse can be found by thread, page etc.

We all are very lucky and truly honored to have "mack" with us. Not only is he a good friend to many of us, but his tired less efforts have produced a product that is "SECOND TO NONE".

THANKS JOE "mack", for all you do and to those members who have contributed information and facts to make it all possible.
Unbelievable work....it never ceases to amaze me...just when you think Joe has exhausted all the particular history on a place & you look back at it you see he is still adding more...EXCELLENT!
It is my favorite thread and the first place I look (after fire duty of course) when I visit this incredible site. Thank you so much
Agreed Willy, compiling all this magnificent information could create a History of FDNY college course! This is the place to be if you want the scoop on fdny. Thank you Gentlemaen for your outstanding contributions!
Yes a big Thank You for the tireless contributions...an index of each Company's info location on this site would be a tremendous idea also.
Bill should have mentioned the thread he started and mentored - My Younger Buff Days - which also has collected a terrific amount of stories from Bill's many, many, many, many years of buffing in the City.

Iggy (fdhistorian) provides a lot of info, responses, histories to the Firehouse sites. Great teammate. Also, many other contributors with personal accounts, details, stories, pictures, corrections. Chief K, NFD2004, John Gage, raybrag, 1261 Truckie, Johnd248,********, kenny f, 69mets, auxfirecapt, memory master, Guitarman, Jbendick, and many, many others with more details than I had. The NYFD.com site and Mike Boucher's histories also need credit as excellent sources of FDNY history..

Good team effort with these histories and, by the way, all are encouraged to continue to put up company stories, incidents, pictures, additional information, corrections in this thread.

When these threads started, I wanted to record some of the many places my father worked in all 5 boros - who loved being an FDNY firefighter. He had an old Rand McNally NYC map from the 1960s with every firehouse in the city plotted. He used the map for the periods when he got promoted and covered or bounced as a new LT, CAPT and BC in the 1960s-1970s. He also used it when he was detailed on a Civil Disturbance assignment to locate firehouses that were command posts, alternate command posts and command post support companies.

My goal was to find the places he worked and find related pictures so we could save the images for the sake of history. It made sense to include pictures of apparatus, major fires, and company members when found. Information is not located in any one source - so Google, newspapers, social media, magazines, books, WNYF, Fire Engineering, Firehouse, Linkedin, individual websites, memorials, obituaries, etc. to try to pull together a "story" for each firehouse or company. The thread gets better and the "story" for each house more complete, so early threads are simple and the later histories more robust And the inputs from site members always add personal memories and details.

It used to take me maybe a few days to do a house. Now it might take a few weeks or longer - and depends on my available time. It has been a good way to spend COVID confinement time. Some companies have a lot more information to find because they have been around longer, or because there are good records of pre-FDNY volunteer companies, or because there was more newspaper histories and local historical societies, or because the companies have recorded their histories on websites or Facebook. In general, Manhattan and Brooklyn companies usually more information recorded. The Bronx has the least with limited information about pre-FDNY volunteer company histories which are included if available and limited local newspapers and historical associations. In no way does the amount of information available and put together in this thread reflect the rich traditions and histories of the individual companies.

The most important thing that I have learned is that while it is interesting and important to discover and record pictures of firehouses, engines and hook and ladders - it is the firefighter who served in that firehouse that is truly the most important part of the history of these companies. Sadly, there are not enough individual stories recorded. Even medals and LODDs are mysteries unless you have official FDNY records - which is disappointing. When I research a firehouse now, I try to add all that can about individuals. WNYF, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram - and added info from site members - are sources.

I just hope that the pictures and stories and memories that we have on this site, and other sites, are not lost in the future. I also thank all by brothers on this site for helping and sharing information - and making this fun. Mack
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I just hope that the pictures and stories and memories that we have on this site, and other sites, are not lost in the future. I also thank all by brothers on this site for helping and sharing information - and making this fun. Mack

One way . . . probably the BEST way . . . to ensure that they are not lost is to publish a book of them, Joe. Sure, it's a lot of work. But in today's world of self-publishing via Amazon, it doesn't require an agent or a lot of money the way vanity publishing used to. And who knows, you might even make a buck or two on it. I'd be one of your first customers.
Been awhile, so lets take a look at Our Most Popular thread(s) by "mack" in the History Section.

1) FDNY and NYC Firehouses - has OVER ONE MILLION VIEWS, with over 2,000 replies

2) FDNY and NYC Firehouses 2nd Section - has Over 375,000 Views, with over 4,000 replies

No doubt hours and hours of time required to accomplish this.
All time involved donated by "mack" on his own time.
Many hours put in while he was still working a fulltime job.

"mack" has since retired after a long Military Career and then working fulltime at the U.S. Pentagon. A very well deserved retirement.
Macks contribution to this site has been invaluable, he has dedicated hundreds of hours putting together the history of every company that would be very hard to find anyplace else supported by timely photos. I continue to appreciate all his insightful information and photos. Thanks Mack, outstanding work!
Always great effort and work by Mack. It is well-deserving of all the praise it receives.
The most excellent compilation not only on here but on any FD site......Thank You Joe.