Fire Alarm Box History

Jul 29, 2019
I was surprised to read there are still that many false alarms. I know its way down from the War Years but I guess there's still alot of a-holes around.
May 6, 2010
False Alarms from Pull Boxes in NYC are very infrequent nowadays .....that is ones that are actually Responded to ......the Boxes are often still pulled by miscreants however most do not get a response since THEY DONT WORK.......more than one mayoral administration has tried to remove all of them but have been blocked .....a Court order to keep them is still in force however the City's efforts to "maintain this Lifesaving System" is haphazard at the least .....the biggest absurdity is having workers go around & put a fresh coat of paint on NON WORKING BOXES ......this in it's self is ludicrous as I watched a worker paint one of my local NON WORKING BOXES with some thinned out red paint in a plastic spray bottle like you would use to spray household cleaner.