Frequently Asked Question

Jan 20, 2014

Catry started this section back in 2008. But since then a lot has changed and unfortunately, Catry doesn't frequent this site like he use to to up date the info. After talking with Mack figured I would copy everything over from the old Frequently Asked Question section to the new FAQ section. That way it can be edited for years to come......Well least hopefully the next 20 years while I'm still around.
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I've seen a lot of repeat questions asked all over on forums, YouTube, etc. So here's me attempt at a comprehensive FAQ; feel free to add anything else you want to see added/corrected.

Post 1: Fire Operations
Post 2: Special Operations
Post 3: Communications and Apparatus
Post 4: History
Post 5: Random Information That Could Help
Post 6: Random Yet Possibly Useful Info

Fire Operations

Terms and Terminology:

Q: Who Decides on who gets relocated *Thanks for a sum up 290*
A: Relocations are normally made by the boro’s decision dispatcher, and several things are taken into account. Such as:
- Who’s currently unavailable (medicals, education day, training or old mechanical)
- Who’s already moved during the tour
- Routes to get to the relocation
- Boro coverage as a whole
- What boxes are out and do any have potential to be work.

In Brooklyn we normally try to not “bounce” relocations, because now you’re creating an RN (Response Neighborhood) until the bounced company back fills and you have 2 companies out of their normal area

Example L-103 Relocated to da Bronx. There was an incident going on where they were more than 10 trucks over the 2nd, so upwards of an 8th alarm worth of trucks.
L-131,L-119, & L-146 were all unavailable. L-124 was relocating to L-51 in the Bronx. L-135 was out on the queens side relocated to L-50 then assigned into the fire.

Not sure who was in service engine wise but if an engine in a double house is out, we try to not move the truck so the house is not emptied.

The thought process was L-103 could take Penn to the Jackie and circumvent the Van Wyck, which has construction going on on the S/B side which is now down to 1 lane due to construction.

Just some thoughts on the hows and whys with a small example

Q: What is BI?
A: BI (or officially BISP) stands for Building Inspection Safety Protocol. This was implemented in 2007 following the death of 2 firefighters at the Duetsche Bank Fire, and replaced the old AFID program. Conducted every weekday, companies go out and inspect buildings in their first due response area to gather CIDs information and inspect for violations. When a unit is delayed due to BI it is usually because they have members inside a building and/or are responding from different parts of their area.

Q: What is the FAST truck?
A: FAST stands for Firefighter Assist and Search team. While usually a truck company at times engines and other units can be FAST. A FAST truck at a box stands by in case a firefighter becomes trapped, injured, etc.; they are tasked, along with the Rescue and Squad, with locating lost firefighters and removing them safely.

Q: What is MUD?
A: MUD stands for Multi-unit Drill. Conducted every weekend, it is usually a drill exercise run by two or more houses that run 1st and 2nd due together on multiple boxes (e.g. E297, E295, L130, and TL144 in College Point/Whitestone).

Q: Primary/Secondary searches? What do they mean?
A: Primary searches are basically a quick sweep performed by truck companies while a fire is still burning. Secondary searches are a more careful, meticulous search after most fire has been put out for victims and extensions.

Q: What is Decon?
A: Decon, short for Decontamination, is generally used in two ways. The more common one is used by Engine companies following EMS runs when firefighters may need to clean off blood or other bodily fluids. The less common use is in a HazMat situation where both civilians and FDNY personnel may become contaminated by chemical agents. In that instance decon is usually done on-scene with one of the mobile Decon Shower trucks.

Decon Engine's don't carry anything they just assist with the Decon Station. No second Piece

Decon Support Unit 1 responds with equipment and supplies from its separate quarters in Corona, Queens.

Decon Engines

E-4 E-7 E-16 E-35 E-37 E-74 E-93
E-4 has the Decon Units w/ E205 as a back up
E-37 has the Decon Unit w/ E73 as the back up

E-46 E-64 E-73 E-81 E-89

E-205 E-225 E-229 E-246 E-257 E-279 E-280 E-332

E-251 E-263 E-265 E-287 E-295 E-299 E-301 E-303
E-251 has the Decon Unit w/ E297 as the backup

Staten Island:
E-153 E-156 E-160
E-160 has the Decon Unit w/ E156 as the backup

Decon Support united is located at 104-34 43rd Ave Queens NY

Q: What's a Decon Task Force?
A: There are two kinds of DTFs, the Technical Task Force and the Mass Task Force. Technical Task force consists of a SOC Support Truck, the engine housed with it, and the Battalion Chief for that house. The MDTF by comparison consists of 1 Battalion, 2 engines, 1 CPC Tower Ladder, 2 SOC Support Trucks for gross Decon of multiple victims.

Decon Task Force
E-7 TL-1 B-1
E-16 TL-7 B-8
E-35 TL-14 B-12
E-74 L-25 B-11
E-93 TL-45 B-13

E-46 L-27 B-17
E-64 L-47 B-3
E-73 L-42 B-26
E-81 TL-46 B-19
E-89 TL-50 B-20

E-229 TL-146 B-35
E-246 L-169 B-43
E-257 TL-170 B-58
E-279 TL-131 B-32
E-280 L-132 B-38
E-332 H&L-175 B-44

E-259 L-128 B-45
E-263 TL-117 B-49
E-265 L-121 B-47
E-287 L-136 B-46
E-295 TL-144 B-52
E-299 TL-152 B-52
E-301 L-150 B-50
E-303 L-126 B-51

Staten Island:
E-153 TL-77 B-21
E-156 TL-79 B-22
E-162 L-82 B-23

Division Task Force

E-24 E-5 H&L-5 B-2 (Division 1)
E-8 E-65 L-2 B-8 (Division 3)

E-59 E-83 L-29 B-14 (Division 6)
E-48 E-67 L-56 B-18 (Division 7)

E-243 E-253 L-168 B-42 (Division 8)
E-240 E-282 L-148 B-48 (Division 11)
E-248 E-276 L-156 B-41(Division 15)

E-275 E-315 L-133 B-50 (Division 13)
E-259 E-319 L-128 B-45 (Division 14)

Staten Island:
E-164 E-166 L-86 B-22 (Division 8 )

Q. What is a Nolan Rail Cart
A. A Nolan Rail Cart is a cart that lines up on the tracks so units can transport equipment along the tracks at an incident. They have electric and manual ones.

Units that Carry Nolan Rain Carts

E8 E14 E15 E21 E28 E33 E58 E91
Sq18 HR1* HR2* ReBreather 1 Soc Logistic* Division of Training*

E68 E71 E83 E92
Sq41 SQ61

E206 E207 E216 E221 E226 E238
Sq1 Sq252

E259 E260 E307 E325
Sq270 Sq288
Rebreather Ops*

Staten Island:
E156 E162

*These Units & Facilities have (2) Nolan Rail Carts

Q: What is [insert building type]?
A: There are several terms used to describe buildings. They include but are not limited to:
Building classes:
  • Class 1 = Fireproof construction
  • Class 2 = Fire protected construction
  • Class 3 = Non-fireproof construction (also referred to as NFP)
  • Class 4 = Wood frame consruction
  • Class 5 = Metal construction
  • Class 6 = Heavy timber construction
- SRO (Single-resident occupancy): A multiple dwelling with 1 occupant per room.
- OMD (Occupied Multiple Dwelling)
- PD (Private Dwelling)
- Commercial
- Mixed - Occupancy

What is a Canarsie Tenement?

Operations and Special Units:

Q: What is a "Ladder Pipe Operation"? What's a stang and a multi-versatile?
- Ladder Pipe: Aerial Ladder companies do not have a pre-piped waterway attached to the aerial. In exterior operations tower ladders are usually used to deliver water to the fire. However, sometimes an aerial might be located in a way that it can reach the building where a tower can't, at which point a ladder pipe is put into operation. Ladder pipes consist of a nozzle with pre-attached length of hose, usually stored next to the aerial. The nozzle is attacked to the tip of the ladder and the hose stretched down the aerial, thus providing a fixed elevated water distribution point.
- Stang: A stang is the term for a deck gun. It can refer to the fixed deck gun on the engines or a portable one carried by engine cos. Because stangs are weighted down or fixed they can be used to deliver more water than regular handlines at exterior operations.
- Multi-versatile: These are carried and supplied by the satellite companies. A variety of lines can be supplied from 1 multi-versatile, making them useful in areas where hydrants may be limited.

Q: What is the job of a Squad company?
A: A squad responds as either an engine, truck, or special unit. They respond as engines to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd due boxes (with the exception of Squad 1 & Squad 8), and as a special unit on All-Hands in their response area. Squad crews are also trained as HazMat techs and receive extensive SOC training.

Squad 1 788 Union St Brooklyn
Squad 8 3730 Victory Blvd Staten Island
Squad 18 132 West 18th St Manhattan
Squad 41 330 East 150th St Bronx
Squad 61 1518 Williamsbridge Rd Bronx
Squad 252 617 Central Ave Brooklyn
Squad 270 91-45 121 St Queens
Squad 288 56-29 68th St Queens

Q: What is a Satellite?
A: The Satellite system actually consists of 2 parts: a 2000 gpm engine and a Satellite unit. The Satellite carries a deck gun with changeable tips; when fed by the engine it can feed water at rates around 5000 gpm. The Satellite rigs do not have pumps themselves; rather, they rely on the engine or a combination of engines to provide water. The Satellite also carries extra foam, hoses, manifolds, and multi-versatiles. Satellite Engine companies don't have 3rd or 4th due boxes except E-207 & E-324 they have 4th Due Boxes

The Satellite companies are:
E-9 & Sat. 1 with E-24 as the back up
E-72 & Sat. 2 with E-97 as the back up
E-284 & Sat. 3 with E-330 as the back up
E-324 & Sat. 4 with E-291 as the back up
E-159 & Sat. 5 with E-152 as the back up
E-207 & Sat. 6 with E-210 as the back up

Q: What is a Purple K Unit?
A: Purple K unit carries several pounds of dry chemical retardant which is used instead of water on certain chemical and electrical fires. These rigs are assigned to an engine company and are staffed by members of the Engine.

E-59(Back Up)

E-315(Back Up)

Brooklyn/Staten Island
E-230(Back Up)
E-157 (Back Up)

Q: What is Fire & Ice
Fire-Ice is used as an extinguishing agent to be applied onto burning electrical cables in manholes. The application of Fire-Ice also suppresses the generation of resultant Carbon Monoxide & its extension to occupied structures. As part of the effort to test this product & equipment, incident commanders at Manhole fires may require the services of a unit trained to deploy Fire-Ice.

Fire & Ice Units Are:
PK33 PK84 PK163 PK229 PK326
E62 E82 E228 E319

Q: What is the High-Rise Unit?
A: High Rise Units are assigned to 10-76s and 2nd Alarm 10-77s citywide. They carry equipment, lights, & generators that are used in high-rise building fires.

The High-Rise units are with
E-3 Back Ups Are E-33 & E-14
E-39 Back Ups Are E-22 & E-91

Q: What do the High-Rise fire designations mean?
A: The high-rise designations are as follows:
- High-Rise Nozzle Engine: There are several engine companies citywide equipped with a High-Rise Nozzle, a long, bent nozzle that can be used to fight a fire via window from the floor below. A nozzle can be seen here here stored above the hose bed of E14. Usually the 5th-due Engine.
-Engine's that carry High Rise Nozzles are:
Manhattan: E1,4,7,8,14,15,16,22,23,35,40,47,55,64,80,91,93 HR1 HR2
Bronx: E45,50,52,60,64,66,68,90,97
Brooklyn: E202,210,216,217,222,231,234,237,239,243,245,247,248,254,257,290,318
Queens: E258,262,266,268,273,292,304,305,308,315,317,328
Staten Island: E156,160,168

- CFRD Engine: Because EMS workers are not equipped with SCBA, at high rise fires an engine company is assigned to perform CFRD work on the upper floors where SCBA may be required to operate. Usually the 6th-due Engine. HazTac resources have SCBA, with the Rescue Medics and HazTac Officers going to the floor below on 10-77s. Together with the CFRD engine they provide increased medical capabilities to those on scene.
- Lobby Control Engine/Chief: A High-Rise situation can be chaotic, both with the number of residents and responders. Lobby Control crews are responsible for maintaining the lobby, assisting residents out and keeping the lobby clear for other crews.
-Lobby Control Engines:
Manhattan: E8,14,40,55
Bronx: None
Brooklyn: E202,221,239
Queens: E312
Staten Island None

- Safety Officer: Works with the Safety Battalion to ensure the safety of members while operating.

- Ventilation Support Co.: A company equipped with a large Tempest Fan.
-Vent Support Companies:
Manhattan: L23 HR1 HR2
Bronx: L17,33,51,58
Brooklyn: L105,119,124,159,172
Queens: L115,142,160
Staten Island: L80,87

Q: At a high rise fire is the fast truck in the building or on the street?
A: In the building but below the Fire floor.

Q: What are the Thawing Units?
A: One in each borough, the Thawing Units are staffed only in the winter time and perform a "hydrant patrol" in which they thaw out frozen hydrants. They respond on reports of frozen hydrants at working fires, and can be special called to assist with the thawing out of hydrants, connections, and hoselines.

Thawing Units Are:
TA76 with E-76
TA97 with E-97
TA151 with E-151
TA265 with E-265
TA330 with E-330

Q: What are the RAC Units?
A: "RAC" stands for Recuperation and Care (or Rehab and Comfort depending who you ask). One is assigned on all incidents of All-Hands or greater. They carry a variety of replenishing fluids to supplement the cooler tanks carried by companies and provide a place for firefighters to take a breather during an operation, and are staffed by a single light-duty firefighter. A 2nd RAC Unit is assigned on 2nd Alarms.

More information about the RAC can be found here

Rac Manager responds to 10-60s 10-77s 10-76s 10-80 Code 1s and well as assigned on the 2nd Alarm

Rac-1 is with Marine 1
Response Area is B1 B2 B4 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 B11 B12 B32 B45 B46 B49

Rac-2 is with Ladder 102
Response Area is B28 B31 B35 B37 B38 B41 B44 B45 (Brooklyn Boxes) B48 (D11 & D15 boxes) B57 B58

Rac-3 is with Rescue 3
Response Area is B12 B13 B14 B15 B16 B17 B18 B19 B20 B26 B27

Rac-4 is with Engine 314
Response Area is B39 B47 B50 B51 B52 B53 B54

Rac-5 is with Marine 9
Response Area is B21 B22 B23 B33 B40 B42 B43 B48 (D8 Boxes)

Rac-6 was at one point in service and floated between Ladder 20 & SOC HQ
They coved B8 B10 B12 B45(Queens & Manhattan Boxes) B46 B49

Rac Manager replaced Rac-6 and is located with Ladder 20.

Any Rac Unit could end up in any borough due to he normally assigned RAC tied up at a job or OOS

Q: What exactly is "The Rock"?
A: The Rock is the FDNY Training Academy on Randall's Island, located between the Bronx, Queens, and Manhattan. New firefighters receive basic training here, companies conduct drills here, and several SOC and HazMat units are quartered here. The Rock is also home to Chauffeur Training School (CTS) where firefighters train to operate the rigs. Oftentimes brand-new rigs will go to CTS before being sent to companies so that newer trainees could become familiar with them. Unused rigs that are not kept as spares or reserve companies are usually assigned to the Rock.

Dispatch protocol still has a Satellite assigned when a Marine Company goes to work for a land operation.

(From MAC8146)
In the Fieldston section of Riverdale in The Bronx NY, the water mains were grossly undersized
Satellite 2 was assigned on any 10-75 in the Riverdale section.
The mains were replaced but the assignment hasn’t changed for 72 and satellite.

The area is North of West 230th St & West of Broadway.

Also assigned on the 10-75 in City Island, Edgewater Park as well as the Whitestone Bridge.

Brooklyn Boxes where the Satellite is assigned on the 10-75
1409: 1st Ave & 41st St
1412: 2nd Ave & 40th St
1413: 1st Ave & 39th St
1415 3rd Ave & 37th St
1416: 2nd Ave & 36th St
1417: 3rd Ave & 35th St
1418: 2nd Ave & 34th St
1419: 3rd Ave & 33rd St

Staten Island Borough Wide on the All Hands originally, due to lack of hydrants in undeveloped areas.
Still good policy. Many of the older neighborhoods on 6" and 8" mains. Water can be a premium.

Both Airport Boxes 269 JFK 37 LGA (They are Automatic 2nd Alarms & 3 are assigned)
Fort Totten
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Special Operations Command
Q: What is SOC?
A: SOC stands for Special Operations Command. The Rescues, Squads, HazMat Units, and a variety of other specialized units fall under this Division.

Q: What are the various SOC companies?
A: There are a variety of units marked "SOC." The most common ones are:
- SOC Logistics Van: Basically assigned to assist with logistics at operations, carries extra supplies such as lights and batteries
- SOC Compressor Unit: This unit carries a large air compressor.
- SOC Dewatering Unit: A combination of the Dewatering Support Unit and a Tactical Support Unit, this company carries a dewatering pump to supplement those carried by engine companies for water removal operations.
- SOC Scuba Van: Technically a training unit now since all the Rescues are scuba-trained, this unit carries equipment and personnel for dive rescues as needed.
- SOC Decon: A Decon unit similar to those quartered citywide.
- SOC Collapse POD: This is a combination company. The first part is the POD (Point-of-distribution) carrier; there are two of these, one at the Rock and the other on SI. The second part are the collapse PODs located throughout the city. Each POD can be loaded onto the carrier (a la dumpster style) and transported as needed.
- SOC Battalion (Rescue Battalion)
- HazMat Battalion
- Marine Battalion

Q: What are the Collapse Rescue Units?
A: The Collapse Rescue Unit actually consists of 2 parts: the Rescue Company, and the Collapse Rig. The Collapse unit responds to reports of collapses and 10-60s in the response area of the Rescue and carry a variety of planks and tools used for shoring up buildings.

Collapse Rescue 1 floats around between L-25 & R-1
Collapse Rescue 2 is housed with R-2.
Collapse Rescue 3 is housed with R-3.
Collapse Rescue 4 is housed with L-116
Collapse Rescue 5 is housed with R-5.

*Any Company that has a 2nd ECC working can transport the Collapse Rescues. Comes down to close available unit*

Q: What are the Tactical Support Units?
A: The TSUs carry a variety of equipment not normally carried by the Rescues, Squads, and SSLs such as a generator, raft, crane, and Spotlights. They respond to all 2nd alarms and special rescues citywide. There are two TSUs, TSU1 on Roosevelt Island/The Rock and TSU2 on Staten Island at the Quarters of E-160 R-5 D-8

Q: What is a SOC Support Ladder?
A: The SSLs consist of two pieces: the ladder company and a second supply truck. SSLs carry a variety of tools not normally carried by trucks that may come in handy in a special operation, including extra rescue tools. At least 2 SSLs are required to respond on a 10-60. At times when Rescue and Squad companies are busy an SSL may be assigned instead.

SOC Support Companies Are:

TL-7 TL-14 L-25

L-27 TL-46 TL-50

L-132 TL-146 L-169 H&L-175

TL-121 L-126 L-136 L-150

Staten Island:

Q: What is a Chemical Protective Clothing Ladder?
A: A CPC truck consists of two pieces: the ladder company and a second supply truck. CPC companies carry chemical suits used to mitigate HazMat situations, primarily for decon. They are not the same as the ones carried by the HazMat companies.

L-2 H&L-6 TL-9 L-10 TL-12 TL-13 TL-18 TL-21 TL-23 TL-35 R-1

TL-17 TL-33 TL-51 TL-58 R-3

TL-105 TL-107 TL-111 TL-114 TL-119 TL-120 TL-124 TL-157 TL-159 TL-172 R-2

TL-115 TL-142 TL-160 R-4

Staten Island:
L-80 TL-87

Q: What's the difference between HazTec and HazMat?
A: The main difference is degree of severity. A HazTec incident is usually a smaller hazardous material spill or leak. The city's Squads, as well as E-44, E-165, E-250, E-274, & R-5 are trained in HazTec operations and have a second piece for handling such incidents. HazMat incidents are usually larger, either in size or danger depending on the chemicals (e.g. an oil tanker leak that cannot be contained by HazTec). These incidents bring HazMat 1 and the HazMat Battalion.

Q: What's the difference between Marine 1 and Marine 1 Alpha?
A: There are two kinds of fire boats used by the city: the large, standard fireboat and a smaller attack craft. The large boats, Marines 1, 6, and 9, have several deck guns capable of pumping out massive amounts of water at high pressure. They are staffed full-time and respond normally assigned on all marine incidents and a majority of waterside boxes. The smaller, faster attack boats may be staffed by as little as 2 firefighters, and only have 1 or 2 deck gun(s). Several of them are seasonal companies that are only staffed at certain times of day, such as Marines 3 and 4. Marine 1 and Marine 1A is a combination company, with Marine 1 being the main ship and Marine 1A being a fast attack boat. When Marine 1 receives a box, the members will determine which boat is appropriate.

Q: Why do Marines 3, 4, and 8 go "10-9" at night?
A: These three "light" boats are only in service from 0700 hours to 2300 hours daily, from late spring to early fall.

More information can be found here about the Summer Boat Program

Marine Tactical Unit
The Marine Tactical Unit is a 4WD Vehicle and is similar to the Tactical Support Unit, but with a concentration on marine specific incidents & emergencies. Some of the tools they carry are Maritime Charts, Airbags, Partner/Chain saw, Torches, Damage Control Kit, Inflatable Tents, CFRD stuff, Battery Operated tools, Zodiac Boat, Dewatering Opps tools, Holmatro Rescue Tools, Lighting, & Hose appliances & connections for surrounding departments.

Q: What is the Command Tactical Unit?
A: Located with the Rescue Battalion on Roosevelt Island, the CTU is basically a mobile camera van. Staffed by Officer
Pilot, Observer, & Data Specialist it has a variety of wireless and satellite linked cameras, both portable and mounted, that could be set up to provide live video to the vehicle's interior monitors as well as to portable computers that can be set up at the command post as well as Chiefs are able to view the video via cell phone. They can also be streamed live to FDOC and remain in contact with FDOC to provide both Operations and the Incident Commander with updated information from multiple angles of the operation, providing both with live video of what was previously only conveyed through radio messages.
Command Tactical Unit 2 is for special events & for long operations

Foam Operations

10-86 Alcohol Resistant Foam Operations
(3) Foam Units with Engine Company Associated with Foam Unit
(2) Purple-K Units with Engine Company Associated with Purple K Unit
(1) Satellite Unit with Engine Company Associated with Satellite Unit
(2) Battalion Chief Assigned as Foam Coordinators
(1) Haz-Mat Tech Unit
Haz-Mat 1 & Haz-Mat Battalion

10-87 HI-Expansion Foam Operations
(3) Foam Units with Engine Company Associated with Foam Unit
(1) Satellite Unit with Engine Company Associated with Satellite Unit
(2) Battalion Chief Assigned as Foam Coordinators

All Foam Units are Equipped With Universal Gold AFF-AR Foam Type

Foam Units
Foam 96 Transported by Engine 96 with a back up of Engine 73
Foam 152 Transported by Engine 152 with a back up of Engine 161
Foam 247 Transported by Engine 247 with a back up of Engine 321
Foam 294 Transported by Engine 294 with a back up of Engine 314

Car-11F is the Chief of Foam Operations

Super Pumper 1 (SP01)
The Super Pumper is Quartered with E238 & will be primary transported by E260. E291 is the back up.
It can pump more than 10,000 GPM from a pressured source & 5,500 when drafting from a body of water.

It will Respond to:
-Confirmed Pipeline Leaks
-10-86 & 10-87
-Airport Crash Boxes
-Special called by IC

City Wide Tour Commanders:
CWTCs on rotation 24 shifts. 3rd Alarms & discretion depending on injuries and other factors
C4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 4E, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 13A, 13B, 15, 15A.

3rd Alarm will also get a Safety Command Chief on rotation
C12A C12B C12C

4th Alarm requires a Asst Chief or higher to Respond
C4 if available
C12 (Chief of Safety) or turned around by 3rd Alarm Safety Chief

If C3 is off C4 will respond on 5th Alarm and a senior AC will respond on 4th.
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For Dispatch-related questions I suggest checking out the following pages:

Frank Raffa's site:

Q: What are the "Citywide" frequencies?
A: Citywide 1, the only Citywide frequency under the older VHF broadcast frequencies, is used primarily by special operations units and staff chiefs. This is where units located at 9 Metrotech, the Rock, or Special Operations Command at Roosevelt Island as well as the Safety Battalion can be raised when they are available. The department's radio mechanics, in charge of maintaining rig radios, MDTs, and sirens, are also dispatched on Citywide. Lastly, progress reports for incidents of All-Hands or greater, special unusual incidents, and all transmissions of a 10-45 (fire-related injury) are relayed to Citywide by either the borough of incidence of the FieldCom Unit. Citywide 2 can be used when 1 or more borough frequencies are being fixed or worked on.

Q: What is the difference between the VHF and UHF frequencies? Will I hear the same thing on both?
A: FD Communications is in the process of switching over from an older VHF radio frequency to the more fine-tone and wide-broadcast UHF. While the change occurs, all frequencies will be simulcasting on both UHF and VHF frequencies. The most notable change for some listeners will be the separation of Staten Island and Bronx into two separate frequencies.

List of Frequencies can be found here

Q: What is a "Class 3" alarm?
A: A Class 3 alarm is a signal received from an alarm system, either via automated system or manual pull. For example: "Class 3 Box 620 Terminal 1 for the address 425 East 25 St for an ASA automatic alarm" means that an automated signal was received from the ASA company for Box 620 from fire station terminal 1.

Q: What is a class E, J, etc. alarm?
A: Under national standards fire alarm systems fall under various classes, labeled by alphabet. Two of the more common ones in NYC are Class E and J. Alarm types are separated by a variety of factors including: sprinklers, automatic responses, visual alerts, audio alerts, fire communications within the building, standpipes, etc.; class E for example includes full automated system including sprinklers, alarms, and light warnings. Different alarm classes warrant different response assignments. For example manual pull alarms receive a full 3 engine, 2 truck, Battalion response, whereas Class J alarms may be investigated by a single engine and truck with a Battalion chief monitoring.

Q: What are CIDS?
A: CIDS Critical Information Dispatch System. Alerts responding via radio or MDT to dangerous or hazardous conditions not apparent at the front of the building. Conditions covered include hazardous chemicals, liquids and substances, structural hazards, heavy fire loading, truss buildings, handicapped individuals. Other conditions may be added as required. Information is gathered by units in their districts and submitted through channels. The data is keyed to the street addrees, the system will print reports for all CIDS buildings within 3 house numbers on the same side of the street as the basic address.

Fall Back Step 1 2 & 3

What is "Fall Back Step"
During periods of inordinately heavy volume of incidents whether it is fires and or emergencies, the normal response to alarms may be adjusted according to a Fallback response mode.
Conditions requiring a change to Fallback must be identified, implemented & terminated.

How does "Fall Back Step Happen"
Conditions that can implementation of a Fallback include but are not limited to:
- 30 open Incidents, for longer than 20 minutes.
- Sustained Availability of Engine or Ladder Companies below 50%, for longer than 20 minutes.
- 2nd Alarm or greater transmitted in the borough of Staten Island
- Severe weather conditions that are either imminent or occurring, which will significantly impact activity levels
Examples: Severe thunderstorms, Tornados, Blizzards, Red flag warnings
- Any 10-66 in conjunction with a 10-60

Fall Back Step Assignments:
Step 1
- Electromechanical Boxes: Nearest available unit (Engine or Ladder)
- Class-3 maximum response: 1 Engine, 1 Ladder & 1 BC

Step 2: (Includes Step 1)
- Class-3 response: Nearest available Engine or Ladder
- CO Detector: 1 Ladder or nearest available CO meter equipped unit
- Water leak: Nearest available Engine or Ladder
- SOC matrix response that requires a Structural Response: 2 Engines, 1 Ladder, 1 BC & SOC units

Step 3: (Includes Steps 1 & 2)
- Structural Responses: 2 Engines, 1 Ladder & 1 BC
On a verified second source: 3 Engines, 2 Ladders & 1 BC
- SOC matrix response that requires a Structural Response: 1 Engine, 1 Ladder, 1 BC, nearest available Rescue, Squad & nearest available SOC Support Ladder
On a verified second source: the normal SOC matrix gets filled out.
- Gas Leaks, Odors of Gas or similar odors: 1 Engine & 1 Ladder.
- Manhole Fires: 2 Engines, 1 Ladder & 1 BC.

Minimum responses, based on CIDS or Box numbers are suspended.
Responses will be based on information received.
Fallback procedures may be instituted step-by-step, or Step 2 or 3 could be opted for at the outset.
There is no response to ERS No-Contact daily from 0800-2300 hours.
The response to electromechanical boxes is 1 Engine, 24 hours a day.

Q: What is Mixer Off Message
A: A transmission from a unit in the field which the dispatcher, upon his approval, turns off the repeaters across the city, so to provide sensitive information to the dispatcher.

Q: Who/what is Car [insert number]? How do they respond?
A: The Car assignments are the designations for special personnel, either administrative or command, who are associated mainly with FD HQ. For example, Car 36B is for the Department Chaplain. There are certain responses, such as a third alarm or 10-60 transmission, that require the response of certain cars. For example, multiple alarms requires the response of the on-duty staff chief (a chief at rank DAC or above).

Edited as of 11/7/22 *Bold No Longer In Service Or Name Change*

Car 1 (Fire Commissioner)
Car 1A (Chief of Staff)
Car 1B (Executive Officer To The Fire Commissioner)
Car 1C (Honorary Fire Commissioner)
Car 1D (Fire Commissioner Security Detail)
Car 1E (Fire Commissioner Security Detail)
Car 2 (1st Deputy Fire Commissioner)
Car 2A (Executive Officer)
Car 2B (Deputy Commissioner Support Services)
Car 2C (Deputy Commissioner Public Information)
Car 2D (Deputy Commissioner Administration)
Car 2E (Deputy Commissioner For Technology)
Car 2F (Chief Medical Officer)
Car 2G (Deputy Commissioner For Legal Affairs)
Car 2H (Press Secretary)
Car 3 (Chief of Department)
Car 3A (Executive Officer To The Chief Of Department)
Car 4 (Chief of Fire Operations)
Car 4A (Assistant Chief of Operations)
Car 4B (Deputy Assistant Chief Of Operations)
Car 4C (Deputy Assistant Chief Of Operations)
Car 4D (Chief Of Counter Terrorism & Emergency Preparedness)
Car 4E (Deputy Chief Of CTTF)
Car 4F (Assistant Chief Of Operations)
Car 4G (Assistant Chief Of Operations)
Car 4I (Assistant Chief Of Operations)
Car 4J (Captain Of City Planning)
Car 4K (Executive Officer Chief Of Operations)
Car 4R (Reserve Command Chief)
Car 5 (Chief of EMS Operations)
Car 5A (Assistant Chief Of EMS Operations)
Car 5B (Assistant Chief Of EMS Operations)
Car 5C (Deputy Assistant Chief Of Central Operations)
Car 5D (Deputy Assistant Chief Of EMS Operations)
Car 5E (Deputy Assistant Chief Of Planning)
Car 5F (Deputy Assistant Chief Of EMS Communications)
Car 5G (Division Chief Of EMS Operations)
Car 5H (Division Chief Of EMS Operations)
Car 5I (Division Chief Of EMS Operations)
Car 5J (Division Chief Of EMS Operations)
Car 5K (Division Chief Of EMS Operations)
Car 5L (Division Chief Of EMS Communication)
Car-5M (EMS Response Physician)
Car 5N (Deputy Assistant Chief Of EMS North Operations)
Car 5O (Deputy Assistant Chief Of EMS Communications)
Car 5P (Division Chief Of EMS Operations)
Car 5Q (Division Chief Of EMS Operations)
Car 5R (Deputy Chief Of EMS Haz-Tac)
Car 5S (Deputy Assistant Chief Of EMS South Operations)
Car 5T (Deputy Chief)
Car 5U (Deputy Chief Of EMS Operations)
Car 5V (Deputy Chief Of EMS Communications)
Car 5W (Deputy Chief Of EMS Communications)
Car 5X (Deputy Chief Of CTDP)
Car 5Y (Deputy Chief Of Office Of Medical Affairs)
Car 6 (Manhattan Borough Commander)
Car 6A (Deputy Manhattan Borough Commander)
Car 7 (Brooklyn Borough Commander)
Car 7A (Deputy Brooklyn Borough Commander)
Car 8 (Staten Island Borough Commander)
Car 8A (Deputy Staten Island Borough Commander)
Car 9 (Queens Borough Commander)
Car 9A (Deputy Queens Borough Commander)
Car 10 (Bronx Borough Commander)
Car 10A (Deputy Bronx Borough Commander)
Car 11 (Chief of Special Operations Command)
Car 11A (Chief of Rescue Operations)
Car 11B (Chief of HazMat Operations)
Car 11C (Chief of Marine Operations)
Car 11D (Chief of WMD Preparedness)
Car 11F (Foam Operations)
Car-11X (Captain of Command Tac Unit)
Car 12 (Chief of Safety Command)
Car 12 (Chief of Safety & Inspectional Services)
Car 12A (Executive Officer To The Chief of Safety Command)
Car 12A (Executive Assistant Safety & Inspectional Services)
Car 12B (Safety Liaison)
Car 12B (OSHA Coordinator)
Car 12C (Safety Liaison)
Car 12C OSHA Hygienist Duty Car)
Car 13 (Chief of Fire Prevention)
Car 13A (Deputy Assistant Chief of Fire Prevention)
Car 13B (Deputy Assistant Chief of Fire Prevention)
Car 14 (Chief Fire Marshal)
Car 14A (Assistant Chief Fire Marshal)
Car 15 (Chief of Training)
Car 15A (Assistant Chief of Fire Training)
Car 15B (Chief of Training Fort Totten)
Car 15E (Chief of Fire Academy)
Car 15L (Deputy Assistant Chief of EMS Academy)
Car 15M (Division Chief of EMS Academy)
Car 15N (Division Chief of EMS Academy)
Car 15O (Deputy Chief of EMS Academy)
Car 15P (Deputy Chief of EMS Academy)
Car 16 (Assistant Commissioner for Communications)
Car 16A (Assistant Commissioner Bureau of Communications)
Car 16A (Director of Fire Dispatch Operations)
Car 16B (Director of Communications)
Car 16B (Executive Officer, Fire Communications)
Car 16C (Director of Fire Dispatch Operations)
Car 16C (Deputy Director of Dispatch Operations Brooklyn, Queens & SI)
Car 16D (Deputy Director of Fire Dispatch Operations)
Car 16D (Deputy Director of Dispatch Operations Manhattan & Bronx)
Car 16E (Deputy Director of Fire Dispatch Operations)
Car 16E (Director Emergency Operations Center)
Car 16G (SFAD of Field Comm. Unit)
Car 16J (Chief Fire Alarm Dispatcher Tech Services & Accreditation)
Car 16K (Chief Fire Alarm Dispatcher Brooklyn)
Car 16L (Chief Fire Alarm Dispatcher PSAC 2)
Car 16M (Chief Fire Alarm Dispatcher Manhattan)
Car 16P (Chief Fire Alarm Dispatcher JOC)
Car 16P (Chief EMS Dispatch Operations)
Car 16Q (Chief Fire Alarm Dispatcher Queens)
Car 16R (Chief Fire Alarm Dispatcher Staten Island)
Car 16S (Chief Fire Alarm Dispatcher PSAC 1)
Car 16T (Chief Fire Alarm Dispatcher Training)
Car 16X (Chief Fire Alarm Dispatcher Bronx)
Car 17 (Chief of Personnel)
Car 17A (Chief of Bureau of Personnel)
Car 17B (Fire Liaison to NYPD)
Car 21 (Assistant Commissioner Support Services)
Car 22 (Assistant Commissioner Fleet Services)
Car 22A (Executive Director of Fleet Services)
Car 22B (Director of Fleet Services)
Car 22C (Director of Fleet Services)
Car 22D (Deputy Director of Fleet Services)
Car 22E (Deputy Director of Fleet Services)
Car 22F (Supervisor of Mechanics)
Car 22G (Supervisor of Mechanics)
Car 22H (Supervisor of Mechanics)
Car 23 (Public Information Press Officer)
Car 23A (Press Secretary)
Car 23B (Press Officer)

Car 23D (Press Duty Car)
Car 23F (Forensic Photo Car)
Car 24 (Director of Technical Services)
Car 24A (Deputy Director of Technical Services)
Car 24B (Director of Technical Services MEU)
Car 24C (Director of Technical Services FTE)
Car 30 (Deputy Chief Medical Office)
Car 31 (Deputy Chief Medical Officer Annual Med)
Car 31A (Deputy Chief Medical Officer WTC)
Car 31B (Bureau of Health Services)
Car 32 (Medical Officer Bronx & Manhattan)
Car 33 (Medical Officer Brooklyn, Queens & Staten Island)
Car 34 (Chief, Bureau of Health Services)
Car 35 (Director of Counseling Service Unit)
Car 36A (Chaplain)
Car 36B (Chaplain)
Car 36C (Chaplain)
Car 36D (Chaplain)
Car 36F (Chaplain)
Car 36G (Chaplain)
Car 36H (Chaplain)
Car 36I (Chaplain)
Car (80 American Red Cross)
Car (86 American Red Cross)
Car (88 American Red Cross)

Car 90 (Mayor of New York)
Car 91 (Mayor's Office-Duty Car Crisis Coordinator)
Car 92 (Department of Buildings, Commissioner)
Car 93 (Department of Buildings, Emergency Response Team)
Car 93A (Department of Buildings, Emergency Response Team)
Car 94 (Honorary Chaplain)
Car 95 (Honorary Chief Chaplain)
Car 99 (Department of Information Technology & Telecommunications, Chief of Radio Ops)
Car 99A (Department of Information Technology & Telecommunications, Radio Systems Manager)
Car 100 (Fire Patrol, Chief)
Car 101 (Fire Patrol, Deputy Chief)
Car 102 (Fire Patrol, Captain)

Car 111 CADO Unit, Duty Car
Car 111A (CADO Unit)
Car 111B (Communications Support Unit)
Car 111C (Communications Support Unit)
Car 112 (Public Assembly Car - Bureau of Fire Prevention)
Car 112A (Public Assembly Car - Bureau of Fire Prevention)
Car 112B (Public Assembly Car - Bureau of Fire Prevention)
Car 112C (Public Assembly Car - Bureau of Fire Prevention)
Car 155 (Salvation Army Disaster Service)
Car 157 (Salvation Army Disaster Service (811)
Car 236 (OEM Watch Command)

Car 421 (Acting Command Chief)
Car 422 (Acting Command Chief)

Q: What is the FieldCom? What's the difference between FieldCom 1 and 2?
A: Staffed by 2 dispatchers and a firefighter, the FieldCom unit assists with communications on the fireground and between the Incident Commander and the borough of incident. It responds automatically on all second alarms, as well as below-grade level emergencies, high-rise incidents, and any other boxes where communications may be disrupted. FieldCom 1 is the primary unit, FieldCom 2 is a reserve unit on a small Sprinter chassis. The FieldCom is housed with E-233 & L-176 25 Rockaway Ave Brooklyn

Q: What are the Mobile Command Centers? How do they differ from the Incident Management Unit?
A: The two large Mobile Command Center units are used for incident command at large-scale operations. They facilitate communications and provides a command post for chiefs to operate from. The smaller IMT Unit is used at major incidents for the Incident Management Team, who plot out how to progress with the operation.

Mobile Command Center 1 is located at E-233 with a back up of E-230
Mobile Command Center 2 is located at E-93 with a back up of E-88

Incident Management Vehicle is located at E-262 with a back up of E-259

Mobile Operations Center is located at E-207

Q: I heard on the air that searches are delayed due to "Collyer's Type Condition." What does this mean?
A: The Collyer brothers were found dead in their Harlem brownstone in 1947 in what could only be described as a mini-landfill. It took several weeks of clearing out before the decomposed body of one of the brothers was found. The Collyer's type (or Collyer's Mansion) condition refers to an area that even under regular circumstances would be difficult to get around.

Q: What are the 10-45 codes? How are they different from the 10-37 and 10-31 codes?
A: A 10-45 is transmitted for when a civilian is injured in a fire and requires medical assistance. The 10-37 codes by comparison are used for any form of non-fire related medical assistance, while the 10-31 code is for any other form of civilian assistance, raging from assisting with a lockout to a stuck elevator.
The 4 code levels of the 10-45 correspond with the EMS trauma tags:
- Code 1: Black Tag - Victim is deceased. Does not require immediate attention
- Code 2: Red Tag- Immediate. Victim has life-threatening injuries and requires immediate attention/transport
- Code 3: Yellow Tag- Delayed. Victim has injuries that will require further, but not necessarily immediate, attention
- Code 4: Green Tag- Minor. Victim is "walking wounded." Minor injuries that can be treated on scene and do not require immediate attention.
The 4 code levels of the 10-37 correspond with victim condition:
- Code 1: Victim is deceased
- Code 2: Victim is not breathing, CPR may be required.
- Code 3: Victim is breathing with illness.
- Code 4: EMS is on scene and FD has no patient contact but may still operate (i.e. using apparatus for scene blocking)

Q: What are Queens Boxes 269 and 37, and why are they automatic 2nd alarms?
A: These are the crash boxes for JFK and LaGuardia Airport, respectively. These can only be transmitted via manual/verbal alarms from the airport towers and are transmitted for an aircraft in distress. Each box brings an automatic second alarm (8 engines, 5 trucks (Includes 1 Fast Truck), 5 battalion chiefs, 1 division chief, 1 RAC Unit, 1 tactical support unit, 3 satellite companies, 2 Rescues, Squad, FieldCom HazMat 1, HazMat Battalion, the nearest Hosewagon w/ Engine Company, the nearest Foam company, 2 Marines Companies, Marine Battalion, Rescue Battalion, Mask Service Unit, Rac Manager. The boxes corresponding to the Airport firehouses and rendezvous points with Port Authority PD fire units.

Q: What is a staging box?
A: As its name implies, a staging box is a box transmitted for companies to respond to specific location to standby for further orders. These can be dispatched for a variety of reasons; some examples are:

- Any 10-76 in Lower Manhattan requires staging Boxes 9031 and 9032 to be transmitted in Brooklyn for companies to standby at the bridges.

- At times of heavy fire activity in Staten Island, staging Box 400 may be transmitted for companies to stage at E160's quarters in order to ensure adequate fire protection on the island.

- An incident at Penn Station (Boxes 8171,8172) in Manhattan may be accompanied by Box 8550. Which sends an engine, truck, & chief to each standby at East 30th St & 1st Ave in Manhattan. It also sends an engine, truck, chief & rescue to 54th Ave & 2nd St in Queens.
(If R4 is unavailable nearest available rescue (2-3-5) is to be assigned)

-Jacobi Hospital Medivac Stand By Box 8724 Foam Unit w/ Transport Engine, Purple K Unit w/ Transport Engine, 1 Ladder & 1 Battalion.

-Mount Vernon Mutual Aide Box 3826 Staging at Provost Ave & East 233rd St

-Westchester Mutual Aide Box 4400 Staging at Engine 38, Ladder 51's Quarters

-Westchester Mutual Aide Box 3000 Staging at Engine 81 Ladder 46's Quarters

-New Jersey Via Holland Tunnel Box 500 Staging at Ladder 8's Quarters

-New Jersey Via Lincoln Tunnel Box 600 Staging at Engine 34 Ladder 21's Quarters

-New Jersey Via George Washington Bridge Box 1300 Staging at Engine 93 Ladder 45's Quarters

-New Jersey Via Bayonne Bridge Box 5001 Staging at Engine 157 Ladder 80's Quarters

-New Jersey Via Goethals Bridge Box 5002 Staging at Engine 166 Ladder 86's Quarters

-New Jersey Via Outerbridge Crossing Bridge Box 5003 Staging at Engine 164 Ladder 84's Quarters

-Long Island Mutual Aide Box 500 Staging at Engine 313 Ladder 164's Quarters

-Long Island Mutual Aide Box 600 Staging at Engine 304 Ladder 162's Quarters

-Long Island Mutual Aide Box 700 Staging at Engine 314's Quarters

On January 7th 2019 FDNY lost FF Steven Pollard while operating at an MVA on the belt parkway.

Since that sad event every time a Box is transmitted for that stretch of the Highway along that Bridge an announcement is made warning of the gap between the East & West bound roadways.

"Units responding to Box XXXX an open gap exists between the elevated roadways. Units shall exercise extreme caution when conducting operations which require members to cross over the center concrete barriers."

Boxes with "Open Gaps"

Staten Island:
Box 8752
Bayonne Bridge

Box 8107 & 8108
Williamsburg Bridge (Between Inner & Outer Roadways)

Box 8624
Belt Pkwy Between Ocean Pkwy & Cropsey Ave

Box 8628
Mill Basin Bridge
Any Incident on the Belt Pkwy (Between Rockaway Pkwy & Flatbush Ave)

Box 8668
Kosciuszko Bridge

Box 8380
Kosciuszko Bridge

Box 8356
LIE at Woodhaven Blvd (Between Inner & Outer Roadways)

Q: What does it mean when a Rescue or Squad is "normally assigned"?
A: Squad companies respond normally as Engine companies in their 1st, 2nd, or 3rd due areas. For example, Squad 18 would be the 1st due engine to Box 508, but would be a Squad at Box 597 (where they are 4th due). Rescues have their own 1st due areas, in which they'll respond 1st due to structural alarms. For example, Rescue 1 would be assigned to reports of a structural fire at Box 912, but not to a class 3 alarm or a car fire.

Q: What does it mean when a company responds "emergency mode" or "modified response"?
A: For certain "minor" structural alarms such as reported gas leaks and automatic alarms, a full structural box is assigned. However, only the 1st due engine and ladder respond on these calls with lights and sirens (emergency mode), while all other companies follow normal traffic regulations (modified response). Companies may be upgraded or downgraded from/to modified response based on additional info.

Q: Who are the primary manufacturers of FDNY rigs?
A: Most engines, trucks, and rescues are made by Seagrave or Ferrara. Chief and support vehicles are usually on Ford, Chevy, or GMC SUV or pickup chassis. The majority of units are purchased via competitive bidding.

Q: What is the difference between a "Spare" and a "Reserve" apparatus?
A: The 25 Reserve Engine companies and 10 Reserve Trucks are fully equipped at all times and are quartered with regular companies citywide. They are put into service on short-term basis when needed and operate as a regular company when in-service. Spare apparatus by contrast are rigs kept at the Shops, not equipped with tools that are assigned to companies when their rigs are at the shops, usually on a long-term basis. When a company receives a spare they must move all their tools over to the spare. Spare units are usually identified by markings in sticker/duct-tape form, or at times not at all. Usually a company will receive a specific type of spare based on their apparatus (i.e. rearmount to rearmount, tower to tower).

Reserved Rig & Where it is

E500 L18
E503 Governors Island
E505 E54
E507 E53
L701 E91
L703 E59
L705 Governors Island
L600 L40

Da Bronx
E508 The Rock
E509 E92
E510 Randall's Island
E511 Old XCO
L706 L44

E522 E329
E523 E319
E524 E291
L702 E266
L707 E258

E514 E242
E515 E206
E516 ??
E517 ??
E518 E238
E520 E253
L708 E211

Staten Island
E512 E158
E513 E168
L704 Seaview

Gov. Island & SOC Island
E519 Governors Island
E521 Soc Island
E525 Governors Island
L709 Governors Island
L710 Governors Island
R6 Soc Island
R7 Soc Island
Sq800 Soc Island
HM-2 E-206
HMSU-2 Soc Island
R1 E4
R2 R2
R3 R3
R4 Soc Island
R5 R5

Q: What is the difference between all the engine types?
A: There are 5 main engine types in service:
- 2000/500 or 1000/500 - This is the most common, 2000 (or 1000 on older units) gallon per minute pump with a 500 gallon booster tank.
- 1000/500 HP - HP engines can be switched to High Pressure in stages, allowing them to pump at High Pressure. Their main specialty is at High-Rise fires where the High Pressure could pump to High-Rise standpipes with more pressure than normal engines.
- 1000/750 - On Staten Island, some engines have 750 gallon booster tanks. They are found in areas where hydrants may be fewer, such as around areas of brush.
- 2000/500 HP

Engine Companies that are High Pressure as well as Three Stage Pumpers

Manhattan Battalion 1
Engine 4
Engine 6 (3 Stage)
Engine 7
Engine 9
Engine 10 (3 Stage)

Manhattan Battalion 2
Engine 24

Manhattan Battalion 7
Engine 1
Engine 26 (3 Stage)
Engine 34 (3 Stage)

Manhattan Battalion 8
Engine 8 (3 Stage)
Engine 21
Engine 65 (3 Stage)

Manhattan Battalion 9
Engine 23
Engine 40
Engine 54 (3 Stage)

Manhattan Battalion 10
Engine 22
Engine 39 (3 Stage)

Manhattan Battalion 11
Engine 76

Manhattan Battalion 13
Engine 67
Engine 93

Bronx Battalion 15
Engine 66

Bronx Battalion 27
Engine 79

Brooklyn Battalion 28
Engine 238

Brooklyn Battalion 31
Engine 207
Engine 210
Engine 211
Engine 226 (Stage)

Brooklyn Battalion 32
Engine 205
Engine 224

Brooklyn Battalion 35
Engine 216
Engine 221
Engine 229

Brooklyn Battalion 57
Engine 219

Queens Battalion 45
Engine 258 (3 Stage)
Engine 259
Engine 260

Queens Battalion 49
Engine 262
Engine 325

HCO posted this in the old thread:
8 engines, replacing the 6 former Field Comm Support Units, who work with the Resource Unit Leader & assist the IC in planning & implementing the communications plan at major incidents. They carry 400 & 800 MHZ radios, also an enhanced post radio i.e. one with a console used with cable reels to enable operation of the remote radio from a street level command post. Those Engines Are E7 E35 E46 E246 E279 E332 E263 E303

Q: Why are there so many different kinds of ladders in the city?
A: There are 4 main ladder types in service, each with their own benefits and drawbacks:
- 100' Rearmount aerial - The standard FDNY ladder truck. Aerials can carry a variety of equipment and can quickly provide an exterior means of access to a fire building.
- 75' Tower Ladder - Tower Ladders offer a more stable elevated operating platform than aerials, and allow for victim removal from the exterior. However, because of the considerably larger boom they cannot reach heights that aerials could, and the installed ladder rungs should not be used except in emergencies only.
- 95' Tower Ladder - the extra length of the 95' Tower gives it more reach, but also drastically increases the truck's length, making it harder to maneuver on narrower streets and too long for most houses. They are thus limited to areas that truly benefit from having them.
- 100' Tillered Aerial - Tillers are few in the city but where they are assigned they are usually needed. Because the rig is articulated and has rear-wheel drive, it can make tight turns that rearmounts and towers cannot, making them essential for tight areas such as Downtown Brooklyn and the Lower East Side. However, the extra length and weight of the truck means that only certain houses can accommodate them.

Q: What is the ATRV?
A: ATRV 329 is a small 4x4 manifold used by members of E329 for responding to areas of Breezy Point where the streets are too narrow or too sandy for the normal engine.

Q: What is the JFK/LGA Hosewagon?
A: The hosewagons, quartered with the engine companies closest to the city's airports, are just that: wagons that carry hoses. Due to the long stretches associated with runway incidents, a box at the airports requires the response of both a hose wagon and a Satellite company in order to get adequate hose and water/foam on an aircraft fire. The two hosewagons are converted from the old satellites and do not carry pumps.

Q: What are "The Shops"?
A: Located in Long Island City queens, the Shops are the main FDNY Maintenance Facility. Rigs are brought here for routine maintenance as well as all repairs. There are also several lots throughout the city were spare rigs are kept. When a company's rig goes in to the shops for maintenance, they must transfer all their tools and hoses from their regular rig to the spare. There are also several other shop buildings and yards, both in the LIC area and citywide, as well as contractors and dealerships in the tri-state area where work may be carried out.

Q: What are the Emergency Crews?
A: The EC units are basically roving repair vehicles. They respond to the field when an FD rig requires field repairs or fixes at quarters, and belong to the Fleet Maintenance Division. Other Fleet Maintenance vehicles that occasionally get called out to the field include the Tire Truck and the Fuel Truck.
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For general History questions, I recommend looking up

Q: What were the "War Years"?
A: The War Years were the busiest times in the history of the department, roughly ranging from the late 60s to the 80s (some even say the early 90s). A combination of civil unrest, budget crisis, and deteriorating living conditions lead to an unprecedented - and unrepeated - amount of fire calls, especially in the Bronx and Brooklyn where entire city blocks burned down and All-Hands fires would be handled for by an engine and a tower ladder. Some companies racked up over 8000 runs a year on fire calls and false alarms alone. For some War Years related Info, see

Another great section is My Younger Buff Years See Link Below

Q: What was [insert random company]-2?
A: During the War Years many companies had a second company staffed either full or part time that responded when the first piece was already out on a box. Most of these were either disbanded or converted to other companies following the budget crisis of the 70s.

Q: What were the bell codes?
A: The bell codes were literally numeric codes that were banged out in quarters on the firehouse bell by fire communications, signaling department messages and tone outs in the days prior to department radios and voice alarms. Some of these are still in use today, though with the exception of 5, 7, 5-7, and 6-5-2, are not often heard over the air.

Q: Why doesn't [insert random number] company exist?
A: Please see

Q: What rigs were lost on 9/11?
A: Please see

Q: What rigs were donated after 9/11?
A: A variety of Seagrave engines and trucks were either donated or paid for through donations, including (but not limited to) Engs. 6, 7, 10, L10, L118, and Squads 1 and 18. In addition, several non-Seagrave rigs were donated including:
- Ferrarra 1000/500 Engine: assigned to E283 before being moved to the Rock. This rig returned to Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina
- Ferrarra Equipment Truck: Used as the SOC Dewatering Unit
- American La France 1000/500 engine: initially assigned to E34, now serves on Governor's Island to minimize time spent at the shops
- American La France Walk-in Rescue: First placed into service as a spare rescue, then served as Rescue 6. Now alternates roles.
- Mack/General Safety Walk-in Rescue: First placed into service as a spare rescue, then served as Rescue 6. Now used as Rescue 7.
- Spartan/Luverne 1000/500 Engine: Never placed into service, used as funeral caison.
- Spartan/Luverne/Aerialscope 75' Tower Ladder: Built with an ex-1973 FDNY Mack boom. First served at TL105, then to TL53 now retired.
- E-one Tactical Vehicle: This was actually used as a demo for Squad 1 TRV prior to 9/11. When the TRV was destroyed, this vehicle returned to the FDNY as the replacement.
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Random Questions & Answers That Could Help

Q: How, where and when are apparatus refueled? Do any firehouses have their own diesel pumps?
A: Most houses have their own pumps and are refueled in quarters.

Q: What does it mean when the IC says "Trucks Opening up:
A: Trucks opening up means ventilation, entry & search. Pulling ceilings, venting windows, looking for extension of fire.

Q: What is the job of the battalion chiefs aides at the fire scene?
A: In the FDNY.... the title used to be "Chief s Aide" more recent years it is referred to as "BN Firefighter" is a very busy & responsible position.....At a job after driving the BN rig to the scene ... the BN FF gathers valuable info for transmission to the Disp & incoming units..he relays to the Disp. ...(word for word) ..progress reports dictated to him by the Chief over the HandyTalkie...he relays orders (from the Chief ) to incoming units verbally as they arrive if the Chief is occupied elswhere on the an ALL HANDS or Multiple he will fully gear up & accompany his Chief in whatever area of the bldg the Incident Commander has assigned them...also at a Multiple where a Command Channel has been activated on the H.T. he will be on the Tactical Channel & the Chief will be on the Command Channel monitoring a box the 1st due BN FF must also get names & badge #s of any other agencies at the scene as well as names of occupants ...affected apt #s ..bldg address ...the Co #s of all units operating & where they operated & what they did ...names of injured MEMBERS & who treated them ..etc .THEN when he gets back to quarters his work starts all over again adjusting the manpower if any FFs were injured ..then...compiling all the info & entering it in the National Fire Incident reporting System (NYFIRS)...aside from all this he compiles daily manpower rosters & projected rosters for the next 3 days for all the units in his BN & keeps them updated all tour long. the ENG ECCs & LAD CHAUFS get a few extra cents for driving the rig ..the BN FF gets nothing extra for his work....just the RESPECT of the Chief.

Q: What is educational day?
A: Education Day is when selected Companies go to the Fire Academy (Rock) & are given classes on relevant or new info & or techniques It is done on a rotating basis & the Unit is Out Of service for Fire Duty for the tour.

Q: What are the positions on the Engine, Truck & Rescue
A: Engine: Officer, Chauffeur, Nozzle Man, Control Man, Back-up, Door Man
Ladder: Officer, Chauffeur, Irons Man, Can Man, Outside Vent Man, & Roof Man
(Inside team are the Officer, Irons, & Can man. The outside team are the OV, Roof, & The chauffeur)
Rescue: Officer, Chauffeur, Irons, Can, Hook, Roof

Q: What is A progress Report (Thanks for this one Air Recon)
A: Progress Report is a situation report provided by the incident commander to the borough dispatcher. The Progress Report is usually provided at 10-75, 10-76, 10-77 workers or higher or other extraordinary incidents (10-80s for example). [Note Most boxes' progress report can also simply be the final disposition of a box "where using one engine and two trucks for a 10-26 (food on the stove)

The Chief's Aide usually communicates the Progress Report to the dispatcher unless Field Comm is operating. It contains:

1) The Size-Up (as applicable): "Fire building is 6-story, 100'x100' OMD";

2) The exposures (adjoining structures, streets, etc) in a clockwise rotation starting with the front of the structure "Exposure 1 is the street, Exposure 2 is a similar attached, Exposure 3 is unknown, Exposure 4 is an alley";

3) Summary of operations: e.g. "Fire is on the third floor showing through two windows, One line stretched and in operation, second line being stretched, trucks are opening up, searches negative",

4) Current status: either "Doubtful" which is truncated for "Doubtful will hold with assigned resources" or "Probably will Hold" which tells the dispatcher the incident can be management with the resources/units currently assigned or "Under Control" which is self-explanatory. Another response is "All hands Working (or Operating)" which tells the dispatcher several things: anticipate a second request for resources "extra engine and truck" or for another alarm, or no currently assigned-units could be released for another box nearby. Progress Reports are provided at regular intervals (about every 15-20 minutes).

Q: What does "Take a mark, remain in service" mean?
A: It means your services are not required at a box but you still have to take mark for the run on return to your quarters. The mark is taken back in Quarters afterward for record keeping purposes on a form.

Q: Regarding the airport crash boxes, why do they mandate an automatic second alarm? If the aircraft lands or crashes on the airport property then the airport fire service should, by law, have enough apparatus to deal with any such incident involving the largest aircraft that can land there, and if it crashes outside of the airport (like the Hudson crash landing) then a different box would be transmitted. On a similar note, do these boxes being transmitted also mandate a similar response from EMS, and if a plane crashes on the runway would this still require a 10-60? Also, does anyone have any figures on how many times a year these boxes get transmitted?

A: PAPD who mans the Fire equipment on the airport grounds (for now ) has limited manpower & limited foam & no provision to set up a water relay w/o FDNY just a rapid initial attempt to knockdown the fire w/on board supplies. Also no Aerial or TL to access the fuselage

Q: If the ladder trucks carry Hurst tools or other cutting equipment, why does the Rescue need to be special called when someone is pinned in a car crash?

A: Rescues carries much, much more specialized equipment that may be needed.

Q: Do any engines carry a small quantity of foam in addition to water, or in the event of foam being required does a 10-86 always have to be transmitted?

A: Engines normally carry only three 5 gallon containers of foam.

Q: Why does the FDNY respond to wash down oil slicks and such in the road and not sanitation or public works even if there is no fire or crash.

A: If the FD did not respond who would determine where the slick came from? Most times it would be from an accident that would have other issues to address. The FD response is within minutes any other agency might take hours.

Q: What is the "G-Man Theory or *G-Man*
A: The "G-Man Theory", postulated many moons ago by long-time member (and mean ax-man) Tom Eve (guitarman314). For every 10-75 or greater job, the one thing that is most probable is that one or more 1st due or 1st alarm unit(s) is not available for one reason or another." A corollary to this theory is that if a given unit is out of service for training, Medicals, PM, etc. there will be a big job.

Q: What is the longest inch and three-quarter hose can we stretch before it has to be attached to a 2 1/2
A: 6 Lengths

Q: What are "Relief" do they count as separate alarms?
A: Most of the time the IC will request Relief companies every 3 hours. Relief companies were assigned so they wouldn't have to call a greater alarm. Now a days alarms don't go higher than 5th Alarm. But could keep calling for relief companies.

Minor & Major Technical Responses to the best of my knowledge

Minor Technical Response Now a 5-7 signal with the special units
1 Engine
1 Truck
1 Battalion Chief
1 Rescue
1 Squad
1 Tac Unit
Rescue Battalion
Safety Battalion

*Transit Incident Notify the TLO/RLO

3 engines
2 trucks (if none of the trucks are a TL, one is to be special called)
1 BC
1 Rescue task force (Rescue & collapse rig(+transport if required), squad & 2nd piece)
1 additional rescue
1 additional squad (w/2nd piece)
SOC Compressor & Logistics
1 HM Tech Engine

On transit major, the rebreather unit & electric rail cart
On a trench rescue con-ed vac truck
On a confined space incident, the rebreather unit.

*Trench Rescue: 1 ConEd Vac-Truck on initial alarm. 2nd one on confirmed
*Confined Space: Rebreather 1
*Major Transit: Rebreather 1, SOC Electric Rail Car, Notify TLO/RLO
* Boat in Distress -Now a 5-7 Signal with the boats. No other SOC Units

*Any unit can now transport a collapse rig whether they have a 2nd chauffeur or not. Nearest available unit if Primary transport is not available.
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Units & Total Number of Units on Alarms

10-75 & All Hands
Engine Companies (4)
Ladder Companies (3)
-3rd Due is Fast Truck
Battalion Chiefs (2)
Deputy Chief (1)
Rescue Company (1)
Squad Company (1)
Rac Unit (1)

2nd Alarm
Engine Companies (4) *Total of 8
Ladder Companies (2) *Total of 5
Battalion Chiefs (3) *Total of 5
-3rd Due is 2nd Alarm Chief
-4th Due is Resource Unit Leader
-5th Due is Safety Officer
Satellite Unit with Transport Engine Company (1)
Tactical Support Unit (1)
Command Tactical Unit (1)
Field Communications Unit (1)
Safety Battalion (1) -Not assigned on Brush Fires Until 3rd Alarm
Rescue Battalion (1)
Rehab Manager (1)

**Acting BC (ABC) can't be assigned as Safety Officer**

3rd Alarm
Engine Companies (4) *Total of 12
Ladder Companies (2) *Total of 7
Battalion Chiefs (3) *Total of 7
-6th Due is 3rd Alarm Chief
-7th Due is Staging Area Manager
Communications Engine Company (1)
Rac Unit (1) *Total of 2
Mask Service Unit (1) -Not assigned on Brush Fires Until 4th Alarm
Air Recon Battalion Chief (1) *Brooklyn Box 8330

4th Alarm
Engine Companies (4) *Total of 16
Ladder Companies (2) *Total of 9
Battalion Chiefs (1) *Total of 8

5th Alarm
Engine Companies (4) *Total of 20
Ladder Companies (2) *Total of 11
Battalion Chiefs (1) *Total of 9

*All Units Above the 5th are now Special Called. Alarms will remain & not go higher than a 5th*
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Hey Brad, would it be possible to add the total number of personnel on the scene with each level stated? Five engines in some areas would get you 15 people including officers!
10-76 Commercial High Rise Building with a height of 75 Feet or more

Engine Companies (5)
-5th Due is C.F.R.D
Ladder Companies (5)
-3rd Due is Fast Truck
Battalion Chiefs (5)
-5th Due is Safety Officer
Deputy Chief (1)
Rescue Company (1)
Squad Company (1)
Rac Unit (1)
Lobby Control Engine Company (1)
Communications Engine Company (1)
High Rise Unit with Transport Engine Company (1)
Safety Battalion (1)
Rescue Battalion (1)
Rehab Manager (1)
Field Communication Unit (1)
Mask Service Unit (1)
Tactical Support Unit (1)

**Acting BC (ABC) can't be assigned as Safety Officer**

10-76 2nd Alarm
Engine Companies (4) *Total of 9
Ladder Companies (2) *Total of 7
Battalion Chiefs (3) *Total of 8
-3rd Due is Resource Unit Leader
Deputy Chief (1) *Total of 2
Rescue Company (1) *Total of 2
Satellite Unit with Transport Engine Company (1)
Command Tactical Unit (1)
Air Recon Battalion Chief (1) *Brooklyn Box 8330
Hey Brad, would it be possible to add the total number of personnel on the scene with each level stated? Five engines in some areas would get you 15 people including officers!
Rev might be tough. Not sure who has a 5 Man Engine, 10-14 Engine or even Ladder Companies riding short

Lets try and break it down.

Engine companies ECC, Officer 4 FFs in the back = 6X4 =24 Engine Company FFs on the All Hands
Ladder companies LCC, Officer 4 FFs in the back = 6X3 =18 Ladder Company FFs on the All Hands
Battalion FF & Chief 2X2 =4
Division FF & Chief =2
RCC, Officer 4FFs in the back =6
SQCC, Officer 4FFs in the back =6
Rac 2 guys

62 Total Members on a All Hands? does that make sense
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10-77 Residential High Rises (Including Hotels)

Engine Companies (6)
-5th Due is High Rise Nozzle
-6th Due is C.F.R.D
Ladder Companies (5)
-3rd Due is Fast Truck
Battalion Chiefs (4)
-4th Due is Safety Officer
Deputy Chief (1)
Rescue Company (1)
Squad Company (1)
Rac Unit (1)
Vent Support Unit (1)
Safety Battalion (1)
Rescue Battalion (1)
Rehab Manager (1)
Field Communication Unit (1)

10-77 2nd Alarm
Engine Companies (4) *Total of 10
Ladder Companies (2) *Total of 7
Battalion Chiefs (2) *Total of 6
-1st Due is Resource Unit Leader
Communications Engine Company (1)
High Rise Unit with Transport Engine Company (1)
Satellite Unit with Transport Engine Company (1)
Command Tactical Unit (1)
Tactical Support Unit (1)
Mask Service Unit (1)
Air Recon Battalion Chief (1) *Brooklyn Box 8330
Are additional Satellite units special call dispatched above a 2nd alarm? Or does Sat 6/Maxi Water cover those? Mods, please delete this post if its not in the right location
10-60 Major Emergency Response
-Potential for Multiple Casualties IE: Train Derailments, Building Collapses, Major Power Outages, Trench Rescue ect.

Engine Companies (5)
Ladder Companies (4)
-3rd Due is Fast Truck
Battalion Chiefs (4)
-3rd Due is Resource Unit Leader
-4th Due is Safety Officer
*On the Request of More Units an additional BC will be needed for Staging Manager*
Deputy Chief (1)
(1) Technical rescue Task Force (1 Rescue, 1 Rescue Collapse, & 1 Squad w/ 2nd Piece)
Rescue Company (1) *Total of 2
Squad Company (1) *Total of 2
Rac Unit (1)
Rescue Battalion
Safety Battalion
Communications Engine Company (1)
Soc Support Ladder Company (1)
Tactical Support Unit (1)
Soc Logistics
Soc Compressor
Field Communications Unit
Command Tac
Rehab Manager
Haz-Mat 1
Haz-Mat Battalion
Haz-Mat Tech Engine (1)
Canine Unit
*Con-Ed Vacuum Truck when needed*

10-60 Code 1 Enhanced 2nd Alarm (Request for Larger Scare Resources) IE: collapse of a 6-story multiple dwelling, an explosion with severe collateral structural damage, airplane crash (except Airport Crash Boxes at LaGuardia and JFK).

Engine Companies (5) *Total of 10
Ladder Companies (3) *Total of 7
Battalion Chiefs (2) *Total of 6
-5th Due Designated by IC
-6th Due Staging Area Manager
Deputy Chief (1) *Total of 2
Additional Technical Rescue Task Force *2 Total (Does Not Include Rescue & Squad Company)
Rescue Collapse Unit (1) *Total of 2
Satellite Unit with Transport Engine Company (1)
Soc Dewatering Unit
Air Recon Battalion Chief (1) *Brooklyn Box 8330
Mobile Command Unit (1)
10-77 Residential High Rises (Including Hotels)

Engine Companies (6)
-5th Due is High Rise Nozzle
-6th Due is C.F.R.D
Ladder Companies (5)
-3rd Due is Fast Truck
Battalion Chiefs (4)
-4th Due is Safety Officer
Deputy Chief (1)
Rescue Company (1)
Squad Company (1)
Rac Unit (1)
Vent Support Unit (1)
Safety Battalion (1)
Rescue Battalion (1)
Rehab Manager (1)
Field Communication Unit (1)

10-77 2nd Alarm
Engine Companies (4) *Total of 10
Ladder Companies (2) *Total of 7
Battalion Chiefs (2) *Total of 6
-1st Due is Resource Unit Leader
Communications Engine Company (1)
High Rise Unit with Transport Engine Company (1)
Satellite Unit with Transport Engine Company (1)
Command Tactical Unit (1)
Tactical Support Unit (1)
Mask Service Unit (1)
Air Recon Battalion Chief (1) *Brooklyn Box 8330
Here is a little discrepancy, which isn’t a big deal. FDNY always sends the same assignment (not including special calls) to all fires. A second alarm will get the same response citywide. Example: You’ll always end up with 1 division chief and 5 battalion chief on a 2nd alarm. As far as I know, this holds with all responses with the exception of a 10-77, 2nd alarm.

In Manhattan, if one of the high rise units is assigned as the vent-support on the 10-77, then a vent support ladder truck is not sent on a 2nd alarm. If a ladder is assigned as vent-support on the 10-77, then a high rise unit is assigned in a 2nd alarm.

The other 4 boroughs will (99%of the time) get a ladder for vent-support on the 10-77, then a high rise unit is assigned on a 2nd alarm.

I am surprised that a vent-support ladder isn’t assigned on the 10-77 2nd alarm in Manhattan to even out the manpower and also because there will be additional fans on location, which may be used on a 10-77 2nd alarm.
Rev might be tough. Not sure who has a 5 Man Engine, 10-14 Engine or even Ladder Companies riding short

Lets try and break it down.

Engine companies Driver, Officer 4 FFs in the back = 6X4 =24 Engine Company FFs on the All Hands
Ladder companies Driver, Officer 4 FFs in the back = 6X3 =18 Ladder Company FFs on the All Hands
Battalion Aide & Chief 2X2 =4
Division Aide & Chief =2
Rescue Driver, Officer 4FFs in the back =6
Squad Driver, Officer 4FFs in the back =6
Rac 2 guys

62 Total Members on a All Hands? does that make sense
Great thread. Just to try to add to the discussion, most FDNY engine companies operate with one officer, one driver, and 3FFs. Up until the Bloomberg administration, there were 60 engine companies that ran with 6FFs. As far as I can tell, since 2019, 20 of the 198 engine companies have operated with a sixth member on board (one officer, one driver, 4 FFs). The engines with a "sixth man" include Engines 5 and 65 (Manhattan), 42 and 50 (Bronx), 156 (Staten Island), 236 and 283 (Brooklyn), 308 and 324 (Queens). I am not sure of the others as news articles suggest they were being implemented gradually over time. Someone can of course add to this if they have better information.
Just a minor clarification on terminology as far as FDNY staffing....there are no drivers....( a driver would be an MVO = Motor Vehicle Operator in other City agencies ) the FDNY the operators of all Line Units ENG (ECC)...LAD (LCC) ... BN (FF not aide) ... DV.. & Staff vehicles are all titled Firefighters......The Officer is not included in the manning so a 4 FF Unit would be 4 FFs & an Officer & a 5 FF Unit would be 5 FFs & an Officer.
Just a minor clarification on terminology as far as FDNY staffing....there are no drivers....( a driver would be an MVO = Motor Vehicle Operator in other City agencies ) the FDNY the operators of all Line Units ENG (ECC)...LAD (LCC) ... BN (FF not aide) ... DV.. & Staff vehicles are all titled Firefighters......The Officer is not included in the manning so a 4 FF Unit would be 4 FFs & an Officer & a 5 FF Unit would be 5 FFs & an Officer.
I can't believe I said "Driver" and not ECC or LCC what an uncultured swine I am. It's like I'm new to the buff world hahaha

I included the Chauffeurs because he was wondering total members on scene