Question about the FDNY Response during the NYC Marathon

Mar 30, 2023
Theres already a thread on this but the most recent reply on it was 11-08-10 so just decided to ask it here.

Since Manhattan Companies are supposed to take the Holland to the Turnpike then take the Bayonne Bridge to get over to SI during the marathon. Does the FDNY corrdinate with JCFD and BFD (Jersey City and Bayonne respectively) Incase there needed on SI?
Theres already a thread on this but the most recent reply on it was 11-08-10 so just decided to ask it here.

Since Manhattan Companies are supposed to take the Holland to the Turnpike then take the Bayonne Bridge to get over to SI during the marathon. Does the FDNY corrdinate with JCFD and BFD (Jersey City and Bayonne respectively) Incase there needed on SI?
Staten Island has enough units to handle up to a 3rd maybe even a 4th alarm….
The ordinal plan stated that fire companies were not permitted to cross the path of the race unless for a multiple alarm incident. So with that in mind, additional companies were spread out on both side of the race path in all boroughs except Staten Island. Predesignated companies would be relocated prior to the start of the race.

Working in Staten Island for three years I will say that the borough needs additional help. So on race Sunday additional companies are pre-relocated to the island before the first wave starts across the span. FDNY & TBTA has a special plan worked out that expedites apparatus onto the island using the VZ bridge 24-7-365. If a VIP is flying into the starting line at the VZ in SI - fire companies have to be assigned for the helicopter landing & departure. There is a lot of work that goes into this each year. I had helped the US Park Police & Coast Guard establish a multi-agency command Cnt for the event years back. Remember that is over 50,000 runners and each year it gets bigger.
The ordinal plan stated that fire companies were not permitted to cross the path of the race unless for a multiple alarm incident. So with that in mind, additional companies were spread out on both side of the race path in all boroughs except Staten Island. Predesignated companies would be relocated prior to the start of the race.

Working in Staten Island for three years I will say that the borough needs additional help. So on race Sunday additional companies are pre-relocated to the island before the first wave starts across the span. FDNY & TBTA has a special plan worked out that expedites apparatus onto the island using the VZ bridge 24-7-365. If a VIP is flying into the starting line at the VZ in SI - fire companies have to be assigned for the helicopter landing & departure. There is a lot of work that goes into this each year. I had helped the US Park Police & Coast Guard establish a multi-agency command Cnt for the event years back. Remember that is over 50,000 runners and each year it gets bigger.
I work for NY Road Runners(the group that puts on the marathon) , have ran the marathon and live on SI and can confirm, the level of coordination and preplaning going into each marathon is insanely well done. We've already started work on the 2024 event.
On paper can handle 4th alarm. Only 3 battalions. Two all hands simultaneously is half the engines, half the trucks and your short a BC and a deputy.
During my time in "The Job" I Never knew ofE-26 member IFO Qtrs. 1998.jpg any FDNY Unit responding Via New Jersey To Staten Island. Two units I worked in Engine 27 as a firefighter and Engine 26 as a Captain, relocated to Staren Island mainly due to multiple brush fires on the same day. When we relocated, we used the Verrazzano Bridge to reach Staten Island. On Multiple alarms in Staten Island, Brooklyn Units are assigned to relocate to Staten Island.
Often if I becomes a major multiple alarm fire the Brooklyn and sometime Manhattan Unit relocated to Staten Island can be, and often are sent, to the fire/s. I remember once, with my unit Engine 26, while being relocated to Staten Island being called by the Staten Island Dispatcher, upon exiting the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel, in Red Hook Brooklyn, and changing our radio to Staten Island Frequency, to respond directly to a multiple alarm in Staten Island. Special Box assignments Do exist to have Manhattan Units, relocate or respond via. The Holland and Lincoln Tunnels through New Jersey to one of the bridges between New Jersey and Staten Island. At one time Special Box assignments existed to have Manhattan FDNY units respond or relocate to Staten Island via the Manhattan-Staten Island Ferry. Generally, any one N.Y.C. Borough can support up to and including a 5th Alarm, if needed. Reserve and Spare apparatus can be activated to help in very major situations, hurricanes, even unusual very large fires or numbers of fires. Captain Bob Rainey FDNY Engine 26 retired